First Timers Search Results


Three participants sit on there bikes blindfolded at the start on someones signal they start riding, there first obsticle is to get over is a mini wooden platform after they get over that, two guys are waitng with paintball guns to try to shoot the riders off there bikes, if they get passed that they haft to move and try to get in the right spot to get thru the narrow opening to the finished.

News: "Cock Fight"

You have four guys portraying the typical chicken fight game which is usually played in a swimming pool (example image attached). Only, this fight isn't inside a pool of water, but a pool of sewage or animal waste. Two guys are attached to stilts. Two other guys are placed on top of their shoulders without shirts. They have rooster wings attached to their backs and rooster combs on their heads (for costume purposes of the skit). They rub each other down with baby oil to make themselves very s...

How To: Build a Basic Birdhouse

How to Build a Basic BirdhouseMaybe you were outside in your back yard and you noticed that it seemed a little lonely and empty. Our maybe you have young kids that love to experience wild life in their own back yard. Whatever reason you have for searching out this article, you have decided to build your very own basic bird house. I recently built a deck in my back and had alot of scrap 1x6 decking boards left over. Instead of letting all that good material go to waste, I decided to build a co...

News: Final Fantasy 14 Special Edition Unboxing

Final Fantasy 14 the MMO is now live. The special edition priced at $75 enables people to play eight days earlier than people getting the regular edition, which comes out on September 30th. Mine arrived yesterday and here are some pictures of what's inside the special edition version of the game:

News: Catapult Olympics

Similar to earlier submission I did with catapults, but this time there would be two or three catapults. Each of the guys would be put into one of those giant plastic hamster balls and then shot from the catapult at each other so they would hopefully hit in mid-air. Then roll them down a hill into thorn bushes so it pops.

News: Roller Skate Bobsled

Go to one of those dry-training bobsled places where Olympians train for bobsled and luge during summer when there is no snow . . . strap skates on the guys and have races down or send one down and then fire bowling balls after him. Or if in winter, same thing but on ice skates.

News: Newton's Cradle (Silver Balls)

Picture that swinging silver balls game that people sometimes have in their office (see picture). Only in this giant version, each of the guys is put into one of those giant human hamster wheels and then a crane pulls one end up and drops it and the dudes get jolted around.

News: Soccer Ball Pendulum

Suspend one of the guys in the air by rope or cable and swing him back and forth like a pendulum in front of a soccer goal, and then have some really hard-kicking soccer players start firing balls at him . . . either several all at once or one at a time.

News: Airbag asshole

Take an airbag out of a car or truck and secretly stash it under a couch cushion. When an unsuspecting victim sits on the right cushion let the airbag go. The victim will be thrown a good three to four feet in the air feeling as if someone has ripped him a new asshole, hilarity ensues this prank will be a classic. Try it first watch how funny it is and let me know if you want to party.

News: Concoctions

This is a game for however many people would like to participate. The game is simple. Everyone plays a hand of poker, whoever has the lowest hand has to make a concoction. The person who loses has to role two dice. Each die and the six numbers on it corresponds to a different list of ingredients that must be mixed into a shot glass to drink.

News: Backwards Roller Coaster Buffer

Get each guy to eat a ton of mexican or some other heavy food, or get them all drunk, then modify the seats of some really intense roller coaster, one with flips and corkscrews and stuff, so that they ride all backwards. Or, after each run they each have to take a shot. See who can go the longest or see who pukes the most. Hooray!

News: Loose Mountain Biking

Give each guy a mountain bike and send them down a really rough course or BMX track, but the fork is not attached to the wheel, the fork is just resting on the wheel but not screwed on. So, first jump or bump and it's bye-bye. See who can go furthest.

News: Squash Ball Firing Squad

Ever been hit by a squash ball? I have, and it hurts like shit and will leave an ENORMOUS welt. IDEA: get a dozen or so hard-hitting squash pros to fire away at a few of the guys, or have one of them stand facing the wall during an intense game of doubles squash.

News: mexican football

The idea is to eat as many hot bean burrito's as possible (untill u cant eat no more) then we shall play football without equipment tackling the opponent forcing him do vomit or poop out the hot bean burrito's... Steve-o shall enjoy this one lol! BORRICOS here i come OLAY!!!!

News: The Poisionous Snake

For this prank you will be pranking someone on the crew, well set up a fake prank with a nonpoisionous snake that the person who is being pranked must be bitten by....manny the expert can be there fake panicing say that the certain snake was hightly poisionness and that he needed to be rushed to the hospital because they didnt have the right antivenom....if you REALLy wanna get twisted with the prank you can have the car "breakdown" and make him start running, then down the road you can set u...

RECIPE: Pumpkin Pie Made with Vodka

Pumpkin pie is one of my favorite desserts and of great mystery to me. I've made it with fresh pumpkin and homemade crust. I've made it with canned pumpkin and frozen crust. They came out nearly identical. Yet I've had fluffy, perfect to-die-for pumpkin pie at Los Angeles' widely popular Urth Cafe (which I haven't been able to replicate at home). What's the secret recipe to truly out of the box pumpkin pie?

News: The Poisionous Snake

this idea you would be pranking someone on the crew, we can set up another stunt that has to do with a snake that is non poisionous so whoever is getting pranked will be biten by it and they can think that hey might die.....manny the expert can be there telling everyone that it is actually poisionous and they need to be rushed to the hospital as fast as possible....then to spice up the prank you can just get sic and twisted with it and pretend the car breaks down and they have to start runnin...

News: jackass guys

Jackass guysI have been laughing my ass off watching you since episode 1. I have many prank ideas for you but the best one is to have vallet parking for bam and return his car to him in horrible condition, possibly a different car, only to find out he was set up. Im sure we can adjust this idea to perfection.I'm a college student in michigan and I turn 21 in 2 weeks on october 6, but can't afford to go to vegas as planned, and spending my 21st birthday with all you guys would be an experience...

News: Super Shot

This idea I have is called the Super Shot. First, you can either do this in a bar type setting, or just build a makeshift bar of your own, whichever suits your needs, cause either shall work.

News: Golf Cart Derby

There would be 9 teams of 2. Everyone on Jackass will have a golf cart and they will be the driver of there team. Then they would pick one of the producers or other celebrities to be the passenger. The passenger will do things to mess up there opponents. They can shoot paintball guns or throw baseballs to mess up the other drivers. The Golf Cart Derby will be the exact same thing as a Car Derby but you guys will be using golf carts and having a passenger messing up other drivers ahahaa. It wo...

News: The death of a jackass (or so we'll think)!!!

Have one of the most beloved characters on jackass(steve-o,jhonny,bam) fake his death for the world to see, have them pretend to rob a bank and have a cop in there at the same time, so when they hold up the bank they get shot and since its a bank there will be cameras so thats how they got it on tape, remember this will all be fake but nobody will know. or you could fake a car crash and it would have the crew in there about to go film but only 1 would die and the rest would b just hurt.or som...

News: Thumbtack troubles!

well I don't know how funny you think it is but I found it hilarious! I had a friend staying with me and he had his own bedroom, well for some reason he put a rug outside the door to his room. We were always playing tricks on each other so one day I picked up his rug and stuck flat sided thumb tacks up through the rug and then put it back down, ( about 20 in all). That was a funny site seeing him trying to get up off of that rug with it stuck in his feet! We always pranked each other and we n...

News: 1.000.000th Visitor

1.000.000th Visitor1. you go stand behind anybody by the cashdesk.2. you ask him if you can go first 3. the personnal behind the cashdesk is anybody of the crew.4. as he says oke than says the human after the cashdesk that you are the 1.000.000th visitor.5. make the 1.000.001th visitor angry and ask him on the photo.and finish

News: Jackass 3d Contest

The Rum Punch.You sit there with a glass of Rum, drink it, then have one of your buddy's punch you hard in the face. Also funnier to do when you are drunk.Extreme Pub crawl.Go from one bar to the next, whilst wearing roller skates, the more drunk you get and the more uphill climbs you need to do to get to the next bar, could be very funny.More to come....Ross ThompsonP.s check out my own little jackass episode i made, called kettering dumbass. its on youtube

News: Fuck-A-Thon

This prank is an all day type prank. basically your just going to fuck with the person all day. The day before you are going to fuck with that person set video camera up all over the house or hotel room.

News: Drugs in Car

Go to a car dealership and test drive a car. Unbeknownst to the person test driving a car, stuff a bunch of fake drugs everywhere in the car and have the car salesman be an actor. Have the person test driving the car start to drive wrecklessly. A fake cop will pull him over and 'smell' something in the car. He takes your license and goes back to his car to run it. He comes back and says everything is okay and just to be more careful. Just before you are about to leave, the salesman looks susp...