First Timers Search Results

News: Snake Office Trick

since bam is scared of snakes, get an office room with one door that can be locked from the outside. have 2 trapped vents in the wall filled with snakes ready to go and 1 trap in the ceiling filled with snakes. but when bam goes into the office lock the door & open all the trap vents and let the snakes go in the office room so he will freak out

News: DIY Pop Tart on a Stick

Pie on a stick has been good to us, so why not Pop Tarts? (Admit it, Pop Tarts are good- and these are more like yummy pastries without preservatives.) As a tribute to Bakerella, Brooke of Family Kitchen has created a recipe for the latest addition to the lollipop dessert craze.

News: What a Dirty Old Man!

Johnny is Irvin Zisman for this one, so let's call him Irvin ;) there will be Spike Jonze too, but he will be dressed as "Gloria", the old lady. They are husband and wife in this one.Irvin goes inside a toilet, in a restaurant or something like that, with Gloria. Irvin, after 15 seconds, begins to pant, making vocal sounds like when having sex, and he goes on doing this for a minute or less, and then he stops after a "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!". Gloria and Irvin get out of the toilet : Gloria is clea...

News: Golf Cart Bullfight

This will take place in a Bullpen. Two people get in one golf cart (teams). They all start driving around, then they release the bull. Which ever team is the last driving around is the winner. I understand this is more of a stunt than a prank but i think this is an amazing stunt, and will be more entertaining than a prank. It also is relevant to jackass with the golf carts and bulls.

News: 5 Finger Buffett

Alright, this one is for Preston. Go to a ghettofab grocery store and ride one of those fat carts around in a bathrobe slightly ajar. You must wear really thick bi-focals so nobody will notice you and have a fake beard complete with flip-flops. As you walk through the store just start picking up random-ass food taking bites out of whatever you choose, and put it back on the shelf. Go around the store doing this ignoring anyone who tries to stop you. Go to the chip aisle, grab some ice cream, ...

News: Electric Dog Fence Race

So you have an electric dog fence installed in a zigzag formation across an area, say for 10 yards or 20 yards long and 5 yards wide, and you have two members of the jackass crew strap a electric dog fence collar on each of their legs. One collar per leg and one on each arm. Also you have a bark-shock collar, one that shocks a dog when it barks, strapped on their necks. You have them race from one side to the other and see who can get through the electric course first. As they run through the...

How To: Litter Box Train Your New Kitten

I love cats (dogs too - but that's a subject for a different article...;o)). There are few things more enjoyable than welcoming an adorable little kitten into one's house; watching them inspect their mysterious new surroundings - timidly at first - and then quickly make it their empire.

News: Lambo give away

Im sure everyone on the crew knows about this contest. So why not make it a big event. Just dont give details. It could be a Promotional event for the movie and Contest winner announcement with a lil hint of a prank on bam. 1/ Find a way to get bams lambo 2/ host the event to where you can hide the car from bam but also make it pop out of the stage 3/ Make it look like bam is giving his lambo away to the contest winner 4/ watch bam get so mad. April and phil would love to get in on this one. ...

News: Phone Number Tats

The idea behind this prank is two of the guys will go head to head trying to get one girls number and one guys number, both just random people on the street. Sounds simple right? No, they must tattoo the number on themselves right there in the street to make it count. The first one to win gets to smash a cake shaped like a penis in the the losers face.

News: The Devil Toilet seat

You set up a toilet, could be a public toilet, or one at a fair ( it doesnt really matter where as long as people use it ), and play certain pranks when people are on it. When people they sit down they could get electricuted, stuck to the toilet, you put cling film over the toilet, a monter pops up when they lift up the toilet seat, when they flush the toilet poo explodes everywhere. That kind of thing!

News: Skate Plates

For this one we get the whole group of skaters to just rip it up for a while and meanwhile Jeff has a switch that will screw with the ground and make it impossible for them not to fall and eat it

News: Bam's Biggest Fall

This one is screwed up and simple..... we set up Bam as if we are just doing a meet and greet and we get a hole and fill it with snakes.... the prank comes in as someone gets down on all fours and we tabletop his ass into the snake pit. as he is freaking out we all laugh our asses off and get paintball guns and just f him up

How To Live Underwater: A Nevada Family's Bubble Fort

Would you rather live far up in the trees? Or deep underwater? A Nevada family of scuba divers have built the ultimate childhood getaway: the Needham family's "Bubble Room" is an underwater fort that sits at the bottom of a lake in the Sierras. The room is an air-filled pocket, made with vinyl and anchored down by an octagonal framework of metal pipe.

News: The Jizzcicle

Aright, so we would take the make your own popcicle things and fill one with any kid of jizz...person, animal..any kind. Freeze it. Then make a cast member eat it...i was thinking that we could draw names out of a hat.