Fish Food Search Results

News: Compost human manure

Going green has never been so hardcore as Jack Mountain's bushcraft podcast. This is basically a 10 minute poo tutorial. Fortunately for us, Jack's "deposit" is simulated, and we are spared seeing the real act or his prodigious backside.

How To: Play the Snake Game Online (YouTube, Gmail & Facebook)

It's 1976. The hottest arcade game on the market is Blockade (or Blokade), an 8-bit maze game for 2 players. You and your opponent must move your characters around the screen in 90-degree angles, leaving a solid line behind them. Whoever runs into one of the solid lines first, loses. But soon you'll be able to play this fascinating game from the comfort of your own home—

How To: Follow Up With Sales Leads

3 Effective Techniques for Following Up With Leads The follow-up phase of the sales cycle is like having a goldfish for a pet, in that it's easy to forget about it, especially compared with the excitement of finding new sales leads. This is unfortunately, though, because you can outperform your competitors by following up with leads and encouraging them to choose your business.

How To: Make homemade rhubarb chutney

If you like Indian cuisine, then you have to love chutney! But you don't have to go out to eat in order to enjoy chutney, you can make your own right at home. And in this video, you'll get the recipe for a delicious rhubarb chutney, great for anything, but perfect for desserts.

News: Minecraft World's Ultimate Survival Guide, Part 5

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Part 5 in Minecraft World's Ultimate Survival Guide is, for me, the longest article to write. Since I squeezed out a lot of information from other areas to put into survivability, its going to be a fairly long read. Of course, you can just skip to your topic of choice.

News: The Soft Fur Rat

The African Soft Fur Rat though new to the pet trade is a unique little rodent with unusual qualities. Not only is this little rat a great step up for people who feed reptiles it is virtually odorless and that is definately a plus for those who would like to have a pet rat or mouse they can keep inside the house and not spend a fortune in bedding or spend a lot of time cleaning to keep the rodent odor down.

News: The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

As a California resident, I'm all too familiar with the delicious western fast food chain In-N-Out. The food is great: the fries, the shakes, the fresh ingredients, the secret sauce. And of course, the secret menu. There are only 4 items posted on the in-store menu, but for customers in the know, there are more "secret" items available:

News: DIY Pop Tart on a Stick

Pie on a stick has been good to us, so why not Pop Tarts? (Admit it, Pop Tarts are good- and these are more like yummy pastries without preservatives.) As a tribute to Bakerella, Brooke of Family Kitchen has created a recipe for the latest addition to the lollipop dessert craze.

Ekokook: The Kitchen of the Future

ZERO WASTE. Yes, You read that right. This kitchen of the future aims to have zero waste. Ekokook the kitchen concept out of design company Faltazi gives us hope for a greener future. How is this possible you ask when in most homes 85 or 90 percent of a family's trash is generated in the vicinity of the kitchen? Ekokooks kitchen system is divided up into disposing and storing your waste in three mechanized sectioned systems Solid Waste, Liquid Waste and Organic Waste. Solid Waste- The solid w...

Meatless Monday: Join the Revolution

Make My Mondays Meatless! One day a week join in on cutting out the meat! This Presidential initiative revived by The Monday Campaigns in association with Johns Hopkins, rolled out this program to the Baltimore public schools, then San Francisco went meatless and now celebrity chef extraordinaire Mario Batali and his fleet of fabulous restaurants said I'll play too! Now you too can help fuel this fire!

News: Plastic Kills?

BPA: Why Plastic Ain't Good For You BPA or Bisphenol A is in many of the products we use. Everything from Ziploc bags to shower curtains, we are exposed to BPA all the time.

How To: Make Money Online by File Sharing

When I was unemployed I looked for different ways to make money. Most of that work was connected with online stuff; I’ve tried writing content, refreshed my old Photoshop skills and even created postcards, but then I realized that my passion to music can bring me more money than all of the other work. I was an active member of a few musical forums and started to add affiliate links to my posts instead of simple ones, so they can be profitable.

How To: Make Maine shrimp fritters

There's no better shrimp than shrimp from Maine. Maine always has the best seafood, so why not use them in all your meals. These Gulf of Maine shrimp are very small and have an extra sweetness, unlike any other shrimp in the world. See how to make this Maine shrimp fritters meal.

How To: Lose Weight The Correct & Healthy Way

Obesity has ballooned into a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese by 2015. Over 20 million children are overweight today. The reasons for these distressing figures are common knowledge: The international switch to high sugar, high fat, low nutrient processed junk foods prompted by global fast food chains and their advertising; the increasingly sedentary nature of jobs; children playing video games ...

How To: Embrace the Blur

This is a continuation of a previous post about getting "unfocused" with your DSLR. We all work hard to get pictures that are sharp and have perfect focus. Maybe we’re missing the forest for the trees. Think about mood, color, ideas—in other words, not your gear.

News: Irving goes fishing and drowns to death.

The idea is to find a popular fishing spot like a pier or riverbank or low bridge and have zisman bring his pole. After a minute conversation with a local talkin bout how people don't fish like they used to hell back in my day we caught em with our bare hands you youngters are a bunch a damn pussies and more comical improv leave that part to knox then fake a heart attack and fall in the water floating face up or down which ever way the old coot lands prolly up cuz we don't want the old fucker...

News: saucy food

get a burger or some kind of food and just pour loads of spicy liquids into it like tobasco sauce, crystal hot sauce, texas pete, franks red hot e.t.c for more sauces just go to this link:,

Fire Dousing Baby Doll: WTFoto Stock Photo Challenge Winner (Plus Favorites)

For any of you not in the loop, last week marked our first ever WTFoto Challenge. The goal was to find the craziest, most absurd stock photo on the web we've never seen before. There were a lot of WTF images submitted to our community corkboard, and now it's time to announce the results of the stock image showdown. Who will win the the honor of Watermark of Weirdness? Drumroll please, imaginary band leader named Tim Drickles...

The Secret to Stock Trading: Instant Messaging Swarms

Traders are in a frenzy of instant messaging all day long. The best ones, at least. A recent study says the best traders are the ones that IM the most and the least successful traders were the ones that IM the least. So, it seems like if you can find a way to jump on the bandwagon, you can beat the odds, too. But, what's their secret? Are they passing around insider information?

News: Fluorescent Puppies You Can Turn On and Off

Always wanted a fluorescent dog but didn’t want to commit? Well, here’s your solution. Researchers at Seoul National University developed fluorescent puppies that only glow when you want them to. Just inject the special pups with doxycycline and they’ll glow like a black light poster for a few weeks. Then, they return to dull, furry normal.

How To: cook filipino pork adobo (dry/sauceless)

Adobo is on of the most famous authentic Filipino dishes there is. There are even a hundred versions of Adobo not just within the Philippines' 7107 islands but also within the country's own unique demographics. There's an adobo in Cebu and there' s an adobo in Bulacan. You can have your adobo sauced like a soup or have it without any sauce and toasted to perfection. your adobo may have pork, chicken or both. Some dishes even include fish and beef. Some have potatoes and others have eggs. The ...

Meat, Manners, and Mayhem: Vegetarian-Carnivore Communication

If you’ve watched The June the Homemaker Show, you’ve heard me mention once or twice that I’m a vegetarian. Over the course of my restricted diet eating, I’ve noticed that vegetarianism is a touchy subject among vegetarians and carnivores alike, particularly in meal-type situations. Here are some things for omnivores and, uh, not-omnivores to keep in mind when talking to each other about food preferences.