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How To: Scan for Vulnerabilities on Any Website Using Nikto

Before attacking any website, a hacker or penetration tester will first compile a list of target surfaces. After they've used some good recon and found the right places to point their scope at, they'll use a web server scanning tool such as Nikto for hunting down vulnerabilities that could be potential attack vectors.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Disabling Security Cameras on Any Wireless Network with Aireplay-Ng

Electronic warfare tactics work by jamming, disrupting, or disabling the technology a target uses to perform a critical function, and IoT devices are especially vulnerable to attacks. Wireless security cameras like the Nest Cam are frequently used to secure critical locations, but a hacker can surgically disable a webcam or other Wi-Fi connected device without disturbing the rest of the network.

How To: Exploit DDE in Microsoft Office & Defend Against DDE-Based Attacks

In our previous article, we learned how to take advantage of a feature, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), to run malicious code when an MS Word document is opened. Because Microsoft built DDE into all of its Office products as a way to transfer data one time or continuously between applications, we can do the same thing in Excel to create a spreadsheet that runs malicious code when opened. The best part is, it will do so without requiring macros to be enabled.

How To: Hack Forum Accounts with Password-Stealing Pictures

The pictures we upload online are something we tend to think of as self-expression, but these very images can carry code to steal our passwords and data. Profile pictures, avatars, and image galleries are used all over the internet. While all images carry digital picture data — and many also carry metadata regarding camera or photo edits — it's far less expected that an image might actually be hiding malicious code.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Capturing WPA Passwords by Targeting Users with a Fluxion Attack

With tools such as Reaver becoming less viable options for pen-testers as ISPs replace vulnerable routers, there become fewer certainties about which tools will work against a particular target. If you don't have time to crack the WPA password or it's unusually strong, it can be hard to figure out your next step. Luckily, nearly all systems have one common vulnerability you can count on — users!

How To: Use Linux Smart Enumeration to Discover Paths to Privesc

Privilege escalation is the technique used to exploit certain flaws to obtain elevated permissions relative to the current user. There are a vast number of methods out there to go from user to root on Linux, and keeping track of them all can be difficult. This is where automation comes into play, and a privilege escalation script called Linux Smart Enumeration is one to take advantage of.

News: iOS 13's Notes App Is Packing 15 Cool New Features & Changes

For years, Apple's Notes app has been a reliable way to jot down important ideas, tasks, plans, and more. While there are apps on the market that advertise themselves as being more feature-filled than the stock iOS option, Apple is now giving them a run for their money. Here are 14 new features and changes you'll see with Notes in iOS 13.

How To: Siri Settings, Shortcuts & Hacks Every iPhone User Should Know

Out of the box, Apple's digital assistant could be a godsend or a nuisance, depending on your daily interactions it. No matter which camp you fall into, Siri can always be better suited to your personal needs with a little customization. You can make Siri a powerhouse not to be reckoned with, or you can minimize its presence if you only need Siri help sometimes — all without any jailbreaking.