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Perform a squash solo drill: backhand drive

Squash is a racquet sports game, seemingly similar to tennis, but played on a small indoor court with hollow rubber ball, much small than a tennis ball. Squash is an intense, high impact sport. This squash tutorial demonstrates a squash solo drill: backhand drive.

News: mexican football

The idea is to eat as many hot bean burrito's as possible (untill u cant eat no more) then we shall play football without equipment tackling the opponent forcing him do vomit or poop out the hot bean burrito's... Steve-o shall enjoy this one lol! BORRICOS here i come OLAY!!!!

News: Blindfold Football

What you do is get a bunch of the guys put blindfolds on them they have to run down a field with people holding Air soft guns, Paintball guns, crew members doing anything from stopping them from making it to the touch down mark. When it comes to anything they can throw things at them like rotten food, footballs. They can tackel them, Push them. Thats what I tougt of.

How To: Make bulgar wheat vegetarian tacos

If you're not a vegetarian, but one of your family members is, or perhaps a dinner guest, you're going to have to give in a little. Realize that they eat vegetables, you eat vegetables, so it's not that big of deal to exclude the meat for one sitting. Something easy to make is something common, that everyone eats, like pizza or a taco! Exclude the beef base and keep the veggies.

How To: Create an Epic Build in Minecraft

Minecraft is not just a game. It is a creative tool. Over the past year and a half countless epic builds, servers, and community projects have been undertaken. I'm sure some of you have seen the one-to-one scale recreation of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek or the epic server Godcraft. Countless projects such as these are being worked on as we speak, and they serve to inspire us all.

News: 10 Argentine hooligans are deported... is it just us?

In the news this past couple of days, we've heard of about 10 Argentine hooligans being deported back to Argentina before the start of the World Cup. I'm glad for the South African authorities showing that they have a firm grasp of security leading up to Friday's kick-off, and that the inter-agency cooperation between countries was a serious one.

News: "How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords"- The Art of Cracking

Lifehacker posts an article on the art of cracking weak passwords, courtesy of Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides. Pozadzides certainly knows a thing or two about password logic. (Note: this information is not intended to hack into accounts, but rather to protect you from using weak passwords).

How To: Unravel a Bound Off Row

There will be times when you've finished a project, such as a scarf, that you've already bound off, when you will realize it's not quite as long as you want it to be. You will have to unravel the bound off row, add more yarn, and then start knitting again.

News: Building-Sized Überorgan Emits Heavenly Music and Farts

Tim Hawkinson is an artist who truly inspires. The Los Angeles based artist creates complex, whimsical sculptures with simple mechanics and basic materials. One of his most notable pieces is the art-world-renowned "Uberorgan", a giant football field sized, fully-automated bagpipe, cleverly constructed with plastic sheeting and pieces of electrical hardware.

How To: Repair asphalt cracks

Tired of seeing cracks or holes in your asphalt driveway that negatively impact the "curb-appeal" of your home? There is a simple, yet messy, solution that won't cost you much. By putting in a few hours of time on a weekend, you can again realize what your driveway looked like when it was new! Over time the asphalt will become faded and cracks will develop. Cracks and potholes form due to the freezing and thawing of snow and ice, weed or grass growth in small cracks, and general wear and tear...

How To: Refinish wood floors with a drum sander

Hardwood floors in older homes can be hidden treasures. You may not realize it, but under the dark finish, scuffs and scratches is probably a beautiful hardwood floor just waiting to shine through. Sanding off the old finish gives you a chance to get down to the bare wood and erase many of the scratches and dents. Then you can choose a stain that is more to your liking, or just put a clearcoat on the floor for a pleasant, warm appearance.

How To: Refinish wood floors with an oscillating sander

Hardwood floors in older homes can be hidden treasures. You may not realize it, but under the dark finish, scuffs and scratches is probably a beautiful hardwood floor just waiting to shine through. Sanding off the old finish gives you a chance to get down to the bare wood and erase many of the scratches and dents. Then you can choose a stain that is more to your liking, or just put a clearcoat on the floor for a pleasant, warm appearance.