Foreign Fighters Search Results

News: Charles Officer Talks About 100 Musicians | TIFF '12

The director of 100 Musicians and Nurse/Fighter/Boy talked with us about old school filmmaking Charles Officer has directed shorts, music videos for K’naan, and the features Nurse/Fighter/Boy and Mighty Jerome, a documentary about Canadian track star Harry Jerome. His new short 100 Musicians, which screens Monday as part of Short Cuts Canada, is a small ode to civic optimism, concerning itself with a lovers’ argument over who exactly misheard a radio DJ reporting the plans of Toronto’s much m...

How To: Obtain an international driving permit

This video is provided by "Betty Sell" from AAA travels. In this video she tells about the international travel and also about the important documents to be carried while carrying out an international travel, that is the international driving permit, commonly called as an IDP. It's very important to carry an IDP while traveling overseas because an IDP acts as an important recognizable form of photo identification which helps us to communicate with foreign authorities. To get more information ...

How To: Pack your wallet for an itnernational trip

With all the documents ready, we need to fill our wallet with money for the travel. This video discusses various ways of filling the pocket. That is how to prepare the money for international travel. Over the years credit cards have been widely used by many travelers, which is safer than carrying cash. In this case we need to contact the credit card provider well in advance and notify them about the travel. Also we need to learn about the various fees applicable to international purchases. Th...

How To: Play DuelBeats on Your iPhone or Android Before Anyone Else

Fans of rhythm tap games and traditional one-on-one fighters finally have something to bring them closer together. DuelBeats, a fighting game that lets you perform moves by tapping to the beat of a song, has been released as a soft launch for both iOS and Android in New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore. Just because the game is exclusive to those regions doesn't mean we can't try it out for ourselves, and with a little hackery, it's entirely possible to do so.

How To: Play Almost Any Retro Video Game on Your Nexus 7 Tablet

Arcades, Nintendo, Sega, and 16-bit graphics ushered in a new level of gaming that was leaps and bounds ahead of the early Pong days. I remember loading quarters into the machines and playing 2D fighting games until all my money ran out. When I wasn’t in school, you could usually find me at the arcade playing Street Fighter, The King of Fighters and Marvel vs. Capcom. At home, I had my Super Nintendo and Super Mario World keeping me glued to the television until the next boss stage.

How To: Change a 700Cx38 bicycle tire with baby powder

In this how-to video, you will learn how to change a 700Cx38 bicycle tire with baby powder. You need a tire tool, a new tube, new tire, baby powder, a bag, and a bicycle that needs a tire change. Run the tire tool around the rim to remove the tire Remove the old tube from the tire and check the tire for foreign objects. Take out a brand new tube and place it in a bag with baby powder. This will help the tube move around freely once installed. Inflate the tube a tiny bit, find the label on the...

How To: Get permanent residency in Canada through CEC

The CEC, Canada Experience Class, is a new program to help a person who has held residency in Canada gain permanent residency status. The program realizes that, by going to school or living in Canada while working, many people have the skills necessary to make the transition to live in Canada permanently. To qualify for CEC, you must be a temporary worker living in Canada for at least two years with two years of skilled working experience. A second way you can qualify is by being a foreign gr...

How To: Help someone who is choking

Choking is the mechanical (either by foreign object or compression) obstruction of outside air flowing into the lungs. Learn about choking, including emergency treatments like CPR, in this medical how-to video. Remaining calm and performing one of the procedures below could help someone who is choking.

How To: Change a flat tire on a dodge charger

To change your tire on your dodge charger you need your jack, your spare, and your lug tool. To change the tire you will take the jack and place it under the proper spot underneath the car. You will find that the lug tool from your American car to look a bit different than a lug tool from a foreign automobile. A foreign tool will not be as bendable. Engage your emergency brake while changing your tire to prevent the car from moving especially if you have a flat by the side of the road. By rot...

News: The Nokia 6 Is Finally Coming to the US (Maybe)

The Nokia 6 has been out since January, releasing in China before having a slow trickle of releases throughout the year. Despite announcing a global release, the United States never received a street date for the smartphone, and for all this time, Nokia has left us out to dry. Now, it seems, their phone could be on its way as the 6 has received its FCC certification.

News: White House Hacked by Russian Hackers!

Yesterday, April 7th, it was revealed that the United States White House had been hacked by allegedly Russian hackers. According to reports, the Russian hackers used social engineering/phishing to get a foothold in the U.S. State Department and then pivoted from that system/network to the White House. Although the White House said no confidential information was compromised, the President's appointment calendar and other information were. Attribution or "blame" for the hack was made more diff...

How To: Can tomatoes

Botanically, tomatoes are fruits, but an 1893 Supreme Court decision changes that. They were ruled to be considered vegetables, allowing for a higher tax to be placed on imported tomatoes. Seems silly now. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as lycopene, a cancer-fighter. Enjoy tomatoes throughout the year by canning your summer harvest.