Foreign Tongue Search Results

Scrabble Challenge #10: Would You Play a Phoney Word to Win?

A phoney word in a game of Scrabble is basically a non-valid word, either played or considered being played. Why? To fool the other player and go from losing to winning. It's perfectly acceptable in Scrabble play, but only if you don't get caught. If the other player challenges your play, then you'll be forced to remove it and your turn will be skipped. That right there—not fun.

How To: Sneak Past Web Filters and Proxy Blockers with Google Translate

Do you need proxy access, but cannot have it for some reason? The most common perpetrator behind the issue is the network you're trying to access the pages from. Some networks will block websites, then go as far as filtering out all of the web queries for terms like "proxy" because it can get around their filter. Quick web proxies can be used for tons of other things, though.

News: OMG! World's Strongest Beer!!

What is the Strongest Beer in the World?? Long live the Queen and move over Sean Connery because the Scottish have done it! The strongest beer in the world belongs to a company called Brewdog out of Fraserburgh. The beer is called Tactical Nuclear Penguin and has an alcohol content of over 32% -WOW! That is more than many hard alcohols and its creator warns it should be drunk in "...spirit sized measures." This means no 12oz. bottle for this mother of all beers. Instead try a 2oz. shot glass!

News: 48 HRs to Stop Monsanto! It takes 1 minute. Start Here!

Hi OLers. Take one minute out of your day and tell your congressman to get to work for you and Food Democracy NOW! Your congrassman has until the end of this week (48 hours) to sign the letter to ask Secretary Tom Vilsack to MAINTAIN the ban on Monsanto's genetically-modified (GMO) Roundup Ready™ alfalfa. You have the power to make the change, make your voice and theirs heard now. Send them this letter today asking them to do what they can to protect organics, farmers and the environment from...

News: Unconventional Edit in Mann's "Public Enemies" (DP: Dante Spinotti)

I watched Michael Mann's "Public Enemies" (DP: Dante Spinotti) last night for the first time and was struck by a very unconventional, yet effective (I think), cut. In the opening sequence (video below), Dillinger is driven up to the entrance of a prison and escorted out of the car. The scene is established in a long lens medium wide shot (probably 200mm from 150' away...Note: standard 35mm dimensions, not 2/3"). After a few steps/seconds, it cuts to a wide angle lens closeup (24-2mm from with...

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: HELLEBORE

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: HELLEBORE [n] A hellebore is any of the approximately 20 plants from the genus Helleborus, many of which are poisonous. Hellebores are herbaceous perennial flowering plants from Eurasia related to the buttercup family, having showy flowers with petaloid sepals.

News: Water, Chocolate and, Tequila Shortage

Source: all news are absolutely true, then we are in deeper trouble than we previously thought. Read full articles by clicking on the link above. I know this is a bit late but the thought takes time to sink in and it makes me shudder at the thought.Source:

How To: Restore and Sharpen Rusted Scissors

Leaving scissors wet or forgetting them outside can cause them to rust. Rusty scissors, if you can even open them, will leave brown marks on everything you attempt to cut through. Attempt is the truth—rust dulls the blades of the scissors making it virtually impossible to cut through any type of material, ranging from paper to fabric. But don't toss the scissors in the trash just yet. You can restore rusted scissors to a usable condition provided they are not completely covered and have rust ...

News: Gross Mouth to Mouth

Okay so it begins with someone either me or one of the jackass crew in the classic old person makeup that makes them look as nasty as possible. Then we get in an elevator with unsuspecting people and the "old person" pretends to be having a heart attack or something. finally, then we convince one of the strangers to give the nasty-ass old man mouth-to-mouth resucitation :) the person playing the old man make it gross as possible and throw in some tongue moves too.

News: News Clips - June 6

Collapse At Hand Ever since the beginning of the financial crisis and quantitative easing, the question has been before us: How can the Federal Reserve maintain zero interest rates for banks and negative real interest rates for savers and bond holders when the US government is adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt every year via its budget deficits? Not long ago the Fed announced that it was going to continue this policy for another 2 or 3 years. Indeed, the Fed is locked into the policy.

News: Curbing our Hubris

"The suspect is based out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state. He has been identified as a staff sergeant in the Stryker brigade who was taking part in a village stability operation in Afghanistan. He is a 38-year-old married father of two on his first deployment to Afghanistan after three previous deployments in Iraq.", reads an article from MSNBC.

Community Byte: HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 3 - Legal Hacker Training

Welcome to another Community Byte announcement from Null Byte! The goal of the Community Bytes is to teach people in a co-operative, hands-on manner. Learning from experience and immersing yourself in a subject is the best way to learn something foreign to you, so that is exactly what we do! In our sessions, we have started to both code and complete HTS missions. This means that there is something for everyone here, so make sure you join us.

News: Australian Government Finally Comes Around on Video Games—Well, at Least a Little

The Australian government has a dysfunctional history with video games. Any regular Yahtzee Croshaw follower can attest to that. The Parliament has established a series of unfortuante regulations that make games both highly taxed and overregulated in price. Bringing any goods all the way to an island in the bottom of the world is expensive to begin with, and new games in Australia can tip the scales at $80 or more.

Final Combat: Cheap Chinese Knock-Offs Come to Video Games

Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is one of the best multiplayer games of all time. It took nine years to make, and the developers have supported it with more post-release free updates than any other game ever. Four years after its release in 2007, it is still immensely popular, and although its price has gone down, Valve has managed to continue making a massive profit by introducing the first successful microtransaction model in a mainstream American shooter. That model has been so successful that it lo...

Shortcut: 5 Secret Body Tricks

Body hacks. So simple, so ingenious. They're the shortcuts in life. We love them, the internet loves them. Back in 2008, somebody named Alicia Goh wrote a friendster blog post that has been passed along far and wide. Her tricks of the body include quick solutions for an itchy throat, a stuffy nose, a dire need to pee, and more. My favorites:

How To: Prepare For And Travel Safely

Traveling. It can be anything from going to the Grocery store, to driving down the street, or flying to different places. Traveling is done by everyone, everyday. But there are some dangers to it as many people know by now. But here are some tips to help you stay on track.