Forex Scene Search Results

How To: You're Using Lidar on Your iPhone and iPad — And You Don't Even Know It

Lidar, a technology first used by meteorologists and aerospace engineers and then adopted in self-driving vehicles, has slowly crept into consumer electronics over the last five years. If you have a Pro model iPhone or iPad, there's a good chance it has a lidar sensor, and you're likely using it whether you know it or not.

How To: Get Night Mode on Older iPhone Models to Shoot Low-Light Scenes Like an iPhone 11 or 12

Night mode, which helps you snap great photographs in low-light environments, is a feature available only on the iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 lineups. It's a useful tool to have in your arsenal, especially if you're fond of nightlife photography. Still, you don't have to purchase a newer iPhone to get Night mode shooting capabilities.

How To: Record Video with Two Cameras at the Same Time on Your iPhone

The iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max introduced a new rear camera system to the iOS ecosystem. Each model has a new ultra-wide lens in addition to the wide one, and the Pros have a telephoto lens. Both have improved selfie cams too. With so many lenses, it can be challenging to choose which to film with, but why pick when you could shoot with two at once?

How To: Run a Reverse Image Search Quickly Using Any Photo on Your iPhone

Google Images, TinEye, and other reverse image search engines can help you find where images appear on the internet. You can discover what TV show or movie an image comes from, who took a photo, and if the profile picture of someone you're talking to online is really them, among many other uses. And there's a shortcut for iOS that makes running a reverse image search easy.

How To: Hack UnrealIRCd Using Python Socket Programming

UnrealIRCd is an open-source IRC server that has been around since 1999 and is perhaps the most widely used one today. Version was vulnerable to remote code execution due to a backdoor in the software. Today, we will be exploiting the vulnerability with Metasploit, examining the underlying code to understand it, and creating our own version of the exploit in Python.

How To: Use Snapchat to Figure Out What Song Is Playing Around You

Say you're sending a snap to a friend at a restaurant, bar, store, what have you, but you're curious about the song that's playing in the background. You could leave the app to Shazam it, or you could ask screen-hogging Siri or Google Assistant what the track is, but why not just have Snapchat do the work for you? With its built-in scanner, you can discover a song without ever leaving the app.

How To: Make Your Selfies Look Professional with This Simple Lighting Adjustment Trick in Photoshop Express

Picture this: You finally get that awesome angle, the perfect selfie. You can't wait to post it on your Instagram, except there's one problem — it looks a little flat and the colors just seem off. Maybe it's the lights? Or maybe your new smartphone camera isn't as good as you thought? How are your friends getting those beautiful photos they've been posting on social media?

News: Magic Leap One Teardown Reveals Sophisticated Hardware with Shortish Shelf Life & Low Repairability

One of the primary marketing tactics used by Magic Leap in promoting the Magic Leap One was selling early adopters on the "magic" contained within the device. On Thursday, some of that magic was uncovered as the Magic Leap One was completely disassembled by repair engineers, revealing the delicate innards of the device and detailing how it delivers its augmented reality experiences.

How To: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker: Using Ship for Quick & Handy IP Address Information

Whether you're white hat, black hat, or some shade in-between, navigating through a network is a core part of hacking. To do that, we need to be able to explore a network to discover the addresses of gateways, interfaces, and other attached devices. When ifconfig just isn't enough, you can steer your way around a network with a convenient tool called Ship, the script for everything IP.

Steganography: How to Hide Secret Data Inside an Image or Audio File in Seconds

Steganography is the art of hiding information in plain sight, and in this tutorial, I'll show you how to use Steghide — a very simple command line tool to do just that. In addition, I'll go over a bit of conceptual background to help you understand what's going on behind the scenes. This is a tool that's simple, configurable, and only takes a few seconds to hide information in many file types.

How To: Throw on Regular Clothes for Halloween & Still Terrify Everyone as the Characters from 'Get Out' (Group Costume Guide)

Get Out absolutely tore up the record books this year. And the wildest thing about it? It did so with the most ordinary looking characters and props ever (hence the shoestring $4.5 million budget). Which makes it a godsend for the time- and cash-strapped come Halloween. With Get Out, Jordan Peele is the first (and only) African-American writer-director with a $100-million film debut under his belt. The film is also the _all-time highest domestic grossing debut based on an original screenplay ...