Formal Meeting Search Results

News: The $2,400 Video Card

For $2400 this thing might as well be covered in diamonds and friend chicken. Looking to blow a month or two of rent on something less responsible? Sure, rent might put a roof over your head but it never gave you 49.99 frames per second on Crysis.

News: Mitakuye Oyasin

This expression, mitakuye oyasin, comes from the language of the Lakota Sioux, a tribe among the Native Americans. It means "We are all related." It's uttered upon crossing the threshold into the Sweat Lodge, the small, low structure used by the Sioux for their sacred purification ritual, the Sweat. In Seido Karate we have a saying we utter upon entering the dojo and upon greeting others: Osu! Osu is an abbreviation of the expression Oshi shinobu osu, which means "maintain patience."

How To: How high is your landfill?

Think about how many things you truly throw in the trash, and how many times you empty your trash, only to be taken away by the garbage man and out of your sight. Well, the truth is that its not exactly out of your life. Statistics show that on average each person uses 350 trash bags each year, thats 100 billion all together, and the worst part aboput this fact is that it takes up to 500 years for each of the bags to decay. Thats right in your city at your landfill, bags pileing up, polluting...

News: Parent "Agents"

I’m seeing a flood of posts on youth football forums and even getting a few e-mails from youth football coaches complaining about “player agents” also known as parents. Most of these unhappy coaches are dealing with parents that have non-issues, have an agenda, are misinformed, don’t know much about the game of youth football or are just people that gain great pleasure from complaining. The 80/20 rule is more like 95/5 in youth football, 95 percent of the problems are caused by 5 percent of t...

News: Let's Get To Cookin' !

So you love the idea of delicious dinners from farmers market finds, but that idea isn't going to cook itself! Maybe your mama was one hot Italian lady but she only knew how to push the power button on the microwave. No matter the challenge or limitation have no fear, local cooking classes are here to help. Here is a list of some great classes that come highly recommended from friends across the country. So put down that take out menu and pick up your phone and get to cookin! Happy Eating!

News: My Name is Kira, and I'm an Addict...

...a FarmVille addict, that is. Poor Kira is just one of many who pours way too much time and money into their virtual Facebook homesteads. Zynga’s FarmVille is the most popular of the many Facebook web games. In fact, it attracts more than 75 million players monthly.

News: James Cameron to Shoot Alien Lifeforms in 3D

How do you top a movie like Avatar? James Cameron's recent release pioneered in 3D technology, and was the first film to gross more than $2 billion, as well as being the highest grossing 3D movie of all time. What do you do after wrapping up a project like that? Well, Cameron's current plans truly place him at the crossroads of science and art. Cameron has paired up with NASA to shoot Mars in 3D.

How To: Be more outgoing

Keith Ferrazzi offers suggestions on how to be more outgoing. It can be painful but it’s not as hard as it seems. Talking to people you don’t know can be frightening, but what is even worse is that you miss out on opportunities to meet people. There are ways to learn to speak up.

L4D2: The Riverbank and the Wedding Witch

The Passing takes place before Dark Carnival in L4D2, right after Dead Center. The chapter starts with random chatter between characters of part 1 and 2. You'll see either Francis or Zoey on the bridge, but they don't always say the same thing. Zoey! We miss your slow witted jokes! The game uses the aging Source engine, modified throughout the years with new effects to keep it current. Outdoor scenes look great but indoor scenes suffer.

News: Tequila Balls Slide Down Sweet and Easy

Finally, Jell-O shots hit Japan. You would think the land of pop, sickly sweet, and incredibly creative commercialization of endless innovative products would have long ago begun serving an alcoholic drink that is A) candy colored B) candy tasting and C) slides right down the gullet, easy as 1-2-3. 

How To: Renew Your Passport

If you are traveling to a different country, whether on a business trip or vacation, you must have an up-to-date passport. Luckily, passport renewal is relatively easy for people living in the United States. All you need to do is mail in some paperwork and photos.

How To: Do a cable crossover exercise

Cable crossovers are great for building and shaping the chest muscles. This exercise is performed using a cable pulley machine. First, ensure that the cable pulley is mounted above shoulder height. Adjust the weight (usually a weight stack) as needed.

How To: This Is the Quickest Way to Add a New Contact on Any Phone

The awkward silence when you're adding someone's name and number to your contacts is worse than usual since you're meeting a new person and this is part of their first impression of you. So don't get labeled as clumsy or slow before you even get a chance to network with your new contact — just whip out your phone and confidently showcase this trick instead.

How To: Run a Successful Student Council Campaign

Running a successful student council campaign requires hard work and preparation. Whether you’re part of a candidate’s support group or a candidate yourself, you need to focus and give it all you’ve got. As Vince Lombardi said, “Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”

How To: Recreate the One-Color Smokey Eye

The smokey eye has become one of the most popular makeup looks in recent decades. Worn by celebrities and the casual consumer alike, it is not only popular but is also one of the hardest looks to recreate. A few months ago, I was aske to create a simple, easy to follow tutorial for creating the smoky eye effect for Sorme Cosmetics. Taking the classic smokey eye, which consists of three shades of shadow, pencil and liquid liners, and mascara, and developing a quicker method for achieving the s...

News: 6 Meaningless Claims on Food Labels

Hi OLers read the following article to gain some great insight into the mischevious advertising ways of food labels. Thanks to the New York Times for this great article below. Happy Eating6 Meaningless Claims on Food LabelsAlthough food labels are supposed to tell us exactly what’s in the food we’re buying, marketers have created a language all their own to make foods sound more healthful than they really are.Today’s “Consumer Ally” column on AOL’s WalletPop site explores misleading food-labe...

News: Fossilisation Machine Cuts 1,000 Year Process Down to 3 Months

Artist Austin Houldsworth of the UK has come up with a device that drastically speeds up the process of fossilisation. Entitled Two Million & 1AD, Houldsworth is capable of creating a fossil in a few months (which otherwise might require thousands of years). Houldsworth is currently experimenting with objects such as a pineapple and phesant, but ultimately hopes to fossilize a human. Houldsworth proposes:

How To: Convert Images Into PDF

We always have so many file formats in our computer, we use MS Word to view .doc files, MS Excel to view .xls files, Adobe Reader to view PDF files, image viewers to view all kinds of image formats, and browser to view html files. It seems we need to install many programs to view so many kinds of file formats, and we have met a lot of people who wonder how to solve such problems. So can we transfer those files into one uniform and secure format? The answer is definitely yes, we are here to in...