Forward Thinking Initiatives Search Results

News: The real angels...

have u ever thought how angels will look like or how they behave ..?its not a hard thing ...the lil ones fly around the home like bees are the real angels...

News: Human Tyre

wat u will need tractor tyres big balls a big hill a ramp dung spreader and a human cow for breaks this 1 is kinda self explanatory pick ur tyre climb inside get a push ride the hill fly the jump get sprayed with shit then run a human cow over hahahaha makes me laugh just thinking about it garentee this will be hillarious to watch im from britain so im not eligable for the compo but reading this must have made u laugh so if u have space for it please use it thanks for reading rick

How To: Write Poetry

Poetry to me is an expression of the sudden noteworthy inner thought, that arrives unexpectedly in an ephemeral, fleeting form. When you are attracted to the idea of creating some verses, do not sit there with the pen in your hand trying to force yourself to create poetry. If anything, you will produce something boring, you will pull words by the ear, and use too many of them absolutely unnecessarily. It is because you do not have direction, and if you think you do, than it is something too t...

News: Monkey Shoulder Whisky

I wish this site wasn't so full of Flash annoyances. This new whisky is actually a triple-malt that's aged in Bourbon casks. It's made for cocktails. Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? Anyone seen it or give it a try? What do you think of it?

News: Is Gravity an Illusion?

Something so basic, yet so mysterious... Gravity seemingly a law that we must live by... or is it? Check out this fascinating article from the New York Times, examining one scientist's bid to redefine what we think about as gravity.

News: Shoot Anamorphic with a Clamp?

Here is a Philip Bloom Meet Up in Key West where they spent the day shooting Anamorphic, with an anamorphic clamp. I don't think this video looks that great, but Im not sure if its the clamp or the lenses they used in the clamp. The Anamorphic Clamp available for $75 USD at

How To: How One Makes a Jonah Hex Wanted Poster

This blog process explains the thought process and research that went into creating this wanted poster for the new movie Jonah Hex, which stars Megan Fox and Josh Brolin. I really like the in-depth background, and the linocut he made. Admittedly it looks awful, but it's from the same people who made Crank, so maybe it's watchable.

News: Not another show review..

Instead of taking the standard approach of writing a show review about how amazing or horrible a band played, I thought I'd turn around and review the crowd for each show that I go to. I'm interested in the types of people and demographics each artist/band attracts. In the end, crowd response is pretty clutch.