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News: Oculus Is Collecting a Scary Amount of Data for Facebook

The highly anticipated VR headset hasn't been on the market long, but there's an issue that has some consumers, and even government officials, concerned about the Oculus Rift. You probably guessed the issue surrounds privacy and the extensive, not-so-secret way that it's collecting your personal data. The privacy concerns came about as various customers and media outlets took notice of the rather lengthy Terms and Services that pop up once you strap yourself into the Rift headset.

The Passport: BlackBerry's Last Stand

BlackBerry was one of the first companies to put anything that resembles a modern-day smartphone on the market, but now, seeing one out in the wild is like stumbling upon a fossil. Now that they've announced the BlackBerry Passport, it seems as if this is their last-ditch effort at remaining relevant.

Dark Side of the Prism: Get Alerted Whenever You Visit a Website Owned by a PRISM-Targeted Company

Since The Guardian published leaked documents exposing the depth of the NSA's spying powers, many people who've never put much effort into protecting their privacy are finally starting to pay attention. Evidence of public opinion concerning PRISM can be seen from the rise in traffic for pro-privacy sites like DuckDuckGo to the petitions demanding that the program be scaled back or done away with altogether. Some would argue that you waive your right to privacy by signing the terms of agreemen...

News: Use Decentralized Cloud Storage to Keep the NSA from Tracking You

There has been much talk about how unsecure the cloud is because of PRISM’s newfound ability to demand all of your data without any resistance. This has spin doctors in the Cloud Storage industry losing their mind. They suddenly went from a central hub for 10GB of your files, to an easy window for Big Brother to track you through. Centralized cloud storage is no longer a safe way to keep your files, but we still need a way to access our files anywhere we go.

How To: Read a balance sheet in accounting

In this Business & Money video tutorial you will learn how to read a balance sheet in accounting. Yu can learn to read it quickly and easily as to where the company’s came from, where it went and where it is now. There are four main financial statements; balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and statements of shareholder equity. In the balance sheet, under assets are listed things that the company owns that have value. Liabilities are amounts of money company owes to other...

How To: Choose a web hosting company

In this video about choosing a web hosting company. The narrator begins by saying that web pages are hosted on servers; the files that make up a web site are hosted or stored on a server. The narrator recommends a service called Host Gator. He indicated they are reliable and provide reasonably priced web hosting services. He briefly discusses the process they charge for their different levels of hosting services. Next he shows the steps to hook your domain name to the host account. He demonst...

Gadget Hacks' Pandemic Prep: Apps, Info & Services to Keep You Safe & Productive

As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, counties, cities, and states are closing down businesses, events, and schools that aren't absolutely necessary. Some companies around the US are recommending or requiring employees to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic. If you're stuck at home, there are apps and services to help you make it through a lockdown.