Friend's Birthday Search Results

How To: Pour a perfect pint with the makers of Guinness

In this tutorial, we learn how to pour a perfect pint. This beer is the beer of Ireland that is served most popular at the pubs in Ireland. To pour the perfect pint, first grab a clean glass and pour the beer in at a 45 degree angle until you almost reach the top, then pour the beer straight. Let the beer sit for a couple seconds, then pour the beer with the tap away from the glass. Pour until you reach the very top, then serve the beer to friends or family. After this, drink your delicious b...

How To: Light paint with a camera, flashlights, and tripod

Light painting or light writing is one of the coolest of the coolest multimedia arts. It consists of setting a camera for a very long exposure in a dark area, then moving light sources around in front of the camera. When the aperture finally closes, you will have a photo where the light is preserved everywhere it was. Basically, you've drawn on a photo with light. How cool is that? This video will show you how to do it quickly and easily, allowing you and your friends to enjoy this exciting n...

How To: Do the funnel-in-the-pants trick

Now this is a funny prank that you can pull on children or some of your more gullible friends. All you do is demonstrate for them that you can stick a funnel in the front of your pants and a coin on your chin, wait ten seconds, then dump the coin into the funnel. When they try to do it, you sneak up in front of them and dump water into the funnel. They'll look like the totally pissed themselves, and then probably try their best to beat you to death with the funnel. Great trick.

How To: Create a demon face warp effect in After Effects

To bring demons back from the dead is tricky business, and what you need to do is get some candles, a blanket, and a book of spells. Also, possibly some snacks in case you do bring those demons into the living world, because they're going to be hungry, and you don't want them to eat you, do you? And where you need to go is a graveyard, and you have to go at night. Also, bring a friend, because dying alone is horrible, if it comes to that.

How To: Remove the tray from the XBox 360 DVD drive

If you are serious about modding your XBox 360, and painting the console is a part of your plan, then you should paint as many parts as you can to make the coolest overall look. This video will show you how to remove the tray from the disc drive of your XBox 360, allowing you to paint it or manipulate it in whatever other way you like. This way, when the drive pops out, it will match your console, and your friends will be in awe.

How To: Make realistic claw marks on the face with makeup

If you want to have a character get attacked by a predatory land animal in your movie, you are probably going to need to put some claw marks on their body to make it look realistic and visceral. This three-part video will show you how to create a really realistic open claw mark wound on an actor's face, or any other body part. It looks really, really good, now try it yourself and scare your family and friends!

How To: Do the "Smack Light" trick with a Zippo lighter

Looking for a way to light your flame with flair? Look no further! In this clip, learn how to light your Zippo by smacking it on something - the bar, a hand, a friend.. without ever flicking the starter. This is a cool little trick to earn you some cred in your local pub. So, the next time someone is looking for a light, be ready with this cool effect.

How To: Play a game of marble solitaire

During this day and age of video games and HD televisions, more kids are relying on electronics to keep them entertained. But, for many people who grew up without such things, simple board games like chess, checkers, and even Monopoly was all they needed. Another great game was marble solitaire. It was easy to play and took some strategy to win. So in this tutorial find out how to play a game of marble solitaire. You'll enjoy it and so may your friends and loved ones.

How To: Make homemade Bluegill fish bait

In this tutorial, learn exactly how to make bluegill fish bait at home. This video will display two different recipes for making dough bait. Both of these methods are fairly easy to create and can be made with items in your kitchen. Along with the step by step instruction, you will also be taught why each of these methods works and what their downsides may be. You may feel like you're about to bake a cake with these ingredients but don't worry - that's exactly the idea! Learn how to make this...

How To: Change your Facebook language to "Pirate"

We all know that September 19th is National Talking Like A Pirate Day, but did you know that even your Facebook page can join in the festivities? At the top of you Facebook page, click "Settings". From the page that comes up, click on the "Languages" tab. On the next page you will see a drop down menu of all of the languages that Facebook makes available to its users. Scroll down within this drop down menu until you see "English (Pirate)", and select this option. When the page reloads, your "...

How To: Monetize Facebook fan pages & groups

This training video will show you easy techniques to monetize fan pages and groups on the social networking site Facebook! To earn money, you must first crate an account on YouTube, then you need to upload a video. Also you have to sign up for Google Adsense, which will allow you to earn money from people clicking on the ads in your video. Then just create a Facebook fan page with a link to your video. Invite all your friends, and let the ball roll! If a video has 1000'000 views, and ONLY 1 i...

How To: Make your own Twilight movie poster with Photoshop

This three part video tutorial will show you how to take an ordinary photo and turn it into a Twilight movie poster, using Photoshop. This video takes you step by step through the process from finding your image to editing it into a funky, unique poster. Now all you have to do is print it out and blow it up and you will be the envy of all your Twihard friends!

How To: Perform the "spellbound" card trick to impress friends

Andy Field shows his audience how to perform the Spellbound magic trick. The video is set up as a tutorial which means he is explaining to the viewers how the trick is performed, or in other words what his secrets are. The trick itself is fairly complex and to grasp the full understanding of the concept it is recommended that you watch the video. According to Andy, most people already suspect how he is doing the trick, but he just wants to confirm their hypothesis. The video is five minutes a...

How To: Perform the "don't blink" card trick

This videos shows the instructor performing the don't blink card trick. The video begins with the instructor holding six cards all of spades and numbers excluding the ace card. He then said his friend asked him why he does not play poker anymore and he responded with " Well the last time i played i zapped somebody". The instructor then slides his fingers over the cards and they reveal as completely different spade cards with no explanation of how the trick was done. The instructor does note t...

How To: Make innocent URLs appear suspicious with ShadyURL

Want to disguise your URLs so that they appear suspicious? In the style of websites such as Tiny URL that take your original URL and give you a shortened one to post on your blog or twitter feed, Shady URL takes your original URL and gives you one that might convince people not to click it. Go to Shady URL and paste the URL you wish to disguise. Click submit, and on the next page it will give you a URL that looks, well, shady. It might include something about a mail order bride or an investme...

How To: Manage your stress in five simple ways

Dr. Lin Morel discusses stress in an easy to follow format in this short OneMinuteU presentation from 2008. Her first suggestion is to breathe deeply. She follows that up with paying attention to your body and taking care of it. Then she discusses enlisting friends for support with the stress. Her second to last suggestion is to take time to be still and rest. Her final idea is to create a plan of attack for dealing with stress so that you are prepared when it comes up. These easy steps are g...

How To: Draw Tony Montana (Al Pacino) from Scarface

"Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!" That's a famous quote from none other than Tony Montana, otherwise known as Scarface, played by Al Pacino, near the end of the film, when he starts blasting everyone away. If you by chance want to learn how to draw Mr. Scarface, it's fairly easy. This tutorial is full of pointers that makes it easy for beginners and experts alike.

How To: Perform the Aces All Again card trick

Learn how to do an amazing card trick that will impress your friends. The magician starts out with a quick example of a trick that everyone has probably seen and then leads into a more advanced card trick, called All Aces Again. He first performs the card trick then he shows us how the trick works. This particular trick takes a little preparation and no need to shuffle so that even a child with small hands can perform! Once the magician completes the card trick, he shows us how to lead into t...

How To: Build a steamer trunk

The Wood Whisperer thinks you have what it takes to be a great woodworker. In this 4-part series, the Wood Whisperer is building a steamer trunk for a friend. He takes you through the process of building a steamer trunk, from beginning to end. Check out more tutorials on woodworking by searching for woodworking on WonderHowTo.

How To: Make a duct tape wallet

Duct tape is tough, long lasting, and versatile. Check out this 3 part tutorial to learn how to make a simple and fashionable duct tape wallet. Use the duct tape wallet template provided for your convenience. Show off your newly created wallet to your friends!

How To: Escape from a straitjacket

With the help of magician Dan Martin, you'll learn the steps to escape from a straitjacket! Hopefully you won't find yourself in a serious situation where you need to escape from a straitjacket, but if you want to simply impress your friends or put on a magic show, this video is a great tutorial for you.