Friends Colony Search Results

How To: Make a Cricut spinner "dream" card

How to make a creative card. You can use different colors of paper and decorative embellishments. This is a great idea for a scrapbooker that has supplies already on hand and wants to give a special gift to a friend or relative. This activity is a great idea for someone who needs a cheer-me-up but if you change the paper and embellishments, you can make any kind of theme card.

How To: Caveman on a skateboard

Come along with Melvin the Nerd as you learn to do "the caveman" on a skateboard. His charming personality, hilarious mannerisms and speech are fun to watch as well as educational. Learn this simple trick in just a few steps by jumping up with one foot, pulling the board under your feet and quickly leaping onto the skateboard. In just a few minutes you'll impress your friends with your new tricks and have had a great laugh while learning.

How To: Draw a Hummer

Whatever your views on the environment and fossil fuel emissions might be, you have to admit Hummers are pretty complicated looking vehicles. That's why it will be all too impressive when you show your friends how to draw one. You'll some skills and, I hate to say it, a good amount of patience, but an awesome Hummer drawing in just eight steps away! This video will show you the best way to draw a Hummer.

How To: Link your Facebook account & Playstation 3 / PS3

In this video tutorial, learn how to add your Playstation 3 activities to your Facebook newsfeed. By doing this, you can share three things on Facebook: Your Playstation trophy information, purchase information, and game event information... all while you compare yourself to those friends on Facebook that are signed up as well. Get your PS3 on Facebook and let the world know how you're kicking Playstation's ass.

How To: Perform a riffle fan card flourish

Card flourishes are more of an art form, not really necessary for your magic card tricks and illusions, but really cool to impress your friends. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to perform a riffle fan card flourish, which you can use to either fan your cards out, or as a riffle by itself. This riffle fan card flourish is an impressive card trick, no magic involved.

How To: Prank people at the grocery store

No one likes having their food messed with. That makes it all the more fun to do so right? This video will show you some fun pranks that you can pull to mess with the food of your friends and neighbors. They include making surprise disgusting layer dip and ordering unusual combinations of items at the grocery store, but are all freakin' hilarious and require relatively little setup or risk.

How To: Have proper internet etiquette

Just because the internet renders you virtually anonymous does not mean social customs should be ignored. Just like in the outside world, there is etiquette that should be obeyed if you want to be treated as a friend rather than an annoyance online. In this how to video, Proper Ollie teaches you how you can have proper internet etiquette in social networking forums.

How To: Let others download photos from your MobileMe Gallery

With Apple's MobileMe, you can easily allow your visitors to download beautiful, full quality photographs from your MobileMe Gallery. Check out this video tutorial for all of you newbies out there on sharing your pictures with friends and family, from the Internet. All this can be done, from the safety of your Mac or PC, with the world wide web.

How To: Make a video podcast using iMovie

If you're creating a series of movies, you can use a video podcast to share your movie with team members and friends. A video podcast can be a series of videos you post to a website over time. Others can subscribe to your podcast and watch your latest movies whenever you add new episodes. Preparing a movie to be a video podcast is easy to do from iMovie.

How To: Photocast with iPhoto

With a MobileMe account and iPhoto, you can publish albums to the internet and allow your friends and family to subscribe to them using photocast sharing. Then, as you add new photos, iPhoto automatically updates the published albums for your subscribers. NOTE: MobileMe is the replacement for .mac accounts.

How To: Publish your site using iWeb

Once you've designed your first couple of pages how you want, it's time to share your new site with your friends and family. To publish your site to .Mac, you must have at least a trial .Mac membership. When you're ready, just hit the Upload button in the toolbar.

How To: Build a Morse code telegraph

Keeping secrets out of the wrong hands warrants desperate measures—or maybe just sensical. If you have a secret, the best way to protect it is with a code—and the best way to transfer that secret message is via an electronic telegraph system. This video will show you how to make your own homemade electronic telegraph machine, so that you can send those encrypted Morse code messages to your friends without fear of prosecution.

How To: Do the whiskey and water swap bar trick

Somewhere between bartending and magic, this trick will transform water into whiskey, and fast! Watch them switch places as the video shows how you get whiskey into a glass full of water, without taking the water out off the glass. The whiskey and water trick is a fun bar trick to show your friends.