Friends Colony Search Results

How To: Dance the Achy Breaky Heart line dance

OK, are you looking to jump in your time machine and dance the Achy Breaky Heart line dance. Well, this how to video will prep you for your trip to the past. Get you comfortable shoes, gather up your friends who are eager to dance this country classic, and start heart breaking today! One, two, three, four, leave your horse outside the door. Don't get down, stand up! Oh Billy Ray, we'd never break your heart! Even after you wrote this song.

How To: Play Hai Guzarish piano chords for the telugu song

Are you looking to play Hai Guzarish? Come on, who isn't!? Well, this clear, straight forward how-to walks you step by step, note by note and chord by chord through this classic song. Stop pounding your head trying to figure out how to play this song and just watch this instructional music video. You'll impress your friends, family and total strangers when you pull out this little diddy. Once you learn this you'll know one more set of chords for telugu songs.

How To: Make a rhinesone stencil template

Like a rhinestone cowboy! Yahoo! Alright, time to get your arts and crafts on and create your very own rhinestone stencil template so you can dazzle and bedazzle your friends and family or whatever craft project you're currently working on. Follow the steps of this nice how-to and learn to make your very own rhinestone stencil template! You're going to need a program like MS Paint, Photoshop or some other image creation or design software to make your stencil.

How To: Make an iPhone secret spy camera

This how to demonstrates how to use your Apple iphone as a spy camera to spy on others. If you're suspicious, paranoid or just downright creepy, this video can show you how to convert your Apple smart phone into a device for surveillance on others.

How To: Quilt as you go with your sewing machine

Quilt as you go is becoming one of the most popular quilting methods out there and this video will show you how to do the technique using only your sewing machine. This method allows you to create a quilt in no time flat. You'll need lots of fabric strips, squares or triangles. You'll also need baton and backing, thread and of course a sewing machine. You'll see this project appear before your eyes and your friends will be impressed and amazed!

How To: Create a color explosion with this cool science experiement

Soap is an incredible thing and this how-to shows some of its incredible qualities. You'll need a plate, some whole mile, some food coloring, some Q-tips and some dish detergent. It's an explosion of color! Some very unusual things happen when you mix a little milk, food coloring, and a drop of liquid soap. Use the experiment to amaze your friends and uncover the scientific secrets of soap.

How To: File a player complaint with Microsoft if you are dissatisfied with Xbox

In this tutorial, we learn how to file a player complaint with Microsoft (Xbox 101). There is no tolerance for file complaints, cheating, rude remarks, and anything of that nature. The file complaint feature should only be used if someone really violated the code of conduct. When you feel someone has crossed the line, you will tap the guide button, then select friends. From here, choose the person from the group and identify the complaint. View the profile of that person, then you will be fin...

How To: Sign in offline to Xbox LIVE

In this tutorial, we learn how to sign in offline to Xbox LIVE (Xbox 101). First, you will go to your Xbox console and then go to 'my Xbox'. After this, you will go to your preferences and then go to 'Xbox live'. From here, change your setting to make it say that you are offline. Save this and then everyone will think you are offline when you are really on and playing! This can help you out if you don't want to play group games or chat, but your friends want to. Just make sure to set it back ...

How To: Prank roommates with a table, a toilet, and a balloon under their car tire

Great pranks, like death and various other phenomena, come in threes. This video is a perfect example of that, and will teach you three awesome pranks that you can pull on a roommate, friend, or mortal enemy. First, you'll learn about placing a table over a sleeping persons head and waking them with an airhorn. Second, you'll learn how to rig a squirting toilet. Lastly, there's the fake tire explosion balloon trick. All classics, all easy, all things you should go try.

How To: Prank Bury One of Your Friends Alive in a Box

This prank has it all. It's easy to do, requires few materials, won't cause physical harm to anyone or anything (hopefully), and will absolutely terrify your victim while amusing you for days. All you need is a securely passed-out person and a big box (flat piece of plywood optional). You cut out one side of the box so that it will cover the sleeping person like a coffin, then pound on the top to wake them. They will likely think that they have been buried alive and flip out like the guy in t...

How To: Pour a perfect pint with the makers of Guinness

In this tutorial, we learn how to pour a perfect pint. This beer is the beer of Ireland that is served most popular at the pubs in Ireland. To pour the perfect pint, first grab a clean glass and pour the beer in at a 45 degree angle until you almost reach the top, then pour the beer straight. Let the beer sit for a couple seconds, then pour the beer with the tap away from the glass. Pour until you reach the very top, then serve the beer to friends or family. After this, drink your delicious b...

How To: Light paint with a camera, flashlights, and tripod

Light painting or light writing is one of the coolest of the coolest multimedia arts. It consists of setting a camera for a very long exposure in a dark area, then moving light sources around in front of the camera. When the aperture finally closes, you will have a photo where the light is preserved everywhere it was. Basically, you've drawn on a photo with light. How cool is that? This video will show you how to do it quickly and easily, allowing you and your friends to enjoy this exciting n...

How To: Do the funnel-in-the-pants trick

Now this is a funny prank that you can pull on children or some of your more gullible friends. All you do is demonstrate for them that you can stick a funnel in the front of your pants and a coin on your chin, wait ten seconds, then dump the coin into the funnel. When they try to do it, you sneak up in front of them and dump water into the funnel. They'll look like the totally pissed themselves, and then probably try their best to beat you to death with the funnel. Great trick.

How To: Create a demon face warp effect in After Effects

To bring demons back from the dead is tricky business, and what you need to do is get some candles, a blanket, and a book of spells. Also, possibly some snacks in case you do bring those demons into the living world, because they're going to be hungry, and you don't want them to eat you, do you? And where you need to go is a graveyard, and you have to go at night. Also, bring a friend, because dying alone is horrible, if it comes to that.

How To: Remove the tray from the XBox 360 DVD drive

If you are serious about modding your XBox 360, and painting the console is a part of your plan, then you should paint as many parts as you can to make the coolest overall look. This video will show you how to remove the tray from the disc drive of your XBox 360, allowing you to paint it or manipulate it in whatever other way you like. This way, when the drive pops out, it will match your console, and your friends will be in awe.

How To: Make realistic claw marks on the face with makeup

If you want to have a character get attacked by a predatory land animal in your movie, you are probably going to need to put some claw marks on their body to make it look realistic and visceral. This three-part video will show you how to create a really realistic open claw mark wound on an actor's face, or any other body part. It looks really, really good, now try it yourself and scare your family and friends!

How To: Do the "Smack Light" trick with a Zippo lighter

Looking for a way to light your flame with flair? Look no further! In this clip, learn how to light your Zippo by smacking it on something - the bar, a hand, a friend.. without ever flicking the starter. This is a cool little trick to earn you some cred in your local pub. So, the next time someone is looking for a light, be ready with this cool effect.

How To: Make "hot stuff" nachos

From Betty's Kitchen, Betty makes a version of friend's "Hot Stuff" nachos. These nachos are a spectacular addition to a Super Bowl Sunday party or any sports party for that matter. To make these nachos, you will need the following ingredients:

How To: Play a game of marble solitaire

During this day and age of video games and HD televisions, more kids are relying on electronics to keep them entertained. But, for many people who grew up without such things, simple board games like chess, checkers, and even Monopoly was all they needed. Another great game was marble solitaire. It was easy to play and took some strategy to win. So in this tutorial find out how to play a game of marble solitaire. You'll enjoy it and so may your friends and loved ones.

How To: Make homemade Bluegill fish bait

In this tutorial, learn exactly how to make bluegill fish bait at home. This video will display two different recipes for making dough bait. Both of these methods are fairly easy to create and can be made with items in your kitchen. Along with the step by step instruction, you will also be taught why each of these methods works and what their downsides may be. You may feel like you're about to bake a cake with these ingredients but don't worry - that's exactly the idea! Learn how to make this...

How To: Change your Facebook language to "Pirate"

We all know that September 19th is National Talking Like A Pirate Day, but did you know that even your Facebook page can join in the festivities? At the top of you Facebook page, click "Settings". From the page that comes up, click on the "Languages" tab. On the next page you will see a drop down menu of all of the languages that Facebook makes available to its users. Scroll down within this drop down menu until you see "English (Pirate)", and select this option. When the page reloads, your "...

How To: Monetize Facebook fan pages & groups

This training video will show you easy techniques to monetize fan pages and groups on the social networking site Facebook! To earn money, you must first crate an account on YouTube, then you need to upload a video. Also you have to sign up for Google Adsense, which will allow you to earn money from people clicking on the ads in your video. Then just create a Facebook fan page with a link to your video. Invite all your friends, and let the ball roll! If a video has 1000'000 views, and ONLY 1 i...