Funeral Rituals Search Results

How To: Know the difference between a ritual and a ceremony

Guruka Singh shares his thoughts on the difference between doing something as a ritual and a ceremony. Also taking about the power Guruka Singh shares his thoughts on the difference between doing something as a ritual and a ceremony. Also taking about the power and science behind many of the Sikh related practices

How To: Offer wudu or perform ablution

In Islam, the act of wudu is a cleansing ritual that is performed before prayer. This video shows us the basics of completing wudu, and the importance of being clean as a way of showing your devotion to Allah. Instructions are given as to the order of cleansing body parts, so that this ritual can be performed as thoroughly and perfectly as possible. Watch this video for more information on wudu

How To: Wait... Photographing Your Meals Actually Improves Them?

Last year, The New York Times wrote that certain restaurants in Manhattan and Brooklyn banned patrons from taking photos of their meals. That means no flash photography, no standing on chairs for a better angle, not even a quick pic for your Instagram followers before the first bite. Little do these restaurants know, this ban can actually make their customers' food taste worse, so to speak.

How To: Cook Chinese chicken satay

In China, chicken holds a special place in Chinese rituals and symbology. Chicken is also believed to restore youth and good looks. This instructional cooking video provides a written recipe in addition to visual guidelines for cooking Chinese chicken satay.

How To: Receive an Aliyah

This video shows you how to receive an Aliyah when at the synagog. Learn everything you'll need to know before you get there, and what to expect during this Jewish ritual.

How to Tie a Tie: The Novotny Knot

Get noticed at your next social function or at work with a different and new way to tie your tie. I will be covering amazing and unique knots as well as traditional knots. If you're a man, and you probably are if you're reading this, the odds that you will one day have to ironically wrap a tie around your neck are really high. Like, sky high. It might be for a job interview or for your own wedding, and you'd do well to put one on at the funeral of anyone over the age of 60.

How To: Relieve the Pain of Sunburns

As a pale white boy growing up in Florida, you learn how to deal with sunburns. Most people will say to take cool showers to relieve the heat, but that only temporarily alleviates symptoms. The problem is that the sun has evaporated the moisture from the skin. The answer to relieve the stinging and pain is to re-moisturize the skin. I've done this countless times and it always works.

How To: Wash hands before eating bread, as per Jewish law

This animated video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to wash your hands in accordance with Jewish law before eating bread. Besides cleanliness and holiness, the instant reason the rabbis call for washing before bread is to keep alive the memory of the proper treatment of teruma (the first priestly tithe that may be eaten only by kohanim and their instant families, and that must be eaten only in the absence of any tum’ah – ritual defilement).

How To: Make a witch's lucky mojo bag

Krazyboytx shows viewers hot to make a witch's lucky mojo bag! First, you should light a green candle before you even start the ritual and anoint this with lotus stone oil! You will need a lodestone, a toka bean, a green mojo bag, dropped tears, spring water and seeds of paradise. Take the lodestone and boil it. Drop the lodestone in the spring water. You either bathe with this water or drink the water - without the lodestone. Next, get the toka bean and put it in your hand and make a wish. P...

How To: Desensitize your dog to a muzzle

Dee from Applause Your Paws Dog Training demonstrates how to desensitize your dog to a muzzle by using a hand-feeding ritual with your dog on a daily basis for a week. The objective is to have your dog work for its food instead of feeding him from a bowl. In other words, you will reward him his daily food if he does what he's told. First, fill the bowl with however much you feed the dog in one day. The first 3 days will be used to get the dog accustomed to eating the food from your hand. If h...

How To: Eat sushi at a restaurant

Sushi is one of the fastest-growing cuisines across the globe. To become a true citizen of the world, prepare yourself with this primer on sushi-eating rituals. Watch this how to video to learn how to properly eat sushi.

How To: Sharpen Kitchen Knives with a Newspaper

Just like skinning a cat, there's more than one way to sharpen a knife (disclaimer: while I advocate sharpening your knives daily, please don't ever even consider skinning a cat). There's a stone, for an uber-sharp finish; the underside of a mug, for an awesome makeshift sharpening tool; the chef's daily ritual, honing with a sharpening steel; and then there's the remarkably simple, old-school Japanese trick—using a newspaper. Step 1: Grab a Newspaper

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