Games Online Search Results

How To: Play Settlers of Catan board game

Gom Gaylor and Frarque Meissen introduce the Settlers of Catan board game. They go over some simple strategies for winning the popular game. This is said to outpace Monopoly in adoption rates and popularity! This was the board game of the year in 1995. The US has been slow to adopt it, but now they play lots. They discuss the game pieces, rules and strategies.

How To: Play Mahjong

There was this game called Mahjong that originated in China, and this game needed four players, and this game involved skill, strategy, calculation, and a little thing called chance, not to mention a few tiles or cards. Well, this game is not a thing of the past, Mahjong is played all over the world, a lot of the times as a gambling game, but here in this video tutorial you'll learn how to play Mahjong for simple fun with a few house rules.

How To: Compete with a video game for a boyfriend's attention

You know he cares more about you than his precious video games; he just needs a little help showing it. This video gives tips for luring a boyfriend away from video games, by compromising his love of competition and skill-based games with other activities you can enjoy together as a couple. Watch this video dating advice tutorial and learn how to compete with a video game for your boyfriend's attention.

How To: Play Risk on your own wall with your own game pieces

Who wants to play Risk the old fashioned way? No, I don't mean with armies and such, but the board game. Well, what if you wanted to play it on your wall? Then make a big game and build your own pieces, and see how to do it here. Watch the first video for making the board, the second for making the game pieces, and the third video for making the cards and dice.

How To: Play Why Did the Chicken...

Board game enthusiast Scott Nicholson reviews a new game each week showing you the pieces and rules of play, as well and demonstrating the game with friends. This weeks game, Why Did the Chicken..., is a party/group game about coming up with punch-lines to jokes.

How To: Play Santiago

Board game enthusiast Scott Nicholson reviews a new game each week showing you the pieces and rules of play, as well and demonstrating the game with friends. This weeks game, Santiago, is a strategy game involving auctioning, maintaining plantations and even working with other players at times.

How To: Learn to Code Your Own Games with This Hands-on Bundle

We've shared a capture-the-flag game for grabbing handshakes and cracking passwords for Wi-Fi, and there are some upcoming CTF games we plan on sharing for other Wi-Fi hacks and even a dead-drop game. While security-minded activities and war games are excellent ways to improve your hacking skills, coding a real video game is also an excellent exercise for improving your programming abilities.

News: 3 Ways Developers Are Already Turning Mixed Reality into a Multi-User Platform

Microsoft's HoloLens may the coolest new advancements in technology we've seen in quite some time, and anyone (with deep pockets) can buy one right now. But so far it's been an isolated platform where you experience mixed reality alone and others watch you air tap nothing but air. Developers are working to change that, and we're seeing the first examples crop up online already.

How To: Hack a PSP 3000 or 2000 with ChickHEN R2 5.03

The PSP has never had the software support that it needed to be a really commercially successful system. Since Sony blew it already, you may as well go the extra mile to make this expensive little thing you bought more useful right? This video will teach you how to hack a PSP 3000 or 2000 with firmware version 5.03. This is a complete hack, meaning that you will be able to play .iso games and everything when you are done. Get to it! This should let you unbrick your psp 3000.

How To: Escape vault 101 as a baby in Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is one of the first, if not the first, game to allow yourself to play your character when they are but a 1-year-old infant. The player is meant to be confined in a small area for this portion of the game, but need not be! This two-part video with instructions will show you how to escape the confines of your father's apartment and wander the games entire world map while still a baby! You will not be able to do many of the game's essential functions (you are a baby) but this is still ...

How To: Prepare to paint a portrait

Sessions Online School of Fine Arts brings you this tutorial video on painting. Search WonderHowTo for Sessions Online School of Fine Arts for more art tutorials. This video art lesson demonstrates what is needed in preparation for portrait painting.

How To: Buy and sell vintage video games

If you've got video games that have been sitting on the shelf for months, or even years, you might be interested in selling them. Or maybe, you want to expand your collection by picking up some vintage Nintendo or PlayStation games. This video is a helpful guide to buying and selling used video games.

How To: Safely buy and sell stocks and shares online

In this tutorial, we learn how to safely buy and sell stocks and shares online. First, go online to your broker and open an account. You can do this through Options Xpress. Now, press on the stock button located at the top. On this page, you will be able to type in the stock symbol, then type in the rest of the information before you place your order. Once you do this, you will have bough a stock in just minutes online! If you want to sell a share, you will do the same process, except underne...

How To: Walkthrough Limbo for the Xbox 360

If you're looking t0 purchase a new arcade game from the Xbox Live Arcade lineup, Limbo should be on top of your list. This puzzle platform game is a 2D side-scroller that puts you against dangerous environments, numerous hidden traps, and a huge giant spider. You play a nameless boy who is in searching for his missin sister. The game offers graphics unseen by any other game and some pretty interesting and tough puzzles that need to be solved.

How To: Make a paper abyssal whip from the game RuneScape

If you enjoy playing the game RuneScape, this tutorial may be of interest to you. In this four part video series, you'll find out how to make a paper abyssal whip that is a powerful melee weapon. This is a common weapon that many people use and can be recreated in the real world. This video will show you how to make a cool looking paper abyssal whip from scratch. So sit back and enjoy!

How To: Beat The World's Hardest Game

So you think you have what it takes to conquer The World's Hardest Game? Well then lets see what you got! Before you set out on your quest for epic fail how about you check out this video showing you exactly how to beat the game, level by level.

How To: Hack Demolition City 2 with Cheat Engine (10/12/09)

This is a video about "How to Hack: Demolition City 2" by Travis. This is a flash game. To begin hacking, go to the game and enter the first level. At this point, you do not have any cash. Specify that you are using Mozilla in the cheat engine. After you have completed the first level, write "double" variable in value type and then type the value for the first level, and you can easily notice the game appearance seems to be changed, because the second level of the game consists of first level...