Gaming Websites Search Results

First Round: What really grinds my gears.

What do you guys think about all these "pleasant" ties? I'm so not cool with waking up to watch a game, only to fall asleep again. The lack of goals scored in these first few games is really discouraging and detrimental to new viewers and the growth of the sport in the U.S. This is apparently one of the lowest scoring World Cups in a long time.

News: Opening game in 3D. First impressions.

I've been curious to watch one of these famed '3D' games for a while now. Last April at NAB, I attended several 3D panels and folks from ESPN suggested that one of the strongest experiences that would bring 3D into the home would be live sports. I've missed opportunities to watch the PGA Masters broacasts, and NCAA games, but being a hardcore Soccer (Futbol) fan, I've been most excited about this possibility. It did not disappoint, but not without some concessions. I will be as detailed as po...

News: Facebook Privacy Settings

You could read through Facebooks Privacy Guide, but I found it a little confusing and a lot of people have been asking me for specific settings. SO here are some screenshots of the privacy settings so you can find where everything is located really easily!

News: Joe Danger on PSN

A cartoony, "Trials HD"-type game being released today. It's multiplayer so you can take on people at home or online. Looks like a lot of fun. You can also create your own levels. Here is an excerpt from the Game Informer review:

News: Advertising in Alan Wake

These are great times. It is about time advertisers invaded our video games in the same way they do our driving (billboards), walking (fliyers, posters), and our private home (emails, bulk mail, text messages).

News: Alan Wake Episode 3 Gameplay & Musings

There are no spoilers in this writing, read without worry. Finished Episode 3 of Alan Wake yesterday, impressed by different reasons. I originally bought the game for the possibility of great story, dialogue, and voice acting. That part of the game has been disappointing. What has stood out from playing episodes 1 to 3  is the level design and game play.

News: Major Announcement - ALL NEW TO MIKEYSSMAIL

Mikeyssmail and ALLFREECROCHET are now in video partnership. You will see some videos being presented on behalf of ALLFREECROCHET with me being the instructor. You can find all free crochet stuff at their website Their website lives up to their reputation. I am totally excited about this opportunity. You will start seeing videos uploading as early as tonight on my You Tube. My videos are already available on their You Tube Space. This is a brand new venture for t...

How To: Find your external IP address

In this tutorial, we learn how to find an external IP address on your PC using different websites. First, find a website that will let you find your IP address for free. Once you find this site, it will not only give you your IP address, it will show you where you are in the world. Not only will it tell you where you are in the United States, it will tell you your exact coordinates and pin point your location on a map. There are many sites available online that will do this, a great site is I...

News: FarmVille Harvests the World via iPhone?

Word of mouth is that Zynga is preparing to harvest the world.  Is this a horror movie?  No, but FarmVille has already invaded millions of homes, and now it wishes to conquer our pockets.  They're gearing up for a mobile platform, one that will reach millions more via the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android.

How To: Find out IP addresses and shut down computers

In this video we learn how find out IP addresses of websites and shut down the computers with those IP addresses. To do this click "start", then "run" then type command prompt. In the command prompt type "tracert website" (example tracrt then hit enter. Various IP addresses should be returned. Then in the command prompt type "shutdown-i" and hit enter, this opens the remote shutdown dialogue. In this dialogue you can add the IP addresses and adjust the various other options then c...

Arthrobots: Steampunk Insects on the Loose!

A man named Tom Hardwidge has taken it upon himself to create an army of steampunk insects from a bunch of different found materials, including bullets and pocket watches. He's made a ton of them—and they're really awesome. They're modeled after real insects, too, and aren't just fantasy creations. His website has them all categorized by species, with clever, robot-inspired names. His arthrobots are for sale, too, so if you're interested in owning your very own horde of steampunk insects, you...

How To: Speak Your Tweets (Egyptians Can Use Twitter via Voicemail)

You may have read an earlier post about Egypt blocking popular social websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube due to demonstrators disseminating videos and photographs, along with coordinating movements, during the protests against President Hosni Mubarak. In that article, you learned how to use proxy servers and VPN services to bypass those website governmental blocks.

Perform a squash solo drill: backhand drive

Squash is a racquet sports game, seemingly similar to tennis, but played on a small indoor court with hollow rubber ball, much small than a tennis ball. Squash is an intense, high impact sport. This squash tutorial demonstrates a squash solo drill: backhand drive.

How To: Use RSS feeds effectively

RSS feeds are a way to check for updates to your favorite websites, without having to visit each site individually. We'll show you how to use this great timesaver. How to use RSS Feeds effectively! Use RSS feeds effectively.

How To: Create links in Dreamweaver CS3

This video shows you how to create email links, text links, and image links to internal and external pages on a website using Dreamweaver CS3. You learn how to use the Link box, folder icon, and Point-to-File icon in the Property inspector to create links for text or images. You also learn how to add e-mail links using the Insert bar. Create links in Dreamweaver CS3.

How To: Use 9-slice and 3-slice scaling in Fireworks

This video shows you how to slice a button for a website using 9-slice scaling and then using 3-slice scaling. Scaling is done the same way in Fireworks and in Illustrator CS3, so the concepts done here in Fireworks, are the same in Illustrator. Knowing how to use these tools will make creating rich symbols much easier. Use 9-slice and 3-slice scaling in Fireworks.

How To: Create a Bling Bling diamond effect in Photoshop

Are you interested in creating a hip hop related website? In this video tutorial you will learn to create a Bling Bling rap diamond effect in Photoshop. "Bling-bling" is a hip hop slang term which refers to elaborate jewelry and other accoutrements, and also to a lifestyle built around excess spending and ostentation. Create a Bling Bling diamond effect in Photoshop.

How To: Install Minecraft in Ubuntu the Right Way!

Hello everyone today I am going to be going over installing Minecraft on Linux (Ubuntu) as if it is any regular program a game. This method makes it super easy and clean in that you will not need to run a .jar every time you want to play this game. This is very simple to do and it dose not only install Minecraft as if it is any regular game/program it also gets the best version of Java to run Minecraft. Download:

News: This is Shrove Footbal

Each year on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, Ashbourne becomes a war zone! The majority of the ablebodied men, women and children take to the streets to play what is probally the largets football game in the world! - The two teams number in the hundreds, and the palying field is 3 miles long, 2 miles wide and has the town of Ashbourne in the middle!

News: Updating Your Website

¬¬Just about every business has a website these days but very few businesses know how to effectively use their websites to get more customers. There are two different things that a business owner needs to do to increase their website traffic: optimize their site so that search engines can find them easier and promote their site on the internet so that they have greater visibility. This article will discuss how to optimize a website.