Gas Increases Search Results

How To: Revert Back to the Classic Google Maps Version for Desktop

When the Google Maps web app got a massive redesign earlier this year, I was pretty excited to try it out, but it was a fairly disappointing update for me. The slower load times, confusing street view, and bicyclist neglect are just a few of the reasons I don't enjoy it over the old classic Google Maps. The brand new drag-and-drop measuring tool released this week is actually pretty useful, but not enough to change my mind.

How To: Speed Up & Supercharge Your HTC One

HTC pulled out all the stops when designing the HTC One M8. From it's sleek body, to it's incredible sound quality, this thing just oozes sophistication. While all of these add-ons are great, they can be incredibly taxing on the CPU, in turn causing some serious lag.

How To: Increase iPhone Security with an Easy-to-Remember Passcode That Changes Every Minute

If somebody really wants to gain access to your iPhone, they'll get in. Phone thieves (and mischievous friends) can easily figure out your passcode just from looking over your shoulder or tracing over the oily smudges on the screen. And if you're using popular passcodes, birthdays, and addresses on your iPhone, you might as well disable lock screen security entirely.

How To: Make HUGE Soap Bubbles

Learning to make giant bubbles for this video has been the most fun I've had with a project in a long time. It's addicting to try to get them to grow bigger and bigger than the ones before. Since filming this video, my skill has improved tremendously and the bubbles you're about to see, though spectacularly big, are dwarfed by what I've made since. Everyone loves to watch. This is definitely one project that will draw a crowd!

How To: The Trick to Hearing Your Friends Better at Loud Clubs & Concerts (And Having Them Hear You)

You may not notice it when you're intoxicated and banging your head to the music, but when you're at a club or concert, your ears are getting seriously damaged. The noise level is usually above most people's pain threshold for sound, which begins around 120 to 140 decibels. At that level, it only takes a few minutes to damage your hearing. For me, there's something even worse than long-term hearing loss in a loud environment—not being able to hear or talk to your friends.

How To: Fix Plastic Car Bumpers

If you are wanting to learn how to perform small repairs to your car, then plastic repair is something you need to learn how to do. Cars are using more plastic now than ever before. With car required to increase fuel mileage, I don't see the use of plastic going away.

How To: 9 DIY Tricks for Cleaning Your Car

Ever see those cars so covered in dirt, dust, and grime that someone writes "Wash me" on it using their finger? Well, for those cars' sakes, as well as cases less extreme, a word of advice: procrastination is not a solution — it can only compound the problem. Self-cleaning cars are the stuff of the future, not the present, and your car needs attention now.

How To: Is Facebook's New Graph Search Creepy or Cool?

Facebook has been looking to launch a new product for a while now, and it seems they've finally realized what they're best at—being as creepy as possible. If you thought your boss checking out your girlfriend's beach photos was weird, Facebook's new Graph Search has only upped the ante. Now, I don't want to be an alarmist, because I'm sure there are a bunch of great things a Facebook search would find. If you're single, perhaps you could search "Girls that are single that like Goodfellas." Th...

How To: Donate to Charity by Just Surfing the Web as Usual with Tab for a Cause

When we surf the web, we tend to do it for selfish reasons. Whether it's on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, or Wikipedia—we're trying to connect with people, voice our opinions, watch funny videos, or do research for that 12-page paper due tomorrow. Whatever it is, it's usually to benefit ourselves. Well, what if you could not only benefit yourself while surfing the web, but benefit others in need, without even having to alter your habits?