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How To: Want Detailed Flight Data for Your Backyard Rocket? Use Your iPhone

Rockets will always be cool no matter what age you are, and building your own rocket is even better. If you have an iPhone that you aren't afraid to blast off into the sky, then you can try and build your own iPhone Rocket to record and analyze flight data, like Byte Works did. The list of parts is a little hefty, but their blog provides you with all of the information you need to make sure you have everything. The most important thing you need is the sensor tag, so that you can record the am...

News: Quite Possibly the Best Lightsaber Replica Ever (This Is Not a Jedi Mind Trick)

Bradley Lewis is a visual effects artist for BioWare by day, but in his spare time he runs Slothfurnace, a blog dedicated to showcasing his incredibly realistic lightsaber replicas. His latest, which took 18 months to build, is Obi-Wan Kenobi's Reveal Lightsaber from A New Hope. It was made with a real crystal, just like the movies, and has a Crystal Focus Saber Core designed by Plecter Labs which controls the light and sound. The blade is composed of 84 LED lights and powered by two 3.7 volt...

How To: Build a Piston-Train Tug-O-War Game in Minecraft 1.3.

Getting two sticky-pistons to pull eachother, a piston-train, isn't anything new but the pistons and their timing in 1.3 are and there has been alot of QQ-ing on the Minecraft-forums about how bad they are and that Jeb should bring back the old pistons we all know. I, for one, not only welcome out new 1.3-pistons but have also made a small mini-game out of them. A two-player tug-o-war. The players stand on the diamond or emerald area and press a button to make the piston-train take one step t...

How To: Add a back button to the top button in WordPress

If you would like to add a "back" button to the top of your Wordpress blog, then you will need to go to Wordpress admin. When you get there, you will need to find "Thesis Options". Then, click on it. Next, find "Header Scripts" and click on it. Copy and paste the script into the box. Next, save it by clicking on the green button that reads "big ass save button".

How To: Upload Wordpress files using Filezilla

In this video, we learn how to upload Wordpress files using Filezilla. Before you get started, you will need to know the host, username, and password for your domain name. After this, click the quick connect button to connect to your server. The left hand side will show the local files on your server. Look in the root directory of your server and right click, then choose "create directory". Now, click on the plus sign to see a blog sub directory. Next, find where you downloaded Wordpress onto...

How To: Import Flickr photos to Facebook

Linking your social networking activity together has never been so easy. Randy Ksar shows us the simple process of linking your Facebook and Flickr accountstogether so you and your friends can view your them both easily without navigating from site to site. First, you should log into your Facebook page click on Profile, select settings and you should see Activity. All you need to do is simply click on the Flickr link and type your Flickr user account name and you're done. Note that your Flick...

How To: Plant garlic in your vegetable garden

Garlic is great for spicing up your meals (and keeping vampires away!) and fall is a great time to grow it. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to grow garlic in your garden. Get some garlic bulbs from a seed catalog, nursery or organic grower, and you'll soon have a garlic crop to be proud of.

How To: Grow vegetables late in the season

Come the fall, your garden is probably going to be looking pretty spare. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are vegetables that will thrive in the fall. In this Growing Wisdom gardening tutorial, you'll learn how to grow vegetables in the cooler months.

How To: Make a leaf fence

Autumn leaves may be beautiful, but they can also be incredibly annoying as they pile up around your garden. But there are things you can do with autumn leaves, like mulching them, composting them and turning them into a living fence. In this episode of Growing Wisdom, Dave Epstein walks you through how to make a leaf fence.

How To: Fold an origami Reindeer

Learn how to fold an origami Reindeer with instruction by Ancella Simoes. Ancella Simoes is the author of the Origamiancy Blog and creator of all the Origamiancy origami tutorial videos on WonderHowTo. From Ancella's site:

How To: You Don't Need a New iPhone to Take Live Photos

Since Live Photos are nothing more than a glorified, built-in GIF generator on the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to get this "exclusive" feature on an older iPhone. While taking a Live Photo does eat up a lot of processing power, which the A9 chips can handle perfectly, older iPhones can still manager fairly well—no 3D Touch needed. You just need a jailbroken iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to do it.

How To: Have Your Passwords Ever Been Leaked Online? Find Out with PwnedList

It seems like every other day there's a new security threat or data leak in the news. Whether it's your credit card PIN or your smartphone's apps leaking your email address, no one wants their personal information out there, especially passwords. And if you use the same email address and/or password for more than one site, the effects of someone getting hold of your credentials can be catastrophic.

How To: This DIY Baby Monitor Uses Lasers and a Wiimote to Detect Your Child's Breathing

Proud new papa Gjoci wanted to make sure he never had to worry about whether or not his baby girl was breathing, so he built this amazing breath-detecting baby monitor using a Wii remote, a printed circuit, and a laser. First, he opened up the Wiimote and took out the camera, then used an Atmel Atmega88 microcontroller to make a printed circuit. Low-power infrared lasers shine on the baby's clothing and the Wii camera detects the motion of the baby's breath, activating an alarm if the motion ...

How To: DIY Flanagan Neurophone Lets You 'Hear' Sounds Through Your Skin

In 1958, Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone, a device patented in 1962 that allows radio signals to be picked up by the human nervous system. The skin is the organ that receives the signal, converting it into a modulated molecular vibration, which the brain interprets into sound. Basically, it gives one the ability to 'hear' through the skin, making it sound like the audio you're hearing is actually in your head. It's kind of like having headphones in your brain. The only problem was th...

How To: Draw the Dark Knight Batman

In the following article I'm going to go over how to draw the dark knight. How to Draw Batman, basically. I;m gonna go into the Bruce Timm deign. The reason for that is I feel he is very noticeable, and I feel is easier then other versions. This is the same version of batman that was in the Animated series in the 90s. Good source if you like art tutorials, fantasy art, how to draw fantasy art videos, etc. In some cases this version can be one of the easy things to draw. Watch the video below ...