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How To: Make sure your laundry is lint-free

This next tutorial tackles a subject that everyone has been introduced to in some point in their life. Lint. Lint is something that nobody wants to be seen with since it gives off a message that you may not know how to wash clothes properly. There are many ways to help prevent lint from invading your load of laundry and in this tutorial it will cover a couple ways to help make sure you are lint free. It's easy to follow and should be done every time you wash clothes. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Avoid having detergent residue on your clothes

If you've ever taken your clothes out of the washer and have seen white or blue residue on any of your clothes, you may have a problem with detergent residue. This can be a problem since it can stick to your clothes, even after you've dried them. It can also cause stains to develop over time and that can be a problem.

How To: Properly clean your dryer

If you have a hard time when it comes to cleaning the appliances in your home, you need to try and remind yourself. Cleaning them is an important step in making sure they last for a long time. One appliance that is always forgotten about is the dryer.

How To: Prune trees into bushes

Pruning is a commong practice that involves removing certain parts of a plant to help improve or maintain its health. It also helps reduce the chances that any branches fall on people and keeping it safe from possible disease. For some trees, instead of letting them grow to giant proportions, you can actually prune them to a certain point so they instead grow to be the size of bushes.

How To: Make a key fob from scratch

If you need to add some decoration to your keys, a key fob is the way to go. Key fobs are decorative items that many people carry with their keys. There are many different ways to go when creating a key fob, but one of the best ways is to make your own using fabric from the store.

How To: Make a backless top from scratch

In this time of economic uncertainty, trying to save money is more important than ever. There are many ways that this can be done, and one is by making your own clothes. This can be achieved using materials that can cost less than regular clothing found in stores.

How To: Use a memorandum of understanding

A memorandum of understanding, or letter of intent, is used as a document that shows an understanding between parties. Although it can be used as a sort of contract, it needs to meet certain standards and wording. This MoU, as it's also referred to, is used amongst businesses and governments agencies. So if you need to figure out how to use a memorandum of understanding, this tutorial will tell you more about it. Good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Let your fence set before sealing it

If you've recently installed your own fencing in your yard, some may think the next best thing to do is seal it. That may not be such a smart idea. Allowing a fence to be exposed to the air and environment can actually do wonders for a fence. As you'll learn in this tutorial, you'll find out more on why letting your fence set is such a good idea and what kind of sealants you can use on it. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Set the ignition timing in an Acura Integra

If you recently have replaced the distributor in your car or plan on doing so, prepare to set the ignition timing in your car. This is a process that can take some time and requires the right tools for the job. Trying to start and use your car before you set the ignition timing can be a bad idea since it can mess up your car in the long haul. This tutorial will tell you what tools you'll need and how to find the area in which to test.

How To: Remove a blower motor on a Saturn S-series

If you're cooling and heating system isn't working like it should, you should probably check the blower motor. If you're not getting a good amount of air from your car, you may have to replace it. But what if you don't know how to remove it, in the first place? That's where this tutorial comes in handy. In this video, you'll see how to remove the blower motor for a Saturn S-series vehicle. It's easy to do and will make sure that you have a working A/C or heater when it's time for it. So good ...

How To: Replace a serpentine belt on your car

Like a timing belt, a serpentine belt is an important tool that helps make sure that various tools are working. A/C, alternator, and power steering pump are just a small set of examples. Finding the right one for your car is easy, but adding it to your car can be a very difficult task, even for experienced mechanics. So check out the tutorial and see if you have everything you need to replace your serpentine belt. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Replace a car's rear disk brakes

If you're looking for a tutorial where mistakes are made but are used to help add experience, this is it. In this three part video tutorial, you'll find out how to replace a car's rear disk crakes using the right tools and know-how. This can be tricky, so pay attention, and try not to repeat the mistake that was made in this video. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Replace the front struts to a Honda

There are so many important pieces that make up an entire car, struts can be seen as one of them. What struts do is that they help soften movement when a car s driven on an uneven road or rough surface.It's important to replace struts when they may be leaking oil or they don't help soften movement.

How To: Remove brake rotor screws that may be stuck

If you own a Honda, then this may be a problem that you are fully aware of. If you don't, if you need to remove anything near your brake wheels, it's important to know how to remove the rotor screws. This can be quite difficult to take out and so a special tool is needed in order to do so. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to remove any screws that may be stuck with a special tool. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Get rid of sewer smell venting into A/C

If you own a RV, you basically own a home on wheels. These huge vehicles are great for travel and can accomadate a pretty large size famly. Like with any home, there are areas where you can make improvements or additions. One being an extra air conditioner. But what if you sintall an A/C close to a sewer vent? Well if you check out this tutorial, you'll find out what happens and how to fix it. So good luck, hold your nose, and enjoy!

How To: Easily plug a tire and check for leaks

Having a flat tire can be very bad news not only for your car, but your wallet. So this next tutorial should help you out by giving you a few days to prepare, before you need to buy a new tire. This tutorial is going to show you how to easily plug a tire and check for leaks. This can help add about 100 miles on your car, but if you have anything that is broken, fixing it right away is important. So sit back, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Perform the unstoppable claymore glitch in COD:MW 2

This is a cool little trick that you are sure to use. In this glitch tutorial for the hit game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you'll find out how to perform the unstoppable claymore glitch. It comes in handy whenever you may be sniping in a room or playing a match of Search and Destroy. All you need is a claymore, one man army, and C4. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Hear the vuvuzela sound in back of any YouTube video

can't get enough of the vuvuzela, the traditional horn that sounds like a swarm of bees at every game of the 2010 World Cup? Check this out! YouTube has added a mini-app to all of their videos that will allow you to push one button and turn on the sounds of the horns in the background of any clip! If you can't wait to watch your videos like you are sitting in the stands at the big game - today is your lucky day! Enjoy!

How To: Do the grapple barrier glitch in the Just Cause 2 demo

If you have played the demo for Just Cause 2, then you might want to try out this next little trick or glitch. In the video, you'll find out how to perform the grapple barrier glitch. It requires that you go to a certain area and use your grappling hook to get through the game's barrier. Check out the tutorial above to find out how to do it. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Draw a tribal heart tattoo with markers

Tattooing is not a job for the weak, but it does take precision and a delicate touch. But you don't have to pierce skin with needles to enjoy the art of tattoos. Anybody with a few pencils and markers can design their own tattoo creations, but to help get you started, try out this tribal heart tattoo sketch. Watch the video to see the whole process of daring a tribe-style heart, and follow along to create your own. Perfect for beginning artists.

How To: Pronounce Lam and ra2

Learning a new language can be a fun and educational experience. Not only are you learning another countrie's language, but you will also pick up on their culture as well. In this tutorial you'll be learning how to say two things in arabic. It may seem like a difficult language to learn, but with the right amount of study time, it can actually be picked up pretty easily. So in this video, you'll find out how to pronounce Lam and ra2. So good luck and make sur eyou practice. Enjoy!

How To: Moonwalk for beginners

Moonwalking is one of the most recognized and popular dance moves that was made popular by Pop King Michael Jackson. It seems like a difficult dance that is hard to perform, but with the right teacher and practice can be done easily.

How To: Do advanced tap dance steps

Tap dancing is a fun and energetic dance that requires skill and a good pair of shoes. It can be an interesting dance for anybody to learn and requires much practice. So in this tutorial, if you've learned some of the basics to tap dancing, it's time to move on to the more advanced steps. This tutorial will be covering a few of the steps nice and slowly. So get your tap shoes ready and enjoy!

How To: Remember dance steps easily

When learning a new dance from scratch, it may be difficult to remember these steps. So it's important to try and use any trick so that you won't make yourself look like a fool. In this next tutorial, you'll get an easy trick that you can use to help make sure that you look like a pro out on the dance floor. So sit back and let dance instructor Nina Ortega, show you what you need to do to remember dance steps easily. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Dance the triple-step for Swing

When learning any new dance, it's important to take your time and constantly practice any new steps you learn in order to embed it into your very mind. As dance intructors always say, practice makes perfect. So when watching this tutorial, remember those words as you are attempting to dance the triple-step for swing. It usually consists of a side step, then a together step, followed by a side step again. It seems pretty easy to do, but you never know. So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Dance the lindy hop

If you've never heard what the lindy hop was, you would probably think it's some interesting type of candy. In fact, it's actually a dance that is based on the popular charleston and was popular during the 1930s and 40s. The dance have a triple step and a rock step incorporated in them. So see if you have what it takes to learn this dance from professional instructor Nina Ortega. Good luck, practice, and enjoy!

How To: Do swing dance moves

If you're looking for a dance that is very energetic and fast, then look no further than swing dance. They can be very fast and goes along with the music and is pretty easy to learn. If you're interested in learning the basics, this tutorial is perfect for you. You'll be taught by professional Nina Ortega as she takes you through the steps when it comes to swing dance. So good luck, practice, and enjoy!

How To: Do the Not Myself Tonight dance choreography

If you've ever watched or listened to music from Christina Aguilera, you know for one she can sing and two she can definitely dance. So many of her music videos have featured great dance moves from the lively young performer. So it's no surprise that her new single Not Myself Tonight, would feature a set of dance moves. This tutorial takes you through the steps and shows you what you need to do in order to bust a move. So good luck, be careful, and enjoy!

How To: Get the legendary giant teddy bear from Fallout 3

If you've been looking for a way to get a hold of the giant legendary teddy bear in the game Fallout 3 for the Xbox 360, this tutorial will show you how. Although they said it was only accessible on the PC version, this video proves that you can aquire it while using the Xbxo 360. It may seem hard to get, but it's pretty simple. Make sure before attempting this, you save your game. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Keep the winterized combat armor in Fallout 3

If you've purchased the DLC or add-on to Fallout 3, Operation Anchorage, then you may already have seen the awesome armor that comes with it as well. This baby is one good looking piece of hardware and will have you easily looking better than everyone else in the game. But if you want to find a way to actually keep the armor, this tutorial will show you how. In this video, you'll find out some helpful tricks and tips for making sure that once you play a different area, you'll still have what ...

How To: Get unlimited mini-nukes in Fallout 3 using a glitch

If you're looking to get an unlimited number of mini-nukes in the game Fallout 3, this tutorial is what you need to follow. In the video, you'll find out what it takes to make sure you have the most powerful weapon in the game for you to use against the mutants of Fallout 3. It's pretty easy to follow and will ensure that you'll always bring a good amount of pain to any battle. Good luck and enjoy!