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How To: Do the three step tic tac

The three step tic tac is the same as a one step, but obviously with a couple of extra steps. A tic tac is used to clear high objects that the athlete does not wish to touch, but has a wall near by which can be kicked off in order to clear the object in question. The three step tic tac provides lots of height so it is possible to clear much taller objects. Do the three step tic tac.

How To: Use the Cloner in MoGraph for CINEMA 4D

n this article, Mylenium is providing insights into the basic principles of working with the Cloner tool in MoGraph for CINEMA 4D. He'll take a hard look at the Cloner and its associated "Blend" mode as well as the other two multiplication tools, the Matrix and Instance objects. Use the Cloner in MoGraph for CINEMA 4D - Part 1 of 2.

How To: Edit JPG files in Camera Raw CS3

The camera raw functionality in Adobe Photoshop provides fast and easy access within Photoshop to the "raw" image formats produced by many leading professional and midrange digital cameras. By working with these "digital negatives," you can achieve the results you want with greater artistic control and flexibility while still maintaining the original "raw" files. In this video tutorial Scott Kelby explains how to edit JPG images using camera raw adjustments. Edit JPG files in Camera Raw CS3.

How To: Patch your hardwood floors

Part of the charm of hardwood floors is their imperfections. Slight variations in grain and color, as well as the minor spots and specs in the wood help provide an aged-to-perfection look for your floors. However, you may encounter a cracked plank or damage to a section of your floor that doesn't look quite so attractive.

News: Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

News: Massive Leak! Wikileaks publishes Stratfor emails.

Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agenc...

The White House: Home of the President

This link will take you to the executive branch or the President. The President is only in term for 4 years, but can be reelected once. The President does not work by himself; he has skilled people who help him make decisions. This website will allow you to learn about the people who help Obama. It also provides information on President Obama’s latest actions as president.

Nostalgia Challenge: "Miss me?"

... A blast from the past! An old friend who provided us with soundtracks for good and bad times... Got a bunch of new apps this weekend and this effect was created with a free one: Moremono. It converts your photo to monotone and preserves the red tone to give a strong and dramatic look! How about that?

How To: Make the Most of Your Google+ Page

Now that it's been a week since Google+ rolled out pages, we've gotten over our euphoria at finally getting the feature after a long wait, and reality is starting to sink it. It's not as flexible as a Facebook page, it seems to be time consuming, and you can't even get a unique URL. On the other hand, your Google+ page will show up in Google searches, and help bump you up a bit. Here's how the search stacks up when I search for "WonderHowTo" in Yahoo! vs. Google (Note: I've turned on private ...

News: Are You HARDCORE?

Notch recently noted a possible end to the currently-frozen scoring system: experience orbs may begin counting towards a score total in the near future! The recent screenshot also reveals another likely addition, in the form of Hardcore Mode - death means world deletion. At the moment, Minecraft only offers item loss as a potential deterrent from death; the inclusion of an optional Hardcore Mode would certainly provide a new sense of danger and accomplishment to an already excellent game!

News: Long Exposure Photography Tutorial/Timelapse for Beginners-Disney Concert Hall

Hello everyone, We decided to add another short video on some basic Timelapsing and long exposure shots. This video is meant more for demonstrating camera setting equipment usage. However, we will provide this brief description: Remote triggers are used to communicate with your cameras shutter, which tells the camera to fire off shots in 1sec to 30min or more intervals. Be sure to subscribe as we have more video's coming for our "Basic Photography Tutorials" webisode series. Wishing you all t...

News: Child Molesters and Sexy Fighters: A Study of Video Game Commercials

The Kinect for Xbox 360 and PlayStation Move might be fun to play with, but people do not look very cool while they're doing it. Air guitar is not particularly flattering (even if done on stage), and neither is air-anything else, as pleasurable as it might be. This is why I find it strange that a group of admen somewhere in the world think these kinds of commercials would appeal to anyone.

How To: Get By with the Cheaper 16GB Option for iPhone or iPad

There are a few different types of Apple iPhone and iPad users: general household users who largely consume media—e.g. surfing the web, watching movies, listening to music. Other iPhone and iPad owners use their device(s) to produce stuff—written documents, edited movies, blog posts, music tracks, and the like. And then there are those who are very mobile with their devices. They commute to and from work on a regular basis with their iPhone or iPad. Some users may travel a lot on business, or...

News: Paid to Promote Yourself

Make money promoting yourself, build links and drive traffic. Yes thats is right you can get paid to promote yourself by using free to join sites that let you share revenue, I have included a list of sites that will allow you to build links to your online content or sites. this will aid in building your site authority as well as let you make some revenue to help you pay for your hosting fees ect.

News: Amazon Mechanical Turk

It's really a shame that it is so hard for people to make money on the internet these days. The dot com bubble has receded and scams are plentiful on the web. There are, however, a couple of legitimate ways to make a few extra bucks online, Amazon Mechanical Turk, or MTurk for short, is one of them. The idea of MTurk is to hook up programmers with people that do tasks that computers can not, these tasks are called HITs (Human Intelligence Task). These tasks include article creation, creative ...

World’s Total CPU Power: One Human Brain

By John Timmer, Ars Technica How much information can the world transmit, process, and store? Estimating this sort of thing can be a nightmare, but the task can provide valuable information on trends that are changing our computing and broadcast infrastructure. So a pair of researchers have taken the job upon themselves and tracked the changes in 60 different analog and digital technologies, from newsprint to cellular data, for a period of over 20 years.

News: Real or Fake? Impossible Wooden Waterfall

It takes a special kind of mind to look at an M.C. Escher drawing and see a blueprint. And yet, looking at this working 3D model of Escher's Waterfall, one gets the impression that YouTube's mcwolles may have done just that! One thing's clear: like Escher's famous lithograph, the video employs some manner of trickery. But what kind? Good, old-fashioned forced perspective? CGI? Do the shadows provide a clue? Let's hear it in the comments.

News: Now Thats eating Fresh!

The two fast food restaurants, Farmer Dinner and Burgerville both run their restaurant in a way that supports their local farmers. This provides freshness to their customers. “Our mission is to increase the economic vitality of local agrarian economies,” (Murphy). That’s a bright idea in which local restaurant should take in consideration. We the people should consider the support of local farmers. This will stop the extortion that happens in other countries and stop fast food chain restauran...

News: Cultural Discoveries

For those who only eat at fast food restaurants, you should consider traveling to a different part of Los Angeles. There are more options available besides McDonald’s, Burger King, and Carl’s JR. Los Angles is a huge city where you can find a restaurant in every corner. One can clearly observe the love and passion in which the managers expect their food to deliver.

News: Homemade beauty recipes

This is a great website to browse if you're not into slathering unpronounceable ingredients onto your skin. The beauty industry is very much self-regulated, which means it is not required by the FDA or by any law to disclose all of the ingredients in a product. And there is also no legal definition of "natural" or "organic." So yes, that "natural" jar of cocoa butter you're using might be no better for you than your generic body lotion, and it may still contain cancer-causing agents.

News: 10 tips for planning a Bridal Shower

Tis’ the season…for weddings! At the beginning of October, three of my college pals got married on the same day. This meant a ton of planning, parties, and presents for these three lucky ladies. This also meant that there were many a brides maid needing to make sure their bride was feeling special on such a wonderful occasion. One of the most exciting aspects of being the Maid of Honor is helping to plan the Bridal Shower, but it can also be a lot of work if you aren’t prepared. Here are 10 t...

News: Similar Crochet Techniques - Different Name, Different Purpose -Crochet Decrease vs. Crochet Cluster

The crochet decrease may be similar or the same as a cluster of stitches. Keep in mind that you can decrease by skipping stitches as well, but with this tip we are addressing the stitches joined at the top. The purpose of the stitch is what will make them different, while the anatomy and structure of the stitch may be identical. It is something to keep in mind and to help prevent confusion. I am providing two video examples. The first is the Double Crochet Decrease. The second is the crochet ...