Gifts Concluded Search Results

MANsaver: The Life-Saving App for Lazy and Incompetent Romeos

Are you a conventional male in a conventional relationship with a conventional female? The majority of the population aged 25+ would likely answer "yes". According to stereotype, many males seem to "genetically" struggle with what many females seem to "genetically" value: the acknowledgment and appropriate appreciation of relationship milestones. If you've answered in the affirmative, worry no more, because there's an app-to-the-rescue for the helpless male: If you include yourself among the ...

News: Hetero, Gay or Bi? Bed Your Soulmate in Dragon Age 2

When you grab a video game off the shelves, finding love is probably not your end goal. Most games focus on letting the player shoot guys, order other guys to shoot guys, or build houses. Mass Effect 2 comes closer than most titles to offering virtual romance, but the relationships are shallow and strictly heterosexual. I found whoring my way around the Normandy much more satisfying as a gameplay option than developing an emotional connection to another character.

News: It's All About Me

It’s unfortunate that I’m taking over as Administrator of FrontierVille World at a time when I haven’t been able to play FrontierVille for several days because it’s running too slowly to bother with, but it figures. Zynga may advertise FrontierVille as a beta-level game, but that’s a slur on gamma-level games, if there are any. Like every software company from Microsoft to Autodesk, Zynga will create ten exciting new problems before it fixes one old one.So, I’m taking over from Katie, who fir...

News: 10-Year-Old Girl Imitates Banksy

When children's book author Aaron Zenz took his family to see the highly acclaimed Banksy documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, his 10-year-old daughter Gracie was immediately inspired to become a street artist. Aaron quickly explained that "while the art was fun and the story was great, vandalism isn’t a good thing" so the family was challenged to come up with an appropriately stealthy public art project that didn't entail defacing public property. So, what do you get when you cross an in...

News: Laza Morgan - This Girl

The hot tracks just keep coming for the “Step Up 3D” soundtrack. In the newest, Laza Morgan, Jamaican hip-hop up-and-comer, unleashes the video for “This Girl.” In the sexy new video, the Gedion Music stud braves a storm, metaphorically and figuratively,to get his lucky lady.

News: Laying the Foundation pt.4

Huzzah! My sentences have been recorded! This is normally the most exciting part of beginning a language with this method, because you actually had another person do something for you that is really of great value. I remember receiving my first recording in Japanese. I listened to that thing about 100 times. I shadowed it, repeated it to my family multiple times and still hear it in my head from time to time.

News: Sign up for a FREE Dragon pet!

Many of you wizards out there still don't know what this Wizard101 is. Technically, I shouldn't call you wizards, but oh well, you will soon become one.So you read the overview of Wizard101 and are very interested in it. You head over to the Wizard101 website and click Play, sign up, and have a new Wizard101 account.But wait!Along that way, you are not reminded of anything about getting a free dragon or free Crowns. But now, there's a way.On the Links box on this page (or any other one), you ...

The Art of Farting: Extreme Jedi Anus Control

Nearly all humans (admittedly childishly) admire the ability to emit uncannily musical armpit or hand farts, or even rarer- mouth fart motor engine aping. However, it is the rare occasion that a performer's gaseous-sounding melodic notes are indeed truly gaseous (meaning literally discharged from the butt-hole).

News: Megamind has come to Farmville!

Zynga and Dreamworks Animation Studios bring you.... MEGAMIND! Visit Megamind's farm to earn his Mega Grow & an Exclusive Megamind Decoration! We have just 24 hours! This promotion ends November 4 at 9:00pm PDT. The Mega Grow is just like the Instant Grow from the biplane, and the decoration is an Air Hog.

News: FarmVille Haunted House

On your farm Once you get your frame, you will need 8 of each building material (nails, bricks and boards) to build your Haunted House frame. There are 3 stages of expansion for this constructible building.

How To: Unblock Wall Posts

In the past you may have blocked wall posts so you wouldn't get fuel, goods, and other random things from your applications. But you may wish to rethink this, at least for a while as the new truffle hunting feature requires wall posts.

How To: Write the Action/Adventure Screenplay

Well, we have had a pretty basic story structure in the previous couple of blogs. However, for the third act there is considerable leeway on how this story can play out. You can turn a story like this into a tragedy or comedy. Remember the line from the film Stranger Than Fiction "Tragedy, you die. Comedy you get hitched." Well in the Action/Adventure story, almost anything goes. For instance, GUY does not have to die, but CHICK could perish tragically. However, avoid cliches like someone jum...

News: It's contest time! That means FREE stuff!

Hello fellow farmers, I'm so excited to be your new admin for this fabulous site that I'm going to be giving away some great goodies for your farm! I've been to 7-11, and I'll go again if this is a big hit, and picked up a bunch of Zynga's 7-11 promotion items.

How To: Make a purse out of CD mailers

This tutorial shows how to make a pocket book out of CD mailer envelopes. This book features mini envelops that pop up ready to be filled. A luggage clasp and tiny key finish this off. This makes a great gift for the little girls on your list. Make a purse out of CD mailers.

How To: Make a metal monogram

This video shows how to make a metal monogram. Using monograms to dress up an album to make the perfect holiday gift. The technique is simple. The finished piece is truly a piece of art. Make a metal monogram.

How To: Make Yin-Yang Modular Polyhedra

Last Thursday's post demonstrated how to Make Yin-Yang Pillow boxes, which were based on equilateral triangles and squares. The units for making these boxes were created by Phillip Chapman-Bell, who runs an amazing origami blog and has a spectacular flickr photostream. Using these units, you can make also make 4 of the 5 platonic solids. I made an additional template based on the regular pentagon so that the dodecahedron can be built completing the set.

How To: Make Marble Photo Magnets

Christmas is no more than a week away and you've still got some holiday shopping to do. Need an easy, thoughtful and personalized gift idea? Phone Snap is here to show you how to bring those cell phone photos off-screen with these DIY marble photo magnets. It takes less than five minutes to make and will look great on anybody's fridge!

News: 5 Bourbon-Spiked Christmas Cookie Recipes

Christmas just wouldn't be the same without cookies. Besides the gifts, it's the one thing that keeps the family (not to mention Santa) coming back each year. As with any family gathering, there's bound to be some chaos this holiday season, but as long as you've got a good supply of Christmas cookies, there should be peace and harmony.

News: Will Kidult Wage a Graffiti Civil War?

MOCA's Art in The Street gallery was one of the first large scale street art related museum shows ever. It's not a point of debate whether this did or did not bring street art to a much wider audience, it most certainly did. It united the old graffiti artist of the seventies with the new street artists of the last twenty years. It was a big night with many famous artists attending the opening, including but certainly not limited to, L.A. native Shepard Fairey and the ever exciting Mr. Brainwa...

News: How about...

My idea for a Yumi-fied how-to guide is this: Learn to juggle. I thought for the longest time that I couldn't juggle because of some personal deficiency. That, somehow, a connection between the two halves of my brain and my hands could not be formed and I would never be able to do it. I had watched people do it, I had even bought sets of special juggling balls (regular balls sold in a nice box) but nothing seemed to work. It seemed as though the ability to juggle was a gift possessed by some,...