Gifts Concluded Search Results

How To: Prepare For And Travel Safely

Traveling. It can be anything from going to the Grocery store, to driving down the street, or flying to different places. Traveling is done by everyone, everyday. But there are some dangers to it as many people know by now. But here are some tips to help you stay on track.

News: Mystery Game - Black Stallion!

FarmVille added a new feature today in place of the old Mystery Boxes. This is a mystery game! It costs a bit more than the old boxes did, but you are guaranteed to get at least one of each of the mystery prizes by the time all the balloons are popped, instead of wasting tons of farm cash and perhaps opening a hundred mystery boxes and never getting that one thing you really wanted. So this is a great improvement and is much more interactive than the old 'purple sparkly poof'.

News: Save Big without Skimping

1. Extend your engagement. A longer planning period means a better chance of getting the best vendors in your price range. Plus, you can typically lock in rates that might increase by the time your wedding date arrives.

News: Gassho and Kokoro

At the beginning of every class, or almost every class, we do a series of exercises. The Japanese word for this sort of calisthenic exercise isundo. These exercises derive from the Goju style of karate created by Miyagi Sensei in Okinawa in the early part of the 20th Century. In devising these exercises Miyagi no doubt borrowed liberally from the Chinese, whose influence on the southernmost island of the Japanese archipelago was immense.

How To: Create a Ghost Flame on Your Car Without Airbrushing or Painting

Would you like to create ghost flames or other custom paint effects, but don’t know how? Here is a quick, easy, and inexpensive method. This method does not require a paint gun, airbrush, or even paint. Follow this step-by-step procedure and watch the video tutorial and you’ll be able to do this to your own car. Best of all, if you don’t like it, I’ll even show you a method for removing it. All it takes to do this is 1/8 inch fine line tape, 3/4 masking tape, a piece of 3000 grit sandpaper, a...

News: Book Review - The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller

I read Timothy Keller’s The Reason for God on the recommendation of a philosophical friend and before I had finished it I was adding Keller’s The Prodigal God to my list of books to read. Keller has a gift for succinct and wise writing. I believe he truly has his finger on where society currently is spiritually, and where it might be going. In The Reason for God, Keller says that our society is both more spiritual and more secular than it has ever been. The book is a great look at the Christi...

News: Organize Yo'sef! Part One

It’s that time of year (in the U.S. anyway) when people are focused on getting organized -- or rather wishing they were organized. Being organized is great, it affords physical space, mental space and all but insures higher efficiency. But wishing and doing are two entirely different things. Wondering how to achieve the bliss of knowing where your stuff is? It’s easy... if you start small and don’t waste your valuable time watching TV shows or reading magazine articles on “how to” do it.

News: The Godfathers of Street Art. (non-letter based)

With the Oscar nomination of "Exit Through the Gift Shop" and Banksys rise to global fame, street art is becoming more and more accepted into the global art establishment and mainstream culture. Shepard Faireys "Hope" poster is now one of the most recognized posters in the world, some experts saying that it will become just as unmistakably american as uncle Sams "i want you!" WWII army recruitment poster. Banksys work sells for thousands of dollars in auctions, and has fans in mainstream holl...

News: So, Now What?

Fads, Fiascos and Good Stuff in FrontierVille This WeekThis is the first of what should, with luck, be a series of weekly columns.Fads firstIt’s St. Patrick’s Day in FrontierVille and it looks like staying that way for the foreseeable future, which will probably be about ten days. If you’ve ever lived in England you know about jackdaws, but I’ll explain for the rest of you. They’re small black birds who are notoriously fascinated by shiny things, and they love to peck the foil caps off milk b...

News: My Game

Where were you in 1993? Thinking about starting a tech company? Starting elementary school? Awaiting a 1996 Daft Punk party after which you would be conceived? It's been eighteen years, but the game that solidified my dorkdom for good is still coming out with new sets, still fun as hell to play, and deserves some love dammit. To that end, I have started this World: A Magic: The Gathering Spot.

News: The Other Side of Fashion

The United States is a hierarchical country where the weak ones are at the bottom and the powerful ones are at the top. Garment workers are at the bottom of the list although they are the most important. Without them there would be no fashion industry. They sew and cut the garments that people buy, the raiment that models wear on the runways. After the garments are sewn, factory owners send the garments to contractors to get make the clothing. Contractors make sure the garment workers sew the...

News: F#*K Jeff Tremaine!

For those who were creeped out by the Knoxville mannequin, well now i've outdone myself! Just like Jackass has taken their game to a whole new level with 3D, i've taken mine to a new level...the Jeff Tremaine sex doll! Though I can't take full credit for this doozy, because Mr. Julien Nitzberg(genius behind The Wild Whites of West Virginia) came up with the idea. He suggested I make one, and he would hand deliver it to Mr. Knoxville himself(for reasons only to be kept secret).

How To: Earn Money for Creative T-Shirt Designs

Why T-Shirts T-shirts are a great way for people to express themselves, and like other art forms, unique t-shirt designs are becoming more and more popular. Websites that specialize in just t-shirts are popping up all over the internet with tons of opportunities for designers, and artists from all over the world are now considering t-shirt design as a way to expand their portfolios and make some cash.

How To: Have a Successful Garage Sale

Junk, junk, junk or so you might think. Remember the saying, your junk can be someone else's treasure! This article is going to guide you through a successful garage sale. With the economy the way it is, more and more people are going to garage sales. They are fun to have and you can earn some extra money.

News: Child Molesters and Sexy Fighters: A Study of Video Game Commercials

The Kinect for Xbox 360 and PlayStation Move might be fun to play with, but people do not look very cool while they're doing it. Air guitar is not particularly flattering (even if done on stage), and neither is air-anything else, as pleasurable as it might be. This is why I find it strange that a group of admen somewhere in the world think these kinds of commercials would appeal to anyone.

News: Amazon Mechanical Turk

It's really a shame that it is so hard for people to make money on the internet these days. The dot com bubble has receded and scams are plentiful on the web. There are, however, a couple of legitimate ways to make a few extra bucks online, Amazon Mechanical Turk, or MTurk for short, is one of them. The idea of MTurk is to hook up programmers with people that do tasks that computers can not, these tasks are called HITs (Human Intelligence Task). These tasks include article creation, creative ...

News: 10 tips for planning a Bridal Shower

Tis’ the season…for weddings! At the beginning of October, three of my college pals got married on the same day. This meant a ton of planning, parties, and presents for these three lucky ladies. This also meant that there were many a brides maid needing to make sure their bride was feeling special on such a wonderful occasion. One of the most exciting aspects of being the Maid of Honor is helping to plan the Bridal Shower, but it can also be a lot of work if you aren’t prepared. Here are 10 t...

News: Richie Hayward Benefit in San Jose, August 13, 2010

DRUM! Magazine — the leading magazine for drummers and percussionists worldwide — has announced the biggest drumming event ever to take place in Northern California. On Friday, August 13, drummers will descend on the San Jose Repertory Theatre in the heart of Silicon Valley to witness three of the world’s most exciting drummers — extreme drumming sensation Marco Minnemann, Tower Of Power funk master David Garibaldi, and former Mars Volta wunderkind Thomas Pridgen — for an evening of mind-blow...

How To: remove scams, spams, and stuff you just don't want or need on your Facebook anymore!

Please share this info with all your facebook friends. It's not just Farmville players that are affected by scams and spam! This post will help you keep your facebook account clean and safe. We start by showing you a scam and discussing what is real, then we show you how to remove pages you don't want, and finally how to remove apps you're not using. Please scroll down to which ever part you need!

Red Dead Redemption: An introduction to the times

Here is the introduction sequence for the game, it's one of the best for this generation: The arrival of the player is mirrored by the arrival of the riverboat, as if the player is getting off the boat to a new location just like the characters. The piano music at the beginning subtly tries to attach the player's emotions into the scene opening sequences. There is a shot of a car being lifted, a quick sign that the times are changing but our hero is still dressed in the past.

News: Crappy Limo Ride

Bake some brownies laced with chocolate laxatives and then place them into a fancy basket. Get someone to deliver them to you guys as a gift from some fans later in the day. When the brownies arrive offer them to your friends. Some of them will eat them and some won't, doesn't matter as long as a couple of people eat the brownies. Now tell everyone that you got a skit set up for them about 2 - 3 hours away from your current location and that you will meet them there but you need to do somethi...

How To: Play Safe & Avoid FarmVille Scams

With FarmVille being one of the hottest Facebook games on the market, it's no wonder it's the primary target for scams and virus downloads. Anyone playing FarmVille is at risk, but the primary targets are those looking to improve their gameplay and build their farms and neighbors up. These "farmers" are the ones seeking quick hacks and cheats.

How To: Use the Location Bar (aka Awesome Bar) to Search the Internet Faster in Firefox 4

Getting used to your new Firefox 4 web browser? If so, you might have seen some improvements in the Location Bar. The updated features make browsing the web a cinch, so it's no wonder why more and more Internet junkies are calling it the Awesome Bar. It's faster and easier to use, and there's even some optional tweaks that you can employ to make your Internet experience smooth and effortless.