Girls' Represent Search Results

Tutorial: Create Wordlists with Crunch

Greetings all. Before I get into the tutorial, I would like to mention that I am fairly new to Null Byte (been lurking for some time though), and what really appeals to me about this place is its tight, family-like community where everyone is always willing to help each other and the constant search for knowledge that inhabits this subdomain is a driving motivator for me to join in. I'm glad I arrived at the right time. Anyway, wipes tears (not really)...

News: Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters

No one can deny that Bashar Al-Assad’s regime has been responsible for violence. But in failing to equally acknowledge the fact that NATO-backed rebels have also carried out innumerable atrocities is not only dishonest, it represents a deliberate effort by the press to manipulate the narrative of unfolding events in Syria as a one-sided war crime rather than the truth – which is the fact that Syria is in a state of civil war.

How To: Delete your iPhone photo library

Well, you've shot one too many compromising photo and it's time to wipe your iPhone photo library. But, for some reason, this isn't the easiest thing to do. Well, with this how-to video, you'll learn how to get rid of those 212 photos of your niece in her sailor suit you thought looked adorable. Those cat climbing photos. Gone. That girl/boy you were recently dating. Bye bye. Delete at will and clear your iPhone photo library.

How To: Make an origami fox mask step by step

Ever since the weepy-nostalgic film "Where the Wild Things Are" came out, dressing up like your favorite friendly monster, especially for Halloween or birthday parties, has become extremely popular. If you're planning to have a costume birthday party for your little dude or girl, then prepare some pre-made masks for them by folding several of these fox masks.

How To: Create several beautiful formal hairstyles and bedazzle them with pins

Yes, it takes a lot of work to be a girl. Before a big event like prom or a wedding, it's almost unheard of to step foot outside your door without a beautiful head of curls pinned up into a low bun, rouge dusted on lightly so as to impart a healthy sheen rather than a ruddy, feverish red, your nail manicured into sparkly, glossy perfection, and a delightful dress with matching heels you spent hours shopping for.

How To: Create a sultry 1920s flapper look for Halloween

Flapper makeup was very dark, contoured, and defined. Flapper girls were trying to look like boys, after all, so they frequently adjusted their faces using makeup for that androgynous appearance. Yet despite their intentions, their dark makeup ultimately became very sooty and sensual looking (perhaps from getting smeared after dancing late nights at a club?).

How To: Create a general sexy makeup look for Halloween

Some of us are going to go all out with our makeup this Halloween, applying horns, lacerations, green makeup, and the works to get that true gory or scary effect. But let's be honest here: The rest of us gals are probably going to stray more on the dramatically beautiful, slightly-amped-up-version-of-our-normal-makeup makeup look.

How To: Use compound tenses with "haber" & "estar" in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to use compound tenses with "haber" and "estar" in Spanish. "I am speaking" would translate into "You estoy hablando". If you are talking about a girl eating, you would say "Ella esta comiendo". To say "they were writing letters", you would say "Ellos estaban escribiendo cartas". You will see the form of the verb changing in each of the sentences. You will also see the gender of the verb changing in each of the sentences, depending on who is being talked about. The...

How To: Create a sheer and flirty school picture day makeup look

You only get one picture day per year while you're in school. It only takes a minute or so, but the results of that one shot stay with you for life in the form of your yearbook. So instead of being the one girl who got too lazy to put on makeup and then sneezed in your photo shoot, turn up your game a little this year and be the perfect model for your picture. Makeup done for photograph purposes requires a bit of extra effort.

How To: Create a super dramatic red and plum eye look with burgundy lips

We've been told most of our makeup-applying lives that you either emphasize your eyes OR your lips, but never both to avoid overload. And while this rule of thumb works for occasions like your sister's wedding and work, there comes a time when a girl must rebel and allow herself to experiment. By breaking the rules, you'll learn what dramatic colors and looks go best with your skin tone and particular facial features.

How To: Do three exercise moves to firm your butt

Every gal has her trouble areas, but it seems that most girls cite their belly and butt as the hardest areas to tone. After all, scientific studies have shown that these areas are the first place to gain weight and the last place that gets smaller when you're exercising to lose weight. Sad but true facts.