Global Economy Search Results

How To: Create glass material in 3ds Max

Dave shows you how to produce a glass three different ways in 3ds Max in the video tutorial. Put two panels away, then concentrating on sensor one press m on the keyboard to bring up the materials editor. On the material editor go to the first sphere, choosing a slight blue color, bring up the specter level, bring up the glossy level, click on two sided and bring down the last two to about four. Look to see it is fairly transparent, in a test window. This is glass one, put on hide. Go to glas...

How To: Get a commercial driver FAST card for US & Canada

FAST is an expedited travel program for commercial truck drivers that travel between the US and Canada. FAST cards are available to citizens or permanent residents of Canada or the US. The FAST program is viewed as a privilege by both Canada and the US. You can be denied for the FAST program if you do not have a clean driving record and a clean record with the Canadian Border Services and The US Customs and Border Protection. Things such as being caught with undeclared items and having a crim...

AHS Cult: How to Grow a Beehive Out of Your Skull for Halloween

The promotional images for American Horror Story: Cult have been some of the most arresting in recent memory. They mash coulrophobia, trypophobia, and body horror together with some serious economy into a succinct, colorful, image. It's like a bad car accident that you can't stop rubbernecking. Which makes it perfect for a Halloween costume — you'll be repulsive, but no one will be able to look away. While the beehive skull hasn't made an actual appearance in Cult yet, and probably won't sinc...

News: Livestock Antibiotic Use Increases Threat of Resistant Microbes to Humans

Antibiotics used to prevent diseases in livestock are creating a world of hurt for humans and the soil we depend on for food. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global health issue. The overuse, underuse, and poor use of these life-saving drugs is rapidly removing them as a treatment option for serious infections in humans—plus bacteria are naturally adaptive.

News: What REALLY Happened with the Juniper Networks Hack?

Last month, it was revealed that Juniper Networks' routers/firewalls were hacked. It was reported that a backdoor was implanted in the operating system of their routers/firewalls and that attackers could listen in on all encrypted communication. There are now fears that all confidential communications by U.S. government agencies and officials could have been compromised over the last three years.

How to Train Your Python: Part 10, Making Our Own Functions

Welcome back! In the last iteration of how to train your python, we covered error detection and handling. Today we'll be diverging from this and discussing functions. More specifically, we'll be creating our own functions. First we'll need to understand exactly what a function is, then we'll get on to making our own! So, let's get started!

How To: Parallel Programming with OpenMP: A Quick Introduction

As many of you know, processor's clock frequency improvement got stuck in about 2003, causing the origin of multicore CPU (and other technologies). In this article I'll introduce you on how to run code simultaneously in various processors (I suppose that all of you have a multicore CPU). When you write code without any parallel directive, it only executes in one CPU at the same time (see it below). OpenMP make simple to work with various cores (if not with all of them) , without so much heada...

How To: Clear Your Flash Cache and Browser Cache

Sometimes you come across problems and glitches when you're playing FarmVille, FrontierVille, any of your facebook games, or even just using the internet for ordinary purposes! It might just be getting really slow, or you might start losing data or in-game items. As the Zynga customer support article will tell you, you sometimes need to clear you browser and flash cache! Here are some simple steps to do just that!

How To: Massage data in Houdini 10

Get a crash course on HScript Expressions, Variables, and Attributes in Houdini 10. If you don't even know what this means, then you probably need to check this video tutorial series out. Understanding how to massage data in Houdini is key to giving yourself the creative edge and allowing you to unleash mind-blowing visual effects. This 18-part video series covers a variety of simple yet essential weapons in your arsenal including Global, Standard and Custom Variables to Math and String Modif...