Globe Visit Search Results

News: Metalworker Builds Tiny Marriage-Proposing Robot to Pop the Question for Him

What's the geekiest way to propose to your girlfriend? Make a robot do it for you. As a self-declared dork, RangerX52 wanted to take a simple task like proposing and make it as utterly complicated as possibly—by having a DIY robot do it for him. With knowledge of his lady's infatuation with the childlike personality of GIR, one of the main characters from the animated Invader ZIM series, he went ahead and built a tiny robotic replica of GIR to do his bidding.

News: News Clips - June 4

Water Purification Device Prompts TSA to Close Down Minneapolis Airport In another stupendous incident of comical over-reaction, the TSA ordered the evacuation of two airport terminals in Minneapolis after a water purification device was found in a woman’s luggage.

News: Sun Picture from My New Solar Telescope

There is going to be an annular solar eclipse on May 20th that will be visible in a narrow pathway that covers part of Eastern Asia and the Western United States. The eclipse will be seen as a partial eclipse over a much greater region of the World. I live in Redding, California, which luckily happens to be right in the center of the path, giving a perfect ring of fire effect during the peak of the eclipse.

News: Fiber Laser Scores Aperture Logo in Steel While Playing Portal's "Still Alive" Theme Song

Most of your who visit Fear of Lightning are probably well familiar with laser weaponry, thanks to Christopher's three-part series covering carbon dioxide, flashlamp, and semiconductor lasers. Another type of laser currently being developed as a weapon is the fiber laser, which is compact and efficient, but much weaker than a chemical laser. Fiber lasers are more commonly used in laser cutting and marking, telecommunications, spectroscopy, and of course... music.

News: TGF's Entry for the Subterranean Challenge

I like exploring and building underground in Minecraft. Finding a ravine, or even better one with an abandoned mineshaft. Exploring caves, and discovering dungeons. So this challenge is right up my alley. Right from the warp point to the challenge I notice the way some of the sand was sunken in zig zag patterns. I knew There had to be something down there so I started excavating. I quickly found a series of caves and the story of my build unfolded as I explored. I won't go into the history of...

News: Come visit the city of mysteries

Okay folks, I've finally finished my underground ancient city. Actually it's more like, I need to move on to other things and really should stop obsessing over this thing already. You can find it at the warp location "woodcity" - which is funny because there is not a stick of wood in it! That's the idea: the city is so very, very old that nothing but stone (and some conveniently located, er, naturally burning torches and lava and ice deposits) remains to be seen today. All is enveloped in the...

News: Print 3D Models of Your Minecraft Creations with Mineways

Want to see your Minecraft creations in real physical form outside of your server? Mineways is a free program for Linux or Windows users that renders all of your Minecraft builds into full color 3D model files. Those files can then be sculpted using your own 3D printer (if you have one), or uploaded to Shapeways, a company that will print your 3D models creations in colored plastic, which you can then purchase or sell in their online gallery.

News: Math Craft Inspiration of the Week: The Curve-Crease Sculptures of Erik Demaine

Erik Demaine is a Professor of Electronic Engineering and Comp Sci at MI, but he is also an origami folder who has had work displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. He makes some beautiful models and intricate puzzles, but in my opinion the really inspirational work is the curved creased models. In Erik's own words describing the above models: "Each piece in this series connects together multiple circular pieces of paper (between two and three full circles) to make a large circular ramp ...

News: Amazing Tattoo Art Revealed Through Stop-Motion

How do you show that you love your job? You get "sleeved", like photographer Dabe Alan who has lined his arms with tattoos of all his favorite things in life, with the help of Toledo-based tattoo artist Tony Touch. Every time Dabe visits Toledo, he gets another photography-related graphic etched into his skin showing the "evolution of the camera." Now that's devotion.

News: What Was the First Adventure Game?

Adventure gamers would love to know what was the first adventure game. Well, it was a 1970s computer game titled "Colossal Cave Adventure", also known as "Adventure". Designed by Will Crowther, the game was in FORTRAN and initially had 700 lines of code and data, which was later expanded to 3,000 lines of code and more than 1000 lines of data.

How To: Nab Free eBooks Using Google

eBooks are an amazing thing, especially with Amazon's Kindle. What's irrtating about eBooks as that you have an infinite selection of books at your fingertips, but they all cost so much! Well, as always, Null Byte has a trick up our sleeves for nabbing free ebooks from Google.

How To: Create an SSH Tunnel Server and Client in Linux

SSH is what is referred to as the Secure SHell protocol. SSH allows you to do a plethora of great things over a network, all while being heavily encrypted. You can make a remote accessible shell on your home computer that gives you access to all your files at home, and you can even tunnel all of your traffic to keep you anonymous and protected on public Wi-Fi. It has many great uses and is a must have tool for your arsenal. It was designed to replace the insecure Telnet protocol, which sends ...

News: Cantio Helps You Discover New Music (Using YouTube)

When it comes to finding great new tunes for your music collection, the last place you would think to look is YouTube. But more and more artists are posting music videos on the popular video hosting site as a means to getting noticed and hopefully—building a fan base. And since YouTube is not just a music video site, there's quite a bit of junk to sift through, making it virtually impossible to find new songs to add to your iPod's repertoire... unless you use Cantio.

News: Holy Pac-Man! DIY Light Painting Saber Is Pure Awesome

A few months ago, we showed you a pretty awesome light painting project that visually captured invisible Wi-Fi signals around town using a Wi-Fi detecting rod filled with 80 LEDs. With some long exposure photography, the results were pretty amazing. This project was inspired by those crazy Norwegians, but this build lets you do something even more amazing—capture pictures of colorful written text and drawn images, frozen in midair.

News: High School Grad Builds 8-Bit Computer from Scratch

Age doesn't matter in the world of programming, only skills, and recent high school grad Jack Eisenmann definitely has them. He recently built a homebrew 8-bit computer from scratch, calling it the DUO Adept. A worn television makes up the monitor and speaker system, an old keyboard acts as the input controller and the actual computer itself is housed inside a clear Rubbermaid container, consisting of 100 TTL chips and a ton of wire.

News: Polish Artist Recycles 300 Dead Computers into Giant Installation

Electronic waste (or e-waste) is becoming a bigger and bigger problem thanks to the rapid growth of technology. In 2009, the United States produced 3.19 million tons of e-waste in the form of cell phones and computers. It's estimated that 2.59 million tons went into landfills and incinerators with only 600,000 tons actually being recycled or exported. Recycling programs just aren't cutting it, so what's the next best thing? Art.

News: 11.3 Million Video Game Deaths Visualized

Nope, it’s not the McDonalds menu, but close enough. Jim Blackhurst has mapped 11 million deaths onto a 3-dimensional point cloud for video game Just Cause 2. The result is an amazing virtual heat map of a world where every white dot represents a death on impact: The millions of deaths formulate a detailed outline of major structures and roads in the game, visually mapping "extractions" at every square inch. In most traditional games, this would not be possible—players more often than not sta...

News: Mechanical Sculpture Spits Out 441 Perfectly Sphered Water Droplets

Beauty is a fine line between art and science for Pe Lang, a Swiss sculptor living and working in both Berlin and Zurich. The autodidact artist specializes in graceful, hand-built kinetic sculptures made of magnetic, electrical and mechanical devices, all of which are elegant and completely mesmerizing. "Positioning Systems - Falling Objects" is one of his newest contraptions, which feels like a mix of home waterfall fountains, mechanical metronomes and a busy manufacturing plant.