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News: Forecast

Whats the weather like? It's raining gold!!! You'll get your popup around 5pm PST and can view it again if you click the little button for Today's Weather in the lower left corner of your game.

News: Earthworm Jim HD Remake

The Earthworm Jim HD remake comes out this week in Xbox Live, and next month on PSN ( the 360 has a 1 month exclusive on the game). Includes new levels and up to four player co-op beside the shiny new graphics. Personally I only beat a few levels in the Snes version way back in the 90's. The co-op sounds fun bud I'd rather have an HD Battletoads to be honest.

News: Wario Ware DIY

Hey, have you ever wished you could design your own video games? With WarioWare D.I.Y. you can! Great for first-timers who want to see what they can come up with. Apparently it comes with its own image and music editor, and its own graphical scripting language.

News: Viva Africa! "Wavin Flag" - World Cup 2010

By the? underground, for the underground. This was made anonymously for the love of the sport and its ability to touch the whole world, if but for just a moment. Football, soccer, whatever - a rose by any other name would smell as sweet - no organization, no nation, no flag can overshadow its grace. It is all about our love for the Beautiful Game.

News: SCRABBLE Is Everywhere... Movies, Books & Other Media

In our media-enriched world, past and present, SCRABBLE has made a name for itself, whether deliberately, subconsciously, or influentially. You may have a read a book that had the popular word game within a chapter, watched a movie that showed your favorite characters bringing out the SCRABBLE board, or even listened to a rap about this word or that word. SCRABBLE is everywhere, even if you don't realize it.

News: Farmville NOT LEAVING Facebook

Zuck Farmville? Rather than end its strained relationship with Facebook, social-gaming outfit Zynga has opted to formalize it. This morning, the company, which had been rumored to be reconsidering its dependence on the popular social network, said it has entered into a five-year strategic relationship with it instead.

News: Star Craft 2 Efficiency

Ever wonder what the most efficient method is for resource gathering in SC2? Yeah, me neither. But someone has come up with a nifty chart that displays how many workers you should have until you start seeing diminishing returns. Serious business these games are.

How To: Make tennis fun for kids

Tennis professional Francis Ribeiro says that kids need to have fun when they are playing tennis. They also should always watch the ball and practice making contact with the ball. The three basic ideas are enjoy the game, watch the ball, and make contact. Make tennis fun for kids.

News: Battling Wii Soccer Robots

These soccer playing robots from TU Freiberg Robotics are programmed using Knesthetic Bootstrapping, which control the Bioloid's motions. Players can send commands to the soccer bots via Wii Remotes, and users abroad can control them directly online.  If soccer's not your game, robots can play chess, too.