Government Guys Search Results

News: Why Facebook Co-Founder's Call for a Breakup Is Focused on the Wrong Target — AR Is Zuckerberg's Next Big Data Bonanza

Next to Apple, Snap is currently one of the most important companies on the planet in terms of delivering products that are moving augmented reality into the mainstream. That's why it's no surprise that Facebook, which is also focused on AR and tried to acquire the company for $3 billion several years ago, duplicates many of the smaller company's features.

News: 9 Notorious Hackers

I found this article a while back and I found it underneath a bunch of junk. Anyway, it's a article on 9 notorious hacker including Walter O'Brien (You know the T.V. show Scorpion? Well that's him). Not to mention the weird names:

News: Hitchhiking Robot to Travel Through Canada This Summer

Imagine this: You're driving on the freeway in Canada, enjoying the view and sipping Tim Horton's, when all of the sudden you see something out of the corner of your eye. You expect it to be a moose, obviously, but instead you see a robot with his thumb hitched up. So, after insuring that you didn't accidentally take some hallucinogens a few miles back, do you pick it up?

How To: Draw detailed hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw detailed hair. When you are drawing hair, you must remember to draw with the shape of the head not just the lines. You should also draw in the lines curved and feather them to show the different strands on the head. When drawing a guy or girl, draw different lengths in the hair and show the waves on them as well. For girls, when you are drawing curls you must make them ring shapes so they curve like curls. Just make sure you draw enough lines to show the...

How To: Deal with a girlfriend who tends to tell white lies

With this video, we learn how to deal with a girlfriend who tends to tell white lies. First, don't set an ultimatum with the girl, this will end up in a verbal fight and can ruin the relationship. You need to start to create a new relationship with your girlfriend so she feels more comfortable with you. You need to tell her that if she keeps lying to you then it can cause you guys to end your relationship. The average person tells 26 lies a day, even if they are just white lies. Try working w...

How To: Attract a women at first glance

In this tutorial, we learn how to attract a women at first glance. First, find a guy that you think dresses really well and dress just like them. Don't jam your body into something that doesn't fit you, find something that fits you well. A woman wants a man that looks completed, not someone that looks like he needs to be changed. Fashion is a statement to the woman that is your own personal brand, it shows the woman who you are. Get your clothes together and go out there to get the woman that...

How To: Be powerful & get inside a girl's head

In this tutorial, we learn how to be powerful & get inside a girl's head. To pick up a girl, you need to be confident and engage a girl. Women over the age 22 want to be engaged and want guys to be confident with them. They also want men to listen to them! Getting the phone number, getting her to think about you is what its all about. When you go in weak and don't listen to a girl, she is not going to respect you or think about you later on. Use these tips to help get a girl, enjoy!

How To: Meet more women & blast away your insecurities forever

In this tutorial, we learn how to meet more women & blast away your insecurities forever. Although you may be insecure, you need to get past this and act like you are confident. Don't worry about being attractive and do things that feel right to you. When you stop caring about looking perfect, the girls will start to notice you more. Dress the way that you feel comfortable in and you will exude confidence to the women around you. Women like to be around guys that are confident and that can ta...

How To: Create a retro Katy Perry inspired makeup look

Katy Perry and retro makeup go together like the Old Spice guy and sheer awesomeness. So if you're a fan of how Katy looks (and who isn't?) then check out this makeup tutorial to learn how to create a Katy Perry look with intense, long false lashes, a bronzy eye, and her signature bold lips.

How To: Draw 10 different types of anime eyes in GIMP

In this video, we learn how to draw 10 different types of anime eyes in GIMP. For the girls eye, draw the outlining of the eyes and then the eyebrows. Then, color the whole eye black and give it color. Then, burn the shadows and add in white to the top. Color the face around it and then add in the facial features. For the guys eyes, give them the color in the eyes first and then add the lighter color and the white to make it shiny. If you are going for a mean look, darken the eyes and make th...

How To: Tie a skinny necktie in a Half Windsor

In this video we learn how to tie a skinny necktie in a Half Windsor. First, take the wide end over the thin end and then go over and under the loop. From here, take your wide end over the knot and then under and through the hole. Now, adjust your knot up to your neck where it's comfortable. Place your collar down and then you will be finished with the half Windsor knot. This is a very easy way to tie a tie that a guy can do on himself or have someone else do to him. Practice this to get good...

How To: Create Lady Gaga's thick, graphic cat eyes from "Telephone"

Many of us can't even pick up a telephone these days without being reminded in some way of Lady Gaga's now famous tune, "Telephone." While the song itself isn't at all scandalous - it's about an annoying guy who keeps calling her at the club - the music video made entire pockets of the internet stand still and then implode into a mess of discussions and outage.

How To: Win over her friends

In this video, we learn how to win over her friends. One thing you can do is to pay for drinks or buy a meal when you are out with the friends. Ask them questions so you can get to know them and they think you care about them. Do not touch them and give half hugs if you have to, so they don't get the wrong impression. Give your girlfriend space with her friends and let her do things by herself, being supportive of her hanging with her friends is great. Try to set her friends up with your guy ...

How To: Meet women at Whole Foods market

In this tutorial, we learn how to meet women at Whole Foods market. If there is a woman standing alone and drinking a drink from the food area, ask her what is inside of the drink. This can start a conversation of what each of you guys like and what kind of fruits and vegetables you prefer. Make sure to challenge the girl when you are talking to her, so she is intrigued to keep talking to you. Keep up this approach and you can meet several women in Whole Foods within just an hour or two! This...

How To: Meet a woman on vacation

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to meet women while on vacation. When on vacation, guys usually make the mistake of spending the money to only try to attract women, when they should actually be learning and having fun. When talking to a women, ask her questions about the destination and other interesting subjects. Do not try to seduce or get the woman's phone number. Be yourself and don't objectify women. This video will benefit those viewers who are single and are in need of dating...

How To: Gain muscle mass by eating ten bulking foods

Though we're currently in the middle of summer and most of us are either relaxing poolside or beachside, for teenage boys looking to make it as a star player on their high school's football team, summer means major sweat and pain time. Football players do gain a certain advantage out on the field when they increase their muscle and bulk up their frame, so many guys will work out hardcore while eating thousands of calories a day (think Taylor Lautner).

How To: Meet a woman in a bar without using pickup lines

David Wygant tells us how to meet a woman at a bar without using pickup lines. One of the biggest words that turn women off is "wasted". A woman will look at you like a monkey at a zoo if you are too drunk and talking really stupidly. If you are too drunk, you probably are not going to get a woman and if you do, you probably won't be able to perform. So, when you go into a bar with your friends don't act drunk and act like you are just having a good time. The confident, cool, and fun guys are...

How To: Create easy, natural openers when talking to women

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to create easy, natural openers when talking to women. Conversations can easily be started all the time based on simple observations. Usually guys make a mistake when they try to use a pickup line on a women. Pickup lines don't work because they're taking people out of a present moment. If you are walking around and observing something, chances are someone else is observing it as well. So if you and a woman are observing the same object, she will imme...

How To: make a friendship bracelet with vertical stripes

If you think about it, it's actually easy to make friends and acquaintences - you move to a new town or go to college and you're immediately immersed in the culture and the people around you. Those in close proximity you'll definitely talk to an a regular basis if not establish a friendship. But true friendships which lasts years, decades, and even lifetimes are extremely hard to come by.