Gps Radio Search Results

How To: Configure the settings on an HP TouchPad tablet

The HP TouchPad is a webOS tablet capable of displaying media, browsing and connecting to the web, downloading and accessing apps, and more. This guide walks you through the process of configuring a number of settings on the device. Learn how to adjust the time, location services (GPS), screen lock, privacy features, and more.

How To: Listen to internet radio with iTunes

With iTunes, you can listen to the radio over the internet and hear broadcasts from around the world. Make sure your computer is connected through the internet, then click "Radio" in the source list to see the internet radio stations available through iTunes.

How To: Change a Phone's Coordinates by Spoofing Wi-Fi Geolocation Hotspots

In many urban areas, GPS doesn't work well. Buildings reflect GPS signals on themselves to create a confusing mess for phones to sort out. As a result, most modern devices determine their location using a blend of techniques, including nearby Wi-Fi networks. By using SkyLift to create fake networks known to be in other areas, we can manipulate where a device thinks it is with an ESP8266 microcontroller.

How To: Find longitude and latitude coordinates in Google Maps

Learn how to view longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates on a Google Maps-generated map. This brief video tutorial from the folks at Butterscotch will teach you everything you need to know. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started finding GPS coordinates on Google Maps yourself, take a look.

How To: Find out your exact location with an Apple iPhone

See how to use the Maps application and the iPhone's built-in GPS function to find your exact location when out and about. Whether you're the proud owner of an Apple iPhone 4G or perhaps just considering picking one up, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial. For more information, including a detailed overview, watch this iPhone user's guide.

How To: Record your voice with Garmin voice studio software

If you are sick of hearing that recorded robotic voice on your GPS device, check out this tutorial. In it, you will learn how to record your very own voice (or that of a friend or loved one) and have it give you directions instead! This can make for a pretty cool prank on someone as well. So, check it out, it's super easy and all you need is a PC with Windows and a small download.

How To: Use location settings on your Android phone

Never get lost again with location based-GPS on your Google Android phone. One of the salient advantages of a Google Android smartphone over, say, an Apple iPhone, is the inherent extendibility of the open-source Android mobile OS. There are a seemingly infinite number of settings to tweak and advanced features to discover and use. This free video tutorial will show you how to use the various location tools on your Android device.

How To: Install a ham radio in a Jeep Liberty

I you are interested in installing a ham or cb radio in your car, this two part tutorial should help. In these videos, you'll find out how to install a ham radio in a Jeep Liberty. It's a tricky task and requires that you make a few holes here and there, but in the end the result will be a car that has a useful ham radio in it. So good luck, be careful not to cut any wires, and enjoy!

How To: Preload geocache data to improve your vacations

Geocaching is one of the many fun ways that internet technology has improve our lives, allowing people to leave essentially buried treasure anywhere in the world, then post GPS coordinates on the internet to allow other travelers to find it. This video offers a tip for geocache enthusiasts traveling with their families: download the coordinates for geocaches near your vacation destination before you leave, so that while you're on your trip you can geocache to you heart's content without havin...

How To: Avoid distractions when driving

Although technology can make things easier for people, it can still serve as a dangerous tool when performing specific tasks. One in particular is driving. Texting, listening to music, and changing directions on a gps can all lead to an accident. In this next tutorial, you'll be finding out some ways to avoid distrations when driving. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Make a globe and radio wave animation in After Effects

See how to make a Radio Wave animation that encircles a 3D sphere. First, the clip demonstrates how to achieve this effect using After Effects. Next, it offers instructions on how to do the same thing within Cinema 4D. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started creating your own custom radio wave animation, watch this free video software tutorial.

How To: Save Battery Life & Never Get Lost Again with Offline Maps & Directions on Your Samsung Galaxy S3

When you have to take four different freeways to go twelve miles, Google Maps becomes a very close and dear friend—especially in Los Angeles. Without my trusty Samsung Galaxy S3, I seriously don't know if I could make it back home half of the time. Of course, you'd probably get better directions using a Garmin, TomTom, or other GPS device, but when you already have a smartphone like the GS3, dedicated GPS units become nothing more than a luxury item.

How To: How Much Time Do You Spend Indoors and Outdoors? Find Out with This DIY Arduino Tracking Device!

How much time do you spend outside, as opposed to inside? Whether it's because you're working, studying or just have a bunch of errands to run, it may seem like the majority of your day is spent indoors. Ever wondered exactly how much time you spend indoors and outdoors? Now you can, thanks to this DIY Arduino-powered tracking device by Instructables user Gramsky.

How To: Build a remote-controlled camera mount

Kip Kay, from Make Magazine, shows you how to take your radio controlled vehicle and turn it into a spy car, by mounting a camera onto it. Follow Kip, as he shows you how to remove the body from your radio controlled car, mount the camera inside the chassis using the triPod mounting screw hole on your video camera, and put it all back together. In just few short steps you, too, can have your very own radio controlled spy car.

How To: Use docking accessories to improve your Motorola Droid Bionic smartphone

The docking accessories available to owners of the Motorola Droid Bionic unlock several different functions dormant in the Android smartphones. The Vehicle Navigation Dock allows you to easily access Verizon's GPS system on the go, or give vocal commands so that you stay safe and handsfree with the Droid Bionic. The HD Station Dock allows you to connect your smartphone to a TV and view photos or use applications on the big screen. This guide by Motorola shows you how to access the different f...