Grand Slam Getting Search Results

How To: Buy a house

In this series of video clips, Dan takes you through the process of buying a house step-by-step, including how to start home shopping, choosing a neighborhood, and getting what you what when purchasing your first home. He then explains the various agreements and paperwork you'll need to close the deal. After watching these videos you'll be able to start your house hunting with confidence.

News: Johnny's belated Debauchery Bachelor Party of Shame.

First off, congratulations to Jonny & Naomi to their marriage Friday. Great timing for Johnny to make an honest woman of the bride; 9 months AFTER your son's birth. HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE.Its safe to say that Johnny did not get a proper bachelor party before he tied the knot.So Johnny gets called to meet Jeff Trenmaine at his office or some other building. When Johnny arrives, he is surprised to find a 'bachelor party' has been set up by all of his friends. Every gay male stripper, every morbid obes...

News: Caught Brown Handed

Have some of the Jackass crew poop in a purse. Or use elephant poop....and fill the bottom of the purse. Cover the poop with makeup, tissues, personal items, etc. that you'd normally find in a purse. Then set in on a semi-busy sidewalk.(Making it a Coach purse would attract more attention I think.) When "curious" people walk by they'll probably check the purse for money, but instead they get a disgusting surprise!! After a few people have "gotten their hands dirty" you could have Spike Jones ...

News: Low End Necklace

The Jackass crew are now jewelers. In this idea, you would have to get 8 jewels or stones or medallions, gumball size, and a very thick gaudy gold chain. The chain would be divided into 8 parts and cut. All at once, the Jackass guys would each swallow the jewel and their segment of the chain. In a day or so, or sooner with the help of laxatives, each guy would poop out the stone and the piece of the chain. As soon as all of the parts and pieces have been recovered from each guys poop, the cha...

News: The Stool Jewel

This is very simple but would take a little time. Get a stone or cubic zirconia or jewel of some sort about the size of a gum ball . . . start with one member of the Jackass crew swallowing it and waits until it passes through their system and then they poop it out. When they poop it out, it gets washed off and cleaned and then another Jackass guy does the same thing and then poops it out, and then the next guy and the next guy until every dude in Jackass has swallowed it and pooped it out. T...

News: The Shock Maze

Make a maze out of invisible dog fence. Have a bunch of people wear many collars on their bodies and tell them they need to navigate their way to the end of the maze. They can see the end of the maze, but if they take the wrong path, they will get shocked. Also either have them wear the barking dog shock collars so that if they leave the boundary they will scream and keep getting shocked until they return to the maze path, or have another method to get them to return inside the boundaries. Bu...

News: The Bull from Hell across the corner....

Hey wuz up jackass. ok my idea is to be outin the desert while wearing a short dress. then have shopping carts. BE IN CORAL. then pair up wth smebody else. one of u gets in the cart and one of u has to pull te other one. heres the tricky part. then...... REALESE THE BULL!!!!!!!!!!!! whoever lasts the longest in the coral wins .......HOPE U LIKE MY PRANK!!!!

News: Mumblety Peg

Google Mumblety Peg and you'll realize this is a real game our grandfathers played in the schoolyard. The object of the game is to throw a knife at the ground by your foot. Whoever gets closes wins. Sticking the knife in your foot also wins. One variation is to throw the knife at the other person's foot. This would be the jack-ass version and of course, it wouldn't end until a knife was stuck in someone's foot.

News: Hot Poo-Tato

Picture the game hot potato where you pass it around to each other because the thing is steaming hot. Well, in this version you get the whole crew and some kind of a rubber ball - maybe those ones that they keep in the giant cages at grocery stores - poke a hole in it and fill it with poo and pee. Seal it back up, get an M80, make a hole on opposite and stick it in there and light her up. Play the game . . . whoever is holding it when the M80s are lit and explode gets covered in crap.

News: Scaredive

You start a casual conversation about skydiving with someone afraid of heights, you suggest to them a good prank would be to dive from a plane blindfolded and find your friends (who are also falling) so they can put on your parachute guided via a radio headset. While they tell you about how much they think it is a bad idea your buddies pounce from behind, blindfold them, tie them up and make out like your going to try the stunt.

News: The FlyScream Cone

This is called the FlyScream Cone: You go to a them park where they have a bungee swing. The one that raises a person and once release they swing from side to side. In this case you one person strapped in and ready to go. One the bottom you have someone holding an ice cream cone. The first person gets released and he zooms down towards the second person holding the ice cream. his goal is to lick the ice cream as he zooms by. There you have it, the "FlyScream cone"

News: It wasn't me.

Have a guy go into an enclosed area with a bunch of people such as an elevator or a public bus/taxi. Once in, secretly take out a bottle of 'Liquid Ass' and either spray a bunch or if it's a liquid spill some drops on the floor. Once the smell gets really bad and people are gagging or about to throw up...basically look around saying it wasn't you and blaming other people (such as the women).

News: Zombie Halocaust

Well you start by gathering a lot of the guys in a room for a while and you choose your target(s). After you're sure you know who you want to scare just casually mention how one of the other guys got "attacked" earlier and isn't feeling well. Then leave for a while with your target(s) while everyone is getting into character (make up/torn clothes). Just to come back to a room full of bloody people eating each other.. I think this prank has a lot of shock value its hard to imagine someones rea...

News: Vomit Go Round

In this prank, the Jackass Crew will be tricked inot drinking a bit of ipecac (or willfully take it if knowing) before getting on a ride that will go up and down in a circular motion. While in the ride, the Crew will be shooting nerf guns (or any projectile in intrest) at people who are their targets, and thats when the magic begins.

News: Refreshing Sh**

Get a can or bottle of the victims favorite soda. Make sure the bottle isn't clear and cannot be seen through. Pour in a mix of shit, garbage, and anything other disgusting thing you can find. Pour it in the bottle/ can. Make sure you put something in it to cover up the smell. Do an activity that gets the victim very thirsty. Pretend to take a drink and right before you give it to the victim to take a drink, super glue the rim. Once the victim takes a drink of it, they will try to pull the bo...

How To: Use a Needle for Cool Nail Art Designs

Hello to all my readers, this is Kalsoom Nafasat. You all will be amazed to know that you can create some great nail art using needles. Although toothpicks are used more commonly in nail art, needles can be used for the tiniest of details. A needle is the best tool for creating sketches or painting faces on your fingernails. Isn't that amazing?

News: Unintended Bungie Jump

Alright, so while I can't claim to be a huge, oh my god there's Steve-O jump for joy everytime a new Jackass movie comes out, fan, I do enjoy watching the show. Now, there's a prank that I would never have the means nor balls to pull on someone I know, but those kind of pranks seem to be the Jackass bread and butter, so here goes nothing.I got this idea maybe a month and a half ago. The first step of this plan would be to somehow make one of your friends unconcious. I'm not asking questions a...

News: shopping traps

each member is to "do a shopping cart" off a ramp into a pit of set mouse traps. the member gets out of the pit and tallies the amount of mouse traps is caught on his body. the member with the most mouse traps caught on his body wins!

News: Never Drinking Again, Worst Hangover Wakeup

If you've gotten drunk and had a hangover, you know how bad it can be in the morning. The slightest thing is like tortue. This will make someone never wanna drink again. It gets pretty good, so you gotta read it all. Ok, get someone to drink very heavy that doesnt drink that often. We can do this the night you fly us out to L.A.. Say its to celebrate us winning.Set up a bunch of alarm clocks in their room(loud noises suck)Aim a bright light right in their eyes and when they wake up turn it on...

News: body pegs

one of the guys could cover their full body in pegs as it would be really painfull but really funny, i think preston should do this coz he gets really grumpy some times and has more skin to peg if you know what i mean ;)

News: wagon hop

1 person gets into a wagon with rockets at the end of it then there will be a ramp and a shed in front of it the person will then set off the rockets and fly up the ramp over the shed an and land The Wagon jum

How To: Start a handbag business

Eileen Duffy owns her own handbag business and she is here today to show you the steps she took to get to where she is today. If you want to start your own fashion business, then she has some great tips. Of course, the best thing is to start out by going to school and getting some training.

News: Zoo Attack

Dumb Idiot Have the guys at the zoo. One fan (actor) comes up who is crazy and wants to be on the show. He jumps into the place where there are gorillas. But all the gorillas will secretly be fake because they are people in costumes.

How To: Keep your battery in good condition

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...

How To: Maintain the rubber hoses in your car's engine

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...

How To: Rebuild your car engine

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...

How To: Prevent connecting rod failure in your car

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...

News: movie star prank

get ryan dunn or any of the other jackass crew to beleave they have a spot for another up comeing movie of urs and get em all sicked about it and take em to a fake filming sight and and this ones a good part for some famus actors u usally put in ur movies to help u out get em to where this fucked up costum and start fake filming and when his guards down bam hit with like a falling sand bag to the nuts or body and watch him fly back or u could always do some thing like some thing goes wrong an...

News: Donkey kong

Okay so everyone remembers the classic video game donkey kong right? Well we basically do something along the lines of that. Have a larger person dressed up or painted to look like a gorilla standing at the top of a hill or path that is on a hill, and then have someone else running up the hill while the person dressed as a gorilla throws giant barrels down at them. As the barrels get to the person they have to try and jump over them while running up the hill.

News: something truly warped

The pranks outlook.. a bunch of friends or campers are camping, someone that the people being pranked knows will suit up in a bear outfit then the "bear" will walk around just outside the camp to alert people then the "bear" charges. someone then grabs a gun with blanks in it, but no one is aware of this. then the person shoots the "bear" and the "bear" makes a very human "umph" sound and then hits the ground. people shout "i don't think that was a bear" so the people getting pranked and the ...