Grand Slam Getting Search Results

How To: Build your K'NEX Starburst Spinner Thrill Ride

K'NEX is one of the most popular construction toys on the market, right next to Lincoln Logs and LEGOs, but what makes K'NEX stand out is the fact that children can build mechanically derived toys. Instead of blocks or little logs, kids use interconnecting plastic rods and connectors, which give them tons of contraptions to build and play with. Today, K NEX has even more possibilities with wheels, pulleys, panels and flexi-rods to make amusement park roller coasters, airplanes, animals, bikes...

How To: Build your K'NEX Pirate Ship Park

K'NEX is one of the most popular construction toys on the market, right next to Lincoln Logs and LEGOs, but what makes K'NEX stand out is the fact that children can build mechanically derived toys. Instead of blocks or little logs, kids use interconnecting plastic rods and connectors, which give them tons of contraptions to build and play with. Today, K NEX has even more possibilities with wheels, pulleys, panels and flexi-rods to make amusement park roller coasters, airplanes, animals, bikes...

How To: Cut back ornamental grass

Adrian Higgins is the extraordinary garden writer for the Washington Post and shares with us his tip for cutting back ornamental grass. Spring is late in Washington this year which is good because we haven't gotten around to cutting back our grasses. This is a vital late winter chore because if it isn't done before new growth emerges, cutting could damage the new growth. Different people have different techniques depending on the grass and tool. Adrian doesn't like to use pruners for this tas...

How To: Make a perfect ponytail

Richard Ashforth shows you how to make a perfect ponytail in this hair styling lesson. He fixes all those tough parts like the baggy look underneath and getting it perfectly fastened. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to make a perfect ponytail. Make a perfect ponytail.

News: Ehrens Wild Water Ride

My idea for a prank would be to screw with Ehren tricking him into a wild water ride. Remember that episode of nitro circus when one of the dudesens and one of the nitro crew were playing a crazy game of tug of war by bungee cording each other and riding quads which ended up with them both getting knocked off the bikes, well why not the same do but tweak it. What I was thinking is we are all on a nice beach and we decide to play that same tug of war game in the sand but blinded, and before we...

How To: Throw a boomerang

In this segment from Lonely Planet, we learn how to throw a boomerang. It's not just a question of getting the boomerang to come back to you. Throw the boomerang the wrong way, and it just might come back to you like a heat-seeking missle! The host in this clip has trouble getting the boomerang to return, calling to mind the old joke: "What do you call a boomerang that won't come back? A stick." Throw a boomerang.

How To: Build a Campfire with Paper and Kindling

Check out this how-to video to learn tips on building a camp fire. One of the most enjoyable things in the world is a long-burning campfire in the great outdoors. Check out these tips for getting a campfire going without harming the environment... or yourself. How To Build a Campfire - Safely Build a Campfire Video.

How To: Make ginger ice cream

In this tutorial, we learn how to make ginger ice cream. You will need: cream, milk, ginger, and eggs to make this. First, take 2 c milk and heat it up in a sauce pan. After this, cut the skin off of the ginger and then grate it into the milk. Next, stir this and keep your eye on it so it doesn't boil or stick to the sides. Check the temperature until it gets to 160 degrees. While this is heating up, separate four eggs from their yolks, then whisk the eggs in a separate bowl. Add in the sugar...

How To: Be a lineman in football

This how to video shows you how to become a better lineman. First, you will need to know that blocking is a matter of position, leverage, and force. You should have courage, determination, intelligence, and willingness to give maximum effort for six seconds. For the first drill, you will have the fit drill. You will line up against a team mate and drive them up for five yards. The next drill is the two step punch and fit drill. You will emphasize your first initial step into the blocker. Thro...

How To: Turn an old vinyl record into a bowl or platter

Seeing as record players are getting harder to find, here's something useful to do with your records, turn them into serving dishes! What you need to do is get some tin foil, oven safe dishes and of course records. Two different types of dishes can be made, a shallow plate-like dish and deeper bowl-like dish. For the shallow one use a cake pan for its form, you'll need a glass jar or an empty tin can for the other one. Start off by setting your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 177 degrees Ce...

How To: Get broader shoulders doing handstand pushups

First of all you need to place your palms on the floor and place your feet upside and touch the wall. Now start walking on your hands backwards towards the wall and at the same time moving your legs higher on the wall. Try to get as close as to the wall. Once you are into the basic hand stand then hold this position for sometime. After this get out of the hand stand position and then again repeat this exercise and holding for five to thirty seconds. Do it five to ten sets. And do it five to t...

How To: Dodge and burn non-destructively in Photoshop

Yanik Chauvin demonstrates how to do Non Destructive Dodging (lighten) and burning (darken) of images using the tools in Photoshop. He shows the image of a man lying on earth with his camera. To start the work he wants to make a new layer which can be done in two ways either by clicking on the ‘layer’ button on top of menu or by pressing down the alt key and clicking on the new layer at button of the layer palette. It will bring up the dialogue box. He named it “dodge and burn” and from the l...

How To: Build massive chest muscles with the dumbell press

If you're tired of getting sand kicked in your face at the beach because of your tiny chest muscles then the dumbell press exercise is for you. This professional tutorial demonstrates the simple workout that can build up your pectoral muscles in a healthy manner. The dumbell bench press is an awesome functional, athletic movement for you athletes. You will work the target muscle better by visualizing the target muscle. Go slow (a 3-1-3 tempo), and visualize that you are squeezing water out of...

How To: Potty train a toddler

Are you a parent to a toddler? Do you need information on how to effectively teach your baby about the potty? Then stay tuned as you learn the effective ways in teaching kids potty training. The 3 stages to potty training is bladder, bowel and night control. The key to mastering it is by starting at the right time. Start training when you see your child uncomfortable with a full nappy. You may decide to head on to toilet training or use a potty. Or you may also want to try to buy some roll-up...

How To: Do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack

CobraWorkout teaches you how to do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack. For the first exercise lay down on your back, heels on the floor, take a medicine ball between your hands. Then angle your body at 45 degrees from the ground and twist it to the left and to the back. Do this 15 times and go straight to the next exercise. This involves getting on the side and having your feet in the air, while moving your upper body up and down. Do 25 repetitions on each side. For the third exercis...

How To: Play shuffleboard

Getting an outdoor itch to start something new? How about the ever-so-fun game of shuffleboard? Begun more than 500 years ago as a game for European royalty, shuffleboard is becoming more popular with Americans who see it as a less expensive alternative to golf.

News: New Hair Bet

You buy some booze and invite your "friends" to come have a drink with you and when they show up you start drinking and propose a bet say I bought the alcohol and invited you assholes so the first person to pass out tonight has to have a eating contest with who ever I say the next day... and they should most likely all agree because it seems so harmless....