Green Pest Search Results

How To: Get Rid of Spiders Naturally

Spiders are common pests that typically prefer to live outdoors. However, insects and warmth will eventually attract them into our houses. They like to spin their webs in corners, crevices and unused areas of your house. Most species are harmless and even act as a natural repellent for getting rid of other insects. However, in some cases, spiders can be very dangerous. Whichever the case may be, they are scary and people are always looking for natural ways to get rid of them.

How To: Get Rid of Plant-Eating Pests Using 100% Natural Solutions from Your Home and Garden

Navigating through row after row of plants, my tiny fingers would reach into the leaves to pluck all the vile little creatures from their homes and deposit them into a can of gasoline. Potato bug duty, my least favorite gardening chore. Growing up, my family had a small garden every year. And every year, I was recruited to help plant, maintain, and eventually harvest the vegetables from it. There were some tasks I didn't mind, but the ones I hated most usually involved bugs (have you ever see...

How To: Get rid of gnats with some vinegar

Gnats are disgusting little bugs that make life a living hell on Earth. When surrounded by an entire swarm of them, they can be around your face , going inside your nose, ears, mouth and be really big pests for such tiny insects. This tutorial will show you how to get rid of the gnats using some vinegar. So sit back and enjoy!

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Deal with cockroaches

These hearty bugs are here simply to elicit screams and revulsion – or so it seems. Apparently they can survive nuclear waste, but that doesn't mean they impossible to get rid of. Deal with them pronto with this video on how to get rid of those pesky bugs.

How To: Make an easy, cheap green screen with no posterboard

In this video you learn how to make your own green screen for less than $15 in under an hour. The material for the screen is a green felt-like fabric that can be easily found at a local fabric store or Wal-Mart. The fabric itself is just over 1 yard in width and you will need to buy 2 sheets 3 yards in length for a total of 6 yards at a price of about $2.00 per yard. You will also need a way to join the sheets together. For this, the video recommends a tube of Heat'n'Bond fabric joiner which ...

How To: Use Green's Theorem to solve a line integral

This three part video walks you through using Green's theorem to solve a line integral. This excellent video shows you a clean blackboard, with the instructors voice showing exactly what to do. Don't fret, any question you may have, will be answered. Watching this video will make you feel like your back in the classroom but rather comfortably from your home.

How To: Read the green to improve your golf game

Are you having trouble with your green reading? It's not an easy task, but you can learn it. Green reading doesn't start when you get to the green. In fact it starts when you approach the green. In this video, Rick Sessinghaus divides the art of green reading into four parts, from approaching the green to standing over the ball. See how to read the green on a golf course.

How To: Create a grassy summer meadow inspired makeup look

Unfortunately for the greater portion of gals who live in or close to cities, we aren't blessed with idyllic, wide open spaces filled with green meadows, wildflowers, and perfect clouds in a perfect white sky. Uncommercialized or used spaces are hard to find, which is why getting a taste of green scenery is so important for our well being (it's easy to feel overwhelmed by city life!).

How To: Build a portable green screen for under $30

Special effects are so cool and so..expensive! In this tutorial, learn how to make a portable green screen for very cool effects for less than 30 bucks. This green screen can move with you so you are ready to shoot no matter where you are! Follow these step by step instructions and you will be practicing your Oscar speech in no time.

How To: Properly light a green screen and create the illusion

Ever wonder how to create movie magic right in your own home? This video shows you step by step everything you need to know and do to create the green screen effect, from properly setting up your green screen, to lighting it, as well as your subjects for a successful effect. Filled with tips and instructions this is a great video to watch for filmmakers, and special effects artist of all kinds.

How To: Shoot on a green screen

Looking to create great special FX for you films using a green screen. Steve from Indy Mogul teaches you how to shoot using a blue screen or a green screen and also how to add in your own digital backgrounds.

How To: Make a great green bean side dish

Sometimes simple is the best way to do it, and what is simpler than green beans? Well, they aren't THAT simple, but the concept is easy to grasp. Green beans can make a fantastic side dish to any meal if you know how to cook them right. In this video, chef Jason Hill introduces you to a simple, but delicious green bean recipe with garlic and shallots.

How To: Control snails & aphids

In this video, Extension Horticulturalist Curtis Smith talks with Master Gardener Marsha groves about controlling harmful pests that are damaging to plants throughout the year in both outdoor garden and greenhouse environments. The first part of the video covers the issue of plant eating snails, and how they might best be dealt with. Smith explains that there are a number of non-toxic methods which one can use to rid a plant of snails. The process of introducing predatory creatures such as tu...

How To: Remove green screen spill from a monster in Photoshop

This image editing software tutorial shows you how to extract a green screen background from behind a spock-like monster in Photoshop CS3. Learn how to remove the green spill of light that appears around the edges of images, that are shot against a green screen backdrop. This is an important step in cleanly extracting a background professionally in Photoshop. Especially if you want your monster scenes to look great!

How To: Use green screens in Final Cut Pro

Here is a Final Cut Studio software suite tutorial on how to use the green screen function in Final Cut Pro. Footage that has been shot on a green screen can be brought in and isolated with Chroma Key settings. Once you have your subject removed from the green screen background, you are ready to apply hundreds of effects and transitions in Final Cut Pro.

How To: Grow garlic in your home garden

Garlic is good for you and adds great flavor to your cooking. Add this versatile plant to your garden this fall and in no time at all you'll be pulling up fantastic cloves of fresh, home grown garlic that you can use and share with your neighbors.