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News: 80s SF/Fantasy Revival

The Writers at have been running through a fantastic series of blog posts, in which they're teaching their readers about the history of great 80s sci-fi and fantasy. Because so much of this is right up my alley, I though I'd aggregate their aggregations, so to speak, and write a little retrospective of my own.

News: Review of Sativa 45's 'Problem?'

This is definitely a song that will grow on you. As I write this review, I'm actually going back and rewriting things I previously thought about this song because it keeps getting better the more I listen to it. So, I suggest going to his SoundCloud and downloading the mp3 to put on repeat. 'Problem?' starts off very heavy on the snare and dub-type stabs, like most dubstep songs.

UPDATE: The Secret Behind Why McDonald's Hamburgers Won't Rot

For some reason, McDonald's hamburgers are mysteriously unsusceptible to Mother Nature's inevitable toll of decomposition. Yep, you pretty much have to dip a McDonald's cheeseburger in acid if you want it to decompose. So we're left with the question: Why? Why does a McDonald's hamburger retain its original shape, color and texture after 12 years?

News: Gigantic Carpet of 750,000 Begonias (Assembled in Just 4 Hours!)

Every summer the city of Brussels assembles an enormous carpet of begonias, under the advisement of one hundred experienced gardeners. The project is planned far in advance, with illustrations and scale models based on a chosen theme (previously chosen have been the arms and shield of a town or commemoration of important events). This year's theme features Saint Michael striking down the dragon, the official protective image of the city, founded over 1,000 years ago.

News: This Cow Tongue Looks Delicious

Here's another jewel from Serious Eats series, The Nasty Bits: yummy cow tongue, complete with that lovely texture we all know so well. Though most us likely have a negative visceral reaction to the idea of tongue, Serious Eats make a compelling argument that it is actually one of the tastiest bits of the animal.

News: Happy 4th of July!

Original post by FrontierVillePost Click through to see pictures! Today we got an update for the 4th of July celebration of America’s Independence Day. Because this game is based in America around the Western Expansion movement, our pioneers deserve a chance to rest from their chores and celebrate!

How To: Pinch stem tips on plants

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly pinch the stem of plants. This will help for stems that grow beyond the head and ruin the look of the plant. All you have to do is simply pinch the stems of the leaves that are growing outward and the ones that look unruly. You just need to take your two fingers and pinch the very stem of it, being careful not to damage the plant. For a medium sized plant, this will only take a few short minutes and it will make the plant look much better. It will al...

How To: A Beginners Guide

I've created this guide to give you some ideas for how to progress quickly as well as some basics for how to operate FrontierVille. My tips are merely suggestions based on my experience and you are welcome to explore and play the game at your own pace. I hope you benefit from my posts and look forward to answering questions and bringing you more useful information here and on the Facebook page in the future! (All these blue links take you to more content just like this page, click them for mo...

SUGARBUILT: If you give a artist a cookie...

New Mexico native Amelia Coulter grew up amongst the rich creative community and natural beauty of Santa Fe. After attending SUNY Purchase as a sculpture major, Amelia settled in Brooklyn and decided to merge her love of patterns, architecture and design with her passion for food. Thus SUGARBUILT was born. Amelia seeks out the best ingredients available to create wonderful and unusual recipes. Starting with the basics of a tasty sugar cookie dough and royal icing, she transforms the classic c...

News: foraging for food

Are you hungry? One of the great things about Los Angeles is the abundance of food. I'm not just talking about restaurants. You need to get out of your car, and walk around your neighborhood. You could make a great meal just from what you find out on the streets. It's free, and most of it's organic. Just be sure to wash any dirt off of your treasure before you bite.

News: gardening is hard

Gardening is difficult, in the best of times. I was very inspired by this post from You Grow Girl about how she's not a perfect gardener, either, and no one is. Truth is, I forget to water, forget to trim, and am terrible at weeding. I don't even feed the compost properly. Nevertheless, I keep trying, and I'm amazed when the plants actually show up and flower.

News: Pentagon Funds Real Life Spider-Man Technology

Chemical engineers at Cornell have created a small device that may one day turn troops into real life spider-men. The device would cradle in the palm of the hand, allowing troops to scale walls. It uses an adhesive inspired by the Floridian leaf beetle, an insect that "can adhere to leaves with power 100 times stronger than its own body weight".

News: Alexa Voice Control Coming to iPhones Soon

If you're anything like most iPhone users, then you've probably grown tired of Siri's antics by now. She frequently has trouble with even the most basic of questions, and severely lags behind Google Assistant with regards to usability. Unfortunately, Google Assistant for iPhones has been less than ideal.

Guerrilla Gardening 101: How to Make a Seed Bomb

Build up your arm strength and beautify your local community in a single stroke by dropping homemade seed bombs in and around your neighborhood. A guerrilla gardening technique anyone can participate in, seed bombing is a fun and effective way to add tiny oases of wildflowers and healthy green plants in vacant lots and other overlooked and neglected parcels of land.

How To: Privacy? What Privacy? Quora Now Publicly Shows the Posts You View: Here's How to Disable It

In an effort to help posters see the various ways that people discover their posts, Q&A site, Quora has decided to make who views each post, public, along with information on how each viewer came to see the question (ex: through an email, a followed tag, or other public stream). This would probably be an interesting, helpful, and universally liked feature, except for one thing...