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News: Zeiss Compact Prime Lens + Zacuto DSLR Baseplate

Zeiss recently debuted their Compact Prime Lens set at NAB.  The best part: no mount modifications or adapters necessary!  Zacuto has done one better with their new DSLR Baseplate system.  Previous rigs had unwanted play when using the follow focus.  "Zacuto’s new DSLR Baseplate System, debuting at the NAB show in Vegas, mounts to the camera and lens using the standard 1/4 20” screw and ¼ 20 lens support, which gives you two mounting points for rock solid support to the camera & attached prim...

News: DSLR to Film Comparison

So watching this I think what is so interesting is not what film does better, but what the differences are between the DSLRs.  Give me Kodak indoors and Fuji outdoors any day, but the 5D really does shine, it becomes hard to see why you should shell out for a RED, or most Sony products especially for a anything without guaranteed theatrical release.   Documentary I believe remains a whole different question and workflow is still a headache but when the name of the game is make this beautiful ...

How To: Hit a fade of the tee

Hit the fairway with a fade... Jason Brant shows you how to shape your tee shot from left-to-right in the air on a dogleg hole. It's not just a useful golf shot to master for this situation, it's a great way to guarantee you'll find the fairway every time. Colin Montgomerie swears by it, now you can too. It's a great golf shot to have in your armoury. Hit a fade of the tee.

News: Amazon Mechanical Turk

It's really a shame that it is so hard for people to make money on the internet these days. The dot com bubble has receded and scams are plentiful on the web. There are, however, a couple of legitimate ways to make a few extra bucks online, Amazon Mechanical Turk, or MTurk for short, is one of them. The idea of MTurk is to hook up programmers with people that do tasks that computers can not, these tasks are called HITs (Human Intelligence Task). These tasks include article creation, creative ...

News: ChaCha

Have you ever gone on a long internet binge, researching and surfing mindless things, and thought to yourself: I wish I could make some money surfing the internet and sharing the (sometimes useless) information I had just acquired? Well, now you can!

How To: Create a Drybrush Painting of Bob Marley

I usually do step-by-step drawing tutorials, but I found drybrush technique to be fascinating and possibly superior to pencil drawing. Pencils are limited tools because they can only be applied with a point of some sort (with the exception of a graphite stick), while paintbrushes allow artists to think in terms of shapes instead of lines. If you look around the room that you are currently in, I guarantee you that you will not see anything that resembles an edge that a pencil gives you; the wo...

How To: Catch surface-feeding fish with a popping cork rig

One of the most exciting times you can have fishing is when you can get in the middle of a school of surface-feeding fish like black bass or white bass or stripers. If you can manage to cast off into them, you're guaranteed to get a bite. And one way to improve your chances… the popping cork rig. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a popping cork rig.

How To: Perform the anti-gravity ketchup magic trick

You're guaranteed to fool all of your friends with this fantastic magic trick! So grab some ketchup, but hold the fries and get ready to perform along with Ryan Oakes. You will need a bottle of water, a ketchup pocket, and a glass of water. Sometimes we use materials that require adult supervision... like scissors so make sure you have friends and family around whenever you do magic tricks. 1. Preparation: Take the label off of the bottle and find a packet of ketchup that’s not too full. To b...

How To: Make a Human Blockade Lockbox

I'll admit it, yes, I support protesting. It doesn't matter what my opinions are about any individual protest—overall, it is a human right and the only way to avoid tyranny. We can't deify Ghandi and demonize American protesters. That shows a silly shortsightedness that we can't afford to dabble in.

Squeal: iPad App Plays the Human Face Like a Theremin

Just as Smule's ocarina app yields the gentle sounds of a woodwind instrument by simply blowing into an iPhone, Squeal promises to emit theremin-esque noises from the iPad with easy fingerplay. Developed as a collaboration between Hong Kong musician/producer/composer Gaybird Leung and interactive designer Henry Chu, the musical app is a work-in-progress for Henry's ongoing experimental music project Digital Hug.

How To: Track a Stolen Camera Online

Ever had your car broken into? Or worse, your apartment? Ever been pickpocketed? Handheld electronics—iPods, iPhones, iPads, GPS devices, digital cameras—are easy to snatch, light to carry, and useful to most. And when they're gone, they're gone.

News: Storage Cellar

More Storage is here for all! It takes up less space than a plot and once you expand it to 500, you can get rid of your other barns if need be and it will hold all 500 items on its own!

How To: Make Strawberry Ice Cubes

Having company for cocktails? How about adding a special twist (and yummy conversation piece) to your guests' drinks? These strawberry ice cubes are a delightful way to dress up a drink. They're super-simple to make, and guaranteed to make a splash!Watch video demonstrationYou'll Need:

News: Promises

It's soon going to be time for the elections and everyone is prepping up for it. The Republicans are waiting to elect Romney, who in my and many others view will not keep his promises. The Democrats are trying their best (its working) to make Obama as strong as possible against Mitt, who, in their minds, will be easy to defeat. Obama's acceptance polls have been steadily rising in the past few months.

How To: Make a sponge ball disappear

Here is a beginner level disappearing trick easy to learn and guaranteed to amaze. Learn to make a ball disappear right before your audiences eyes. A sponge ball works best but their are other alternatives that will work just as well. Make a sponge ball disappear.

How To: Shuffle like a dealer

For all you casino junkies, you can finally learn how to shuffle like those dealers. What's the big deal? Dealers shuffle in a way that guarantees no one can see the faces of the cards. You'll need to scroll down the page to get to the actual video. Shuffle like a dealer.

News: Killing American Citzens

US can legally kill Americans in terror groups You read it right. The US can now target Americans who are supposedly part of terrorist groups. Here's my analysis of Attorney General Eric Holder points (keep in mind though, these are point's brought up by MSNBC, original article here):

How To: Sign Up to Play in the Diablo 3 Beta

By now you may have heard that the Diablo 3 Friends and Family beta testing has begun. Diablo III is the next highly anticipated addition in the Diablo trilogy, and is the sequel to Diablo 2, originally published all the way back in 2000. The game is the product of Blizzard Entertainment, a company well known for its very successful Warcraft and Starcraft franchises. Like the other Blizzard series, Diablo III will be exclusively for PCs at launch. Console players can rejoice as the lead proje...

Super Marrow Brothers: The Story of the Greatest Pun Ever

Playing Super Mario Brothers for the NES is the first thing I can ever remember doing, at age 3 sitting on the carpet at my grandparents' house. It was a special game for an entire generation, including British youths Andrej and Adam Zamoyski. It inspired them to eventually become video game testers and designers themselves; Andrej at Lionhead Studios and Adam at Headstrong Games, and then Zynga Mobile UK (until recently called Wonderland Software, developers of Godfinger for the iPhone).

How To: Prevent Post-Earthquake Nuclear Meltdown in the US

After getting slammed with a crazy-big earthquake/tsunami, the Japanese nuclear plant Fukushima Daiichi might be on the brink of meltdown. Not as bad as Chernobyl, but maybe as bad as Three Mile Island. Nobody wishes such a disaster on anyone...anywhere in the world. In the US, there are about 100 nuclear facilities, about 8 of which are located near hot beds of seismic activity.

News: Proposition 25

Prop 25 prevents a suspension in CA’s budget. It means that legislators will not get paid if the budget is not passed on time. A budget will be passed with the vote of a small majority rather than two-thirds like it was before. However, a two-thirds vote is required to increase taxes.

News: Mystery Game - Black Stallion!

FarmVille added a new feature today in place of the old Mystery Boxes. This is a mystery game! It costs a bit more than the old boxes did, but you are guaranteed to get at least one of each of the mystery prizes by the time all the balloons are popped, instead of wasting tons of farm cash and perhaps opening a hundred mystery boxes and never getting that one thing you really wanted. So this is a great improvement and is much more interactive than the old 'purple sparkly poof'.

How To: Improve Your Shooting Ability For Soccer

Shooting technique: Locking your ankle and pointing your toes down when striking the ball is probably the most important factor in developing the proper shooting technique. It is probably the hardest skill to learn in soccer, but not anymore because I am here to guide you through and help you improve. Down below I have put down some steps to improve your shooting ability and I have also applied some pictures to make it easier for you to understand and apply while shooting. Enjoy the rest of t...

News: The Money Making Macro

In Google definitions a macro is defined as "a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language". Basically a macro is a programming script that tells the computer what to do. You can tell a computer (via a macro) to move a mouse, click, type or do any task that a computer can do with automation. There are also many (primitive) computer viruses that are coded entirely in a macro script. There are many ways to create a macro script but I will only go ove...

News: Seido and The Shadow

Not long ago in Rome during a Master’s Tennis Tournament something remarkable happened. In a tightly contested game, American Andy Roddick challenged a linesman’s call on a ball hit by his opponent. The remarkable thing about this incident was that Roddick argued against his own interest. He insisted that the opponent’s ball had landed inside the line and that he, Roddick, should NOT be awarded the point. Spectators applauded as if they’d witnessed a miracle. Imagine! Sportsmanship in a profe...

News: Adopt-a-Kitty

This prank is a prank to pull on the public. What you do is two of the members of the Jackass crew dress in heavy gothic cloths, chains, leather, dyed hair anything that would definitely catch the publics eyes, and even powder your face white (a lot of makeup). Ok once this is done u go to your local pet shop or animal shelter and say you want to adopt a kitten. I am most definitely guarantee that the people there would give you a hard time adopting it or won't let you, but you just keep piss...

How To: Choose a Speech or Writing Topic

Whether you're a student, a toastmaster, just writing, or making articles on WonderHowTo, you will have to come up with a topic. The topic should be able to guide you to some of the things you want people to know about. Here are some ways that you can can come up with a topic.