Guessing People Search Results

How To: Wheat paste, poster, or flypost

While it's debatable that this video will teach you to subvert consumerism and make people think for themselves, it is a handy guide to learn how to flypost, wheat paste, put up posters, or whatever you want to call it. Get your message, be it political, artistic, or anything else worth sharing with others, by pasting posters out on the town where people will see them and maybe even think about them. These guys might be anarchists, but you don't need to be. Watch this video urban art tutorial...

How To: Sew a packy holder for transgender underwear

This is a five part video on constructing packy underwear for FTM (female to male), transgendered people. A packy holder is essentially a prosthetic penis inserted into underwear. As this is a specialty item, it may be difficult for transgendered people to buy underwear with a packy holder ready made, thus requiring a little bit of home crafting. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to sew a packy holder for transgender underwear.

How To: Install Joomla 1.5 on Windows Server 2003 with IIS6

Installing Joomla on a Windows server can be tricky, on Windows running IIS even more so. Installing Joomla 1.5 in this scenario has caused many frustrations.In this video, we take the process step by step and jump over the hurdles that cause some people to wind up pulling their hair out. If you follow along closely, you will be up and running in no time, and if you haven't already tried to do this, you will wonder why people find it so difficult. There are some prerequisites to the steps in ...

How To: Build a bat cave

August is a time when it is common to see bats flying overhead while taking an evening stroll or night fishing at your favorite spot. The two most common bats in Ohio are the little brown and the big brown bats and both are found in rural and urban settings. Bats serve a valuable purpose for humans because they feed on insects, including mosquitoes and those which plague farmers’ crops. However, bats sometimes create roosts, or gathering places, in people’s homes. Join Wild Ohio’s Donna Danie...

How To: Increase your download speed with DSL

Increase speed, here and now! Yes, you will go super fast with tons of seeds, so quit whining. Torrents with ten to twenty people are another story. Tons of people complain that their torrent downloads go slow because they're scared of prosecution, which means they limit the upload rate for fear of the RIA.

How To: Draw people using boxes

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw people using boxes. Start off by drawing a box for the head, then a box for the body that is bigger then the top box. Keep drawing boxes and rectangles to make the entire body, tracing over it with lines, then filling the body in with muscles and bones. After this, make the face and add on hair to the body. Use shading to make the figure look more realistic. The boxes should give you an outline of where each body part will go, and give you a guide on how...

How To: Cut a cigar the best way

Many people ruin a good cigar by a badly placed cut. YouTube user Cigaraficionadovideo is here to help. First in order to understand the cutting mistakes you must first know how a cigar is put together. A hand made cigar is held together a the tip by, what is called, a cap. When cutting this cap you want to do it above the shoulder. Be carful here because a bad cut a little lower could result in the wrapper falling it apart can lead to a mouth full of tobacco which will pretty much ruin your ...

How To: Shoot in 4K with the Selfie Camera on Your iPhone 11, 11 Pro & 11 Pro Max

If you're a vlogger or somebody who relies on high-quality selfie cam footage, the iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max are right up your alley. Apple's newest iOS devices all come equipped with a 4K front-facing camera, and the video quality is spectacular. That said, your video won't be in 4K right out of the box. You'll need to set that resolution yourself.

Coming Soon: Notification Filters in Instagram Will Help Organize Your Activity Alerts

Does your Activity page on Instagram feel cluttered? You're not alone. Instagram lumps all alerts into one long, chaotic timeline, so if you want to see comments or likes, you have to weed through everything else including shares from other users, memories, recommendations, and new follows. Instagram knows its a mess, and the company plans to add notification filters to sort things out.

How To: Get Bokeh on Any Phone with Facebook Messenger's Portrait Selfies

Portrait mode works with any dual-lens iPhone, as well as the single-lens iPhone XR, and lets you take impressive portraits with blurry, bokeh-filled backgrounds. Portrait selfies, on the other hand, are only available devices with Face ID. But that's only for Apple's Camera app itself — third-party apps like Messenger have "portrait" selfies for any iPhone — as well as any Android phone model.

News: Here's What the 2018 LCD iPhone Could Cost

This year will be an interesting one for iPhones. With speculation that the expensive iPhone X is underperforming, rumors have circulated that Apple will release three "bezel-less" devices, one of which will cost less by omitting the OLED panel for a traditional, yet large, 6.1" LCD. Now, thanks to the source of this rumor, we have an idea how much that lower-tier iPhone will cost.

News: Qualcomm Sues Apple Over iPhone X Gestures

Apple is no stranger to lawsuits. They were in a decade-long battle with Samsung that finally came to an end last month, and they've been duking it out in the courtroom with Qualcomm since last year. The more recent case has seen both companies file suits and counter-suits, but now, Qualcomm is claiming that Apple's new iPhone X infringes on patents from a long-deceased mobile operating system.

News: This Genetic Defect Could Be Why Typhoid Mary Never Got Typhoid Fever

Whether or not a microbe is successful at establishing an infection depends both on the microbe and the host. Scientists from Duke found that a single DNA change can allow Salmonella typhi, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever, to invade cells. That single genetic variation increased the amount of cholesterol on cell membranes that Salmonella and other bacteria use as a docking station to attach to a cell to invade it. They also found that common cholesterol-lowering drugs protected zebrafi...

News: New Update to Gboard on iOS Adds Both Fun & Useful Features

When Gboard was released on iOS in May of 2016, it gave iPhone users more control over their mobile keyboard experience. Unlike the stock Apple keyboard, Gboard lets you customize the look of your keyboard and search Google directly from the keyboard itself. Now, Google has added even more functionality, by providing users with Google Maps, YouTube, and doodling support — all without leaving your chat.