Guest Running Search Results

News: The Chase!!!

What we do is get a bunch of extras who can run fairly well. What happens is we have them all standing casually in a public place (park/mall) and have the victim walking around. As he gets to a certain point one of the extras starts to follow him. Slowly at first but then gets faster until the vicitm is running. The other extras join in as the victim passes them, creating a huge stampede of people. In other words a fun way to freak the shit out of somebody.

News: tread mill and uncrew bolts

try to run as fast as you can with out stoping and see who will last the longest. another one will be running on the tread mill and getting hit by object like water ballons or ping ball gun and see who will make it.unscrew the bolts of some ones car,bike,motocycle like the tires or something that will stop it from moving when they start to move.

News: The Electric race

alright so Johnny and Bam run through this course "the Electric race" which is first: crawling under wires of electricness second: they jump over wires of electricness which are like hurdles about 4 feet high Third: go on monkey bars that send little electric shocks thourgh the monkey bars to your hands and if you fall because of though theres a pit of electricity at the bottom which is a bunch electric wires at the bottom but if you fall you can keep going and forth: you rock climb over a wa...

News: Pay for Your Sins

Jackass character dressed as priest driving a golf cart trying to run over other Jackass Members and hit them with a golf club. Priest is “Screaming all Sinners Must Pay!!! and Fore” (swinging the golf club at crew.)


Im not gay i swear... I swear I swear but, I say you should make BAM run around bare ass naked. He would do it to you. FUckit I will run around bare ass naked with BAM. Hell I will even swing from BAMs house ceiling , bare ass, using a rubber hose screaming like donkey kong. Its not much of a prank nor a dance but dam that would be FUNNY!! besides the girls want to see it and in the end thats what BAM wants! hahaha p.s we got some marbles for them too! sincerely IM GREGORY GONZALES (24) aka G...

News: Parking lot beat down

Have the victim park their car in a normal parking spot. While they are in the place they parked at have another car (the prankster) drive up and swipe the back of the victim's car, leaving huge dents in both cars. Have the prankster wait, hidden, outside for the victim to come out leaving his car parked behind the victims. When the victim comes out he will see his car smashed and the pranksters car sitting behind also smashed up. The prankster will come running out of "the building" and star...

News: Jackass Pitfall

Remember the game pitfall on Atari? Take that exact scenario and create an actual Pitfall obstacle course complete with rope swings, snakes, quick sand, crocodiles, ladders, scorpions, rolling logs, boulders, moats, walls . . . and then throw in some classic Jackass stuff like poop bombs, port-o-pottys, bulls, etc.

News: Mad Cow Meat Joust

Build wooden horses for the boys to joust on. The horses are built from the shoulder up so they can be ridden low rider style, (and a fall won't totally take out a cast member. But if you feel like making scale wooden horses, be my guest.). The horses must have some sort of hard to control motivator on them, like a sheet of thick ice, casters, or I suppose regular skate board wheels would work. (but skateboard wheels would offer maybe a bit more control than I had imagined).

News: Backwords Shoping Cart Down a Hill

Well, heres whatha do.First, you break out the good old shoping carts.Next, you find a hill, (the bigger the better!)Then you get a blindfold.Place the blindfold on your face, covering your eyes.Spin around at least 50 times.Then you try to RUN up the hill as fast as you can.Once you've made it to the top, jump into the shoping cart, (with blindfold still on) and have a friend push you down the hill backwords!Sounds Fun!

News: Backwards Roller Coaster Buffer

Get each guy to eat a ton of mexican or some other heavy food, or get them all drunk, then modify the seats of some really intense roller coaster, one with flips and corkscrews and stuff, so that they ride all backwards. Or, after each run they each have to take a shot. See who can go the longest or see who pukes the most. Hooray!

News: Ex-Lax Challenge

To start off with, you need to have an activity to do while the challenge happens (poker, running, something....I prefer a poker game because it forces everyone to be near each other and bathrooms nearby) Everyone takes a laxative, wears an adult diaper and eats taco bell, and sits around playing poker. There are enough bathrooms for all but one person. The loser is the person that poops first, and as soon as they do everyone else can go relieve themselves. Afterwards, the loser can't change ...

News: Randomest Things Ever!!!

Materials Needed: Panda Costume, Robot Costume, Burrito (unwrapped)Okay, to tell the truth, i am not 18 or older, i am a 15 and a half year old teenager who has admired you guys for years and has been dying to meet you all. my idea (my best friend Steven Vaughan also helped with it) is about me (as a panda) and Steven (as a robot) run through a busy public building, or down a busy street, with Steven chasing me as the robot, and i will be in the panda costume running trying to get away and ea...

News: lambo crush

steal bams lambo. send vid of it in car crusher to him. then put a crushed car like same color andthe crushers that make them a bax into the spot it was parked. after trying to kill ya run then drive it back up

News: car steal back

to set it up you park a car at a pretty busy car lot during closed hours, set up papers that look similar to the ones in the other, basically make them think that car is theirs to sell. Then duringg open hours, wait till a good crowd is near the set up car, run through, break the window with a brick or whatever you choose and act like your hotwiring it, then take off.

News: Yellow Mustarded

What you do is you pretty much run up to people with a bucket of yellow mustard and dump on them then get the hell out off there. It's gross and you need a couple guys to hold the giant bucket. Dilute mustard to make sure you get the right consistency.

News: Airport mayhem

disguise yourself however you like Go to an airport. have a suitcase full of fake illegal items such as powder (cocaine), crushed leaves (weed), guns, knives and dynamite . make sure it all looks real and also something metal to set off the detector so the search your bags.

News: Party Boy Parade!!!

Get Chris and about 100 other guys dressed up in tear away clothes waking down the street. Have someone (wee-man) run up with a boom-box and start playing it. The party boys start bobbing their heads and then Chris yells "I feel like partying! How about you guys?" THey all rip off their clothes and start partying down the street.

News: Airport mayhem

Disguise yourself how ever you like. Go to an airport. Have your suitcase full of fake illegal items such as powder (drugs), crushed up leaves (weed), guns and Knives dynamite make sure everything looks as real as possible and also something metal to set off the detector (so they search your bag).

News: Funeral

Get someone tied up inside a coffin. Drive around in a hearse and make sure the coffin falls off the back. As people help put it back in the car, make the person tied up jump out and run off, half naked.

News: the nastiest ugliest stripper ever

Find the nastiest ugliest stripper alive or a wrost shemale ever have them come up to my my brother or my brother in law and have she/he knock on the door asking for them while there wife or gf is standing there thinking wtf is going on and I run up and denard them and get a pipe pan fill it up with mud or shit or shaveing cream then grab them and take them somewhere and make them think that we left there and let them walk for 1hr or 2 then come up to them and blast them with a bunch of paint...

News: Yack Piss Water Balloons

the crew gets together with mopeds in a giant muddy pig pen and there armed with yack piss in water balloons starting a starting a yack piss waterballoon fight lol got a ring to it raab himself and novak run into eachother trying to hit eachother in the face with a piss balloon then you cut to bam falling into a mud hole 4 foot deep or so following that knoxville jumps off a moped into the hole with bam to hide from the rest of the crew hitting both bam and knoxville with yack piss water ball...

News: Blindfold Football

What you do is get a bunch of the guys put blindfolds on them they have to run down a field with people holding Air soft guns, Paintball guns, crew members doing anything from stopping them from making it to the touch down mark. When it comes to anything they can throw things at them like rotten food, footballs. They can tackel them, Push them. Thats what I tougt of.