Guest Running Search Results

News: Hit N' Run

Hey guys, here is two small pranks you can do. Act dead in public. With blood and everything... go all out. Or go to a pubic pool and dive in with blood in your mouth and act like you hit the bottom of the pool. But here is the big one i thught of...have a cast member drive a ca into another car and have him fall out of the car get up and start running and yelling stuff... like i didnt do that... But what doesnt know is that the rest of the crew contacted the local cops and fire department ha...

News: Terrorist Threat

someone runs into a airport and is wearing a fake bushey beard, turban, and robe and you are carrying a fake bomb. so you run in and say Alicabad then softly you say just kidding then hold up the fake bomb. then the airport secruity will jump on you and cuff you then take you away.Thats it!Warnings

News: Donkey kong

Okay so everyone remembers the classic video game donkey kong right? Well we basically do something along the lines of that. Have a larger person dressed up or painted to look like a gorilla standing at the top of a hill or path that is on a hill, and then have someone else running up the hill while the person dressed as a gorilla throws giant barrels down at them. As the barrels get to the person they have to try and jump over them while running up the hill.

News: The Poisionous Snake

this idea you would be pranking someone on the crew, we can set up another stunt that has to do with a snake that is non poisionous so whoever is getting pranked will be biten by it and they can think that hey might die.....manny the expert can be there telling everyone that it is actually poisionous and they need to be rushed to the hospital as fast as possible....then to spice up the prank you can just get sic and twisted with it and pretend the car breaks down and they have to start runnin...

News: Lubricant Trampoline Time Attack

Here we have the Lubricant Trampoline Time Attack !! The goal is to jump trampoline to another until the finish line. But that's not all. Trampolines are lubricated (slippery), and competitors are shooted by paintball guns during the competition . Players must beat the time of others, Example: Steve-o has 20 seconds, the other must finish below 20 seconds. the losers are humiliated by running naked through a public place.

News: Baby wee man

Dress wee man up as a baby. Put him in a stroller and give him a recording of a baby crying. Walk the streets with him. Stop people on the streets and ask them to watch him while you go into the store really quick. After they agree to watch him run away. When they are standing there looking confused have wee man play the recording. Watch the person’s reaction when they find out it is wee man. Also you can also leave wee man on the streets in the stroller and see what people would do after the...

News: hahaha i got 2 really bomb ideas

alright my first idea is to go to a ski mountain wearing ridiculous stuff and looking retarded and then go on a chairlift and halfway at a spot you would hang off the chairlift and make them stop the chairlift and get everyones attention and then just drop and ski away or something like that haha (of course a height that you wont die from dropping from) and my second idea was to go to a fitness center/gym or anywhere that has a lockeroom and run around naked chasing eachother and falling in t...

News: Irish Vs. Scottish

This prank simply has Preson Lacy and Jason 'Wee man' Acuna in public dressed as Braveheart (blue face paint, kilt, fake sword, etc.) and a leprechaun (Orange wig, green clothing, gold coins, the works), respectively. Preston could fake a scottish accent and wee man could skate around until they meet each other. Wee man takes one look at Preston and runs with gold coins falling out of his pockets. The chase could also provide an opportunity to play any Dropkick Murpheys' song during the scene...

News: Baby Wee-Man Birth

Set up one of the guys or an actual girl as a pregnant female in a restaurant and have her go into labor. She will lay down in a predetermined place over an area where Wee-Man is hiding underneath. Create a scene, have Preston pretend to be a patron/doctor in that restaurant and he begins to deliver the baby there on the spot. He throws a table cloth over her legs and out comes baby Wee-Man complete with diaper and pacifier. Covered in after-birth, Wee-Man comes out and runs around the restau...

News: Motel Room Renovation

first you have two people rent out two rooms right on top of each other using fake names. then you wait until like 1 o clock in the morning and cut a hole in the floor of the room.once that is complete you go to the front desk and tell the manager that you cant sleep because of the noise and that there is a problem with your room. when the manager comes in to the room and sees what happened wait till he or she threatens to call the police then run away as fast as you can!

News: the shitty ending

Here is what to do, get a catapult fill it full of poo launch it and try to hit someone that’s strapped onto a huge target and once you hit them they sound a horn, bam goes down a ramp on a skateboard dodging piles of poo if he clears it he hits a sign that drops steve-o into a pile of poo he vomits into a bucket, the weight of the bucket pulls the string attached to it, it opens a little gate were wee-man crawls through and he goes into like a suridge pipe, once he gets out the other end he ...

News: The Escapee (A Must Read)

Get a white van, maybe block out the windows except for the front, have two Jackass members driving the van, stop at a stop light or a stop sign in a busy residential area where there are lots of pedestrians and cars. then have a single person in the back of the van break out the back doors on the van in a straight jacket and run throughout the neighborhood, the two people driving get out and lead a chase. Go to a busy park with lots of people and ask around if they have seen a person wearing...

News: badass mouse trap

its essentually a rube goldberg machine of the jackass cast. such as preston getting feathers (big chicken) and getting launched into a bucket of eggs(raw) that has a switch that launches wee man(bungie cord/surgical rubber cording) into a foam filled trash ben (huge one that you rent) he musty then climb out of it hop on a minimoto throwing a baseball at a button that drops england threw a trap door into a room of mousetraps. he has to run to the otherside of the room to hit a switch. i unde...

News: Fireman Fridge, microwave, and door/Johnny the fireman

"Fireman Fridge" You guys should get one of the really powerfull hoses that the fire department uses and when someone goes to open a fridge (that they don't know is rigged with a hole cut in the back of it), someone should turn the hose on and mow down the person/people outside of the fridge with the hose, it would be totally unexpected. You can even hallow out the inside of a fridge and have one of the cast members stand inside of it with a firefighter suit on and spray the victim down.And. ...

News: Where's The CRASH

This prank has to be where people walk all the time.... You start off by putting portable or wireless speakers that would play a playback of car tires skidding on the ground, in cylinder shaped trash cans right by a busy street full of cars and where a lot of spectators would walk or cross. Then step away and wait for a group of people or an individual to walk by the trash cans, then play the sound and watch everybody suddenly run or jump, expecting a car to crash somewhere....It's funny beca...

News: Can't Take The Heat

Put a group or a small number of people in sauna, make sure it's nice and warm. Then open up the door and spray pepper spray(Fox Brand) in the eyes and bodies of the people inside. The heat will increase the pain of the pepper spray, after they snot and hack and gag on it for a few minutes, let them out towards a shower or with a shower in close proximity, they will automatically go jump in the shower due to them thinking it will take off the pepper spray, but it as well as the heat will incr...

News: From the Future

Run up to people and try to convince them that you are from the future and if they do not come with you then they're life is at severe risk. Throw in some crazy outfits and "evil" people from the future chasing you. It wouldn't hurt to get some fuckin explosions to make it seen legit. Now, if you've got them semi convinced, tell them they must come to the future with you and get into a time machine with them and then when your all in there it will be shaking and what not to give it the full e...

News: the wal-mart bandit


News: Party 'mini' Boy.

Wee-Man in a even more outrageous replay of his 'naked walkabout' in JA2; this time he sent to go around nude into some of Los Angeles' top night spots, bars and dance clubs. Also he will during the day time go nude into restaraunts & shopping malls.To enhance the wackyness, naked Wee-Man could be sent into some of these places riding saddled goat or miniture donkey with a chimpanzee riding with him & both are each drinking cans or bottles of beer.In the ultimate act of a nude celebration, ha...

News: Tacks in the f'n shoes!

OK fellas; this may seem simple on the surface but it is anything but.....I'm from the school of thought that believes that all pranks should be mildly sadistic!Many years ago while serving in the Navy; I used to put a handfull of tacks in peoples flight-deck boots. Nothing was funnier than watching those jack ass squids ramming their respective feet into those boots in the morning and have them think that they were just bitten by a gaggle of god damned scorpions!!!So there you have it - simp...

News: Human Cage

So check this out. Have Johnny Knoxville dressed up in his old man costume with a cage covered by a sheat. The joke is that Wee-Man will be in the cage but nobody will know it. When Johnny Knoxville walks into a store with a bunch of tourists, Wee-man has to start hitting the cage and then the sheet gets knocked off and wee-man finds a way to get out of the cage. As soon as he gets outhave him run all around the store. He should wear a thong to make it funnier. It would be good to go into a f...

News: Naked Airsofting

get pistol Co2 air soft guns two for each person get thongs one person is standing by the back door and the other person is at the front door then when they say go you load your guns and run in the house and look for each other and you get point from how many times you hit them. this goes on for 3 minutes you get a total of 4 thousand airsoft bullets points:1. butt check 5 points 2. back 2 points 3. arms 1 point 4. stomach 1 point Warnings

News: Chees-us Christ

Have someone walk into a food mart and buy some cheese and as soon as the cheese (any type) is paid for whoever is doing it must stare at it for about 10 seconds with fear, when asked "if everything is all right?" start to run around the mart, cheese still in hand and scream "THE FUCKING CHEESE IS GOING TO KILL US ALL"

News: turd mines

running through a field of turd mines, but the turds explode on q. a master turd operator at the helm with a trigger button. haha! speedos & blublockers required! or maybe an obstacle course like american gladiators with paintballs, turds & slime. a GWAR obstacle course. eeww!

News: One messy prank!

Not sure how suitable this is for tv but its funny either way. Johnny gets everyone to join him in a drink he gets the whole cast to do a toast with him but what they dont know is Johnny has snuck ex-lax into their bubbly so as everyone runs to the toilet Johnny has put clear plastic wrap over the toilets and you can figure out the rest=) Or you could just have naked sumo's pig pile on Bam that works to.

News: The Revival

For this prank it will have to take place at a local church to where you will need to exchange the coffin for the actual funeral, to a coffin where one of your buddies is inside. Once the exchange is made it may be more comical to add decaying features to the person's face (makeup) so when the coffin is opened by the pastor they also get a sickening suprise. Once the coffin is opened your buddy inside needs to pretend he is dead by not moving or shifting whatsoever and do this for at least 5 ...

News: Fireworks Show

For this prank it will be required to take place within a crowded area, where there are porto potty's frequently used by the public. Under the toilet seat where the you open the lid different types of fireworks need to be placed at the bottom to go off at different times, (When different people come in to use the loo.) You also need to have smoke canisters at the top of the roof of the porto potty to go off to dazzle and confuse the unsuspecting victim and then light one batch of the (non let...

News: Drugs in Car

Go to a car dealership and test drive a car. Unbeknownst to the person test driving a car, stuff a bunch of fake drugs everywhere in the car and have the car salesman be an actor. Have the person test driving the car start to drive wrecklessly. A fake cop will pull him over and 'smell' something in the car. He takes your license and goes back to his car to run it. He comes back and says everything is okay and just to be more careful. Just before you are about to leave, the salesman looks susp...

News: The Fight

Here's our prank. Start off by getting a shit car, you know what im talking of those shit cars you get from a junk yard. have one of you take it and park it outside of a public place where a ton of people are everyday.(cafe, coffee shop, etc.) Then have Bam act super pissed off, run up to the car and just start wailing on it with some sort of bar or bat or something. smash the windshield, break all the windows, just break everything. then the one who parked the car, whoever it hap...

News: The Real Laser Tag

My idea is simple but, imo, funny. Have the gang have an all out laser tag war with running, diving, obstacles, the works, in a padded arena or outdoors. But each harness is connected to one of those flat tasers (the kind that looks almost like brass knuckles) pushed in their backs, or chest, or crotch (or all three if you prefer, each one connected to a different sensor: back shot is back shock, front shot is chest shock, head shots are crotch shocks). When you get shot you get shocked. It w...

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