Hairline Cracks Search Results

News: Say Goodbye To 2010 With 150+ "Best Of" Lists

Staying in tonight? Here's something that could occupy you for days. Fimoculous has posted the mother of all "Best of 2010" lists: a collection of over 150 lists from across the web in 37 different categories. Sit back, crack out the champagne, and take in all the amazing things that happened in the past year.

HowTo: Blood Slide Candy (à la Dexter)

Season 5 of Dexter is set to premiere on September 26th, and it's looking bloody as ever. The trailer for the highly anticipated season debuted at this year's Comic-Con. Things aren't looking so good for Dex... Not a fan (yet)? Instructables user Forkable offers a brief synopsis, and more importantly, an edible party favor for your upcoming premiere party.

News: Fingerpainting for Baby Cyborgs

Did you ever, as a know-nothing kid, push against your closed eyelids for the pleasure of the resultant light show? LCD bending takes the low-tech fun of physical retinal stimulation and updates it for the 21st century. And, as the title suggests, the end result looks very much like a sort of angelic, fractal-based fingerpainting.

How To: How Will You Make A Difference Today?

Making a difference can be done even before you leave your house... Are you thinking about a friend... maybe send them an email and say.. HEY I was just thinking about you... how are you doing? They could be surprised that you remembered... Many of us remember people but take little time to acknowledge it.... So when you are at the coffee shop this morning or filling up your car at the gas station. Wish them a "Super Dooper Day!" They might think you are on crack, but you will have made them ...

News: Android Can Now Solve the Rubik's Cube

Well, only if you also happen to have an ARM powered LEGO Speedcuber device. Promotional video by maker David Gilday for ARM Ltd. With the help of the Android, the machine cracks the Rubik's Cube in 25 seconds (compare to LEGO Mindstorms solvers' 4 seconds.... or the human record of 7 seconds). Previously, Wow-Worthy Hack: Android Running on iPhone.

HowTo: Hack Wireless Internet

Tinkernut demonstrates how to crack a wifi connection, as well as how to better secure your own personal connection. Also included in the video gallery is Tinkernut's previous tutorial on the same subject.

How To: Make bird feeders out of gourds

Fall is the best time to start a bird-feeding program that will last until spring. As the temperature begins to drop, the natural food supply dwindles, forcing birds to look for alternative sources to get them through the cold winter months. A feeder put out in the fall is sure to become a regular stop on birds' winter feeding rounds. The foods birds love include black-oil sunflower seeds, suet, peanuts, cracked corn, peanut butter, thistle, fruit, and shelled sunflower seeds.

How To: 12 Household Uses for Borax

Originally discovered in dry lake beds in Tibet, borax is a mineral and a salt of boric acid, and is usually sold in white powder form in drugstores. Like baking soda, borax has many household cleaning uses, and can also be used to get rid of insects and pests from your living space.

How To: Make Pico De Gallo (Salsa Mexicana)

I keep Pico De Gallo around all the time. I find it is very versatile and can be used for any meal. My youngest son loves to cook and it was one of the first things I taught him to make. As you read my writings about food I've made, you will find a lot of references to the pico. I've made up this little recipe to give you a smile as well as the ingredients and method.

News: Don's Bad Ass pico Degallo

I keep Pico Degallo around all the time. I find it is very versatile and can be used for any meal. My wife is 1/2 mexican and I learned about this from her mother. My youngest son loves to cook and it was one of the first things I taught him to make. As you read my writings about food I've made, you will find a lot of references to the pico. I've made up this little recipe to give you a smile as well as the ingredients and method.Don’s Bad Ass Pico Degallo Ingredients:One medium yellow onion6...

How To: Recover a Windows Password with Ophcrack

When Windows stores a password, it is done so by hashing the password in an LM hash and putting it in the Windows SAM file. In the scary moment that you lose your password, but don't want to pay some geek to have full root access to your computer, you need to recover it using Ophcrack. Ophcrack doesn't remove the password, or bypass it, it cracks the password hash using rainbow tables.

Goodnight Byte: Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in Python

Our mission for this week's Community Byte was to create a Python program to crack web-based passwords, like the ones you would see on an email or router login. I wanted it to be universal in the sense that it could be easily modified and adapted to another website just by changing a few variables. That was a success! Even though people weren't on time to the coding session, everything went well.

Community Byte: Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in Python

Welcome to another Community Byte announcement! In the past two sessions, we have coded an IRC bot in Python capable of issuing commands. Since it can issue commands and most of you are new to programming, that project will stay idle for a while. Other commands such as voice and half-op can be easily hacked in via common sense, even if you weren't there for that session.

How To: Mine Bitcoin and Make Money

Bitcoin is a new currency built off "Satoshi Nakamoto's" (alias) 2008 Bitcoin white-paper. Bitcoin provides its users with a way to make peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions without having to use a bank as a mediator. There is no middle man, no corporation backing it, and no one has access to your money, except you. It's decentralized from government, run by the people, for the people.

Mastering Security, Part 1: How to Manage and Create Strong Passwords

I've seen numerous tutorials on how to create a "strong" password. This makes me laugh. These titles imply "one" password, which is wrong in and of itself. A person should have many passwords, all different, and all extremely long. People may ask how they're supposed to remember lengthy passwords and why their current password isn't good enough. Well, I'm going to show you.

News: Massive Gawker Hack Reveals the Web's Most Stupid Passwords

This past Sunday, a group called Gnosis launched a massive hacker attack on Gawker media, one of the web's most popular blog networks (Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Jezebel, io9, Jalopnik, Kotaku, Deadspin and Fleshbot). 1.3 million registered users' passwords were compromised, and 188,279 of them were decoded and made public. The biggest takeaway? Many Gawker denizens use downright dumb passwords. (Guess they didn't see their own Lifehacker's story on avoiding such a thing.)

News: "How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords"- The Art of Cracking

Lifehacker posts an article on the art of cracking weak passwords, courtesy of Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides. Pozadzides certainly knows a thing or two about password logic. (Note: this information is not intended to hack into accounts, but rather to protect you from using weak passwords).

How To: Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook

Want to drop Amazon's DRM from a Kindle eBook you've purchased? As the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way. And, in this case, there are actually a couple of ways: One method uses Calibre and works for both Windows and Mac users, the other uses an AppleScript and is Mac exclusive. To maximize the usefulness of this guide, we've chosen to excerpt a tutorial that uses the OS-agnostic method. Mac users looking to find a writeup of the latter method, however, should look here.

How To: French Braid Your Hair

If you are having a bad hair day or just don't feel like putting in the time to do your hair, a French braid is the perfect remedy. It is chic and easy to do. Follow these easy steps and you are all set. Brush out your hair

How To: Style Easy Boho Hair

"Boho" hair is natural and free-flowing and doesn't take a lot of time or tools. Often this look is a result of sleeping or a day at the beach. Here we show you how to achieve that look without doing either! Part