Halloween Recipe Search Results

News: Easy Cherry Cobbler How-To

Being from the south I am partial to cobbler, especially peach cobbler. However I had some cherries on hand that needed to be used before they went bad so decided to give this a try. The end result was a sweet decadent dessert with just the right amount of tartness. Was great served warm with vanilla ice cream but just as good the next day cold.

Oatmeal: Creative Ways To Consume Besides For B-Fast

Many people consume oatmeal for breakfast since it fills you, is a very healthy option (better than a certain egg sandwich you can get at fast food restaurants) and can be very delicious if you put the right stuff in it. What many people don't know, though, is that you can incorporate oatmeal in other areas of your meals and are very delicious ideas, take my word for it.

News: Welcome!

This is my first posting here on Edibles in Jars and I just wanted to say hello and welcome everyone. While I'm at it, I'll give a brief run down on what you can expect here in the near future, and tell you all a bit about me.

How To: Make Homemade Nourishing Creams

Homemade nourishing creams are easy and very simple to make. The ingredients are harmless and natural. It costs a fraction of what you would pay in the market. You also know exactly what goes into the product you make. Since homemade nourishing creams do not contains any preservatives, it's better to produce in small quantities and store it in the fridge to avoid waste.

News: All Raw Cheesecake

Just because my kids can't eat white flour and sugar doesn't mean they never get treats. This cheesecake is a favorite in our family and is often used as birthday cake. You can decorate it with fruit such as sliced strawberries to give it a more festive look. The recipe is taken from the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.

News: Breakfast Burritos

I had three of the kids, one with her spouse, here and needed a Saturday Morning Breakfast. I got Doug to help me and we started by browning some sausage. Once that was done, we took the meat out of the pan and left the grease. The sausage was pretty lean and didn't render as much as I wanted to so I added some olive oil and we used that to fry some hash browns. I just seasoned the potatoes with salt and pepper. To the hash browns, we added Onion, Garlic and Green Chilis. Once the potatoes we...

Friday Fresh: Weird and Wacky November Holidays

We all know that November 1 marks the beginning of the madness that is known as the holiday season, but did you know that November is also host to a whole bunch of quirky celebrations as well? If you're not into turkey, there's lots of other, more unique offerings to partake in.

News: Yes, There is Such a Thing as Deep-Fried Butter

There are endless deep-fried recipes for disaster (re: heart attack), but this one takes the cake. Abel Gonzales Jr., the inventor of fried Coke and fried cookie dough, presents deep-fried butter, which tastes like a “a mix between a biscuit or a croissant that is just stuffed to the gills with butter on the inside.” Gonzales' creation took top prize at last year's Texas State Fair.

HowTo: Spike Your Popsicles

No better way to celebrate summer coming to an end than ice cold party favors. The Jewels of New York offer up two mouthwatering booze popsicle recipes, gratis, for your enjoyment:

How To: Make Beef Teriyaki Stir Fry

My girlfriend and I enjoy making this dish together at least two or three times a month. It still remains one of our favorite things to make during the week. Its fun to make and dose not take a lot of time out of our busy schedule. The meat is extremely tender and tasty when its made right. This meal is also very inexpensive witch for me makes it taste even better. We use frozen vegetables to keep things quick and easy. You can chop your own and use fresh vegetables; it's all up to you.

News: This Cow Tongue Looks Delicious

Here's another jewel from Serious Eats series, The Nasty Bits: yummy cow tongue, complete with that lovely texture we all know so well. Though most us likely have a negative visceral reaction to the idea of tongue, Serious Eats make a compelling argument that it is actually one of the tastiest bits of the animal.

HowTo: Make Kitty Crack

As a non-cat owner, catnip is a mystery to me. So, people essentially... drug... their cats? Weird. Google catnip, and you will find a whole slew of incredible images related to the topic...

News: Amy Sedaris Reveals All

Amy Sedaris is one multi-talented lady. Nude-frosting-sprinkle model. Star and co-creator of beloved cult classic Strangers With Candy (see her in character as Jerri Blank below), sister of famed author David Sedaris, and best of all (in CAKES! CAKES! CAKES!' humble opinion): talented baker.

SUGARBUILT: If you give a artist a cookie...

New Mexico native Amelia Coulter grew up amongst the rich creative community and natural beauty of Santa Fe. After attending SUNY Purchase as a sculpture major, Amelia settled in Brooklyn and decided to merge her love of patterns, architecture and design with her passion for food. Thus SUGARBUILT was born. Amelia seeks out the best ingredients available to create wonderful and unusual recipes. Starting with the basics of a tasty sugar cookie dough and royal icing, she transforms the classic c...

News: McCall's Meat & Fish Company

A local butcher, who knows their customers by name!?! What a concept! This Hillhurst hot spot is planted smack dab in the sweet spot of Los Feliz. What I had been dreaming of for years, ended up walking distance from my home a few months ago, and the place couldn't be finer! McCall's is a husband and wife run meat and fish shop, where they are happy to help meal plan and recipe swap.  The pair, Nathan McCall and Karen Yoo both have training from some of the finest restaurants around (Sona, Da...

OL's Favorites: Chez Panisse Vegetables Cookbook

Chez Panisse Vegetables has been a sort of farmers market "bible" for me.  When I first started going to farmers markets I kept reaching for the same vegetables I had conventionally used for years. I felt overwhelmed by the cornucopia of earthly riches as I reached past crisp daikon, funny looking fava beans, and brilliantly colored radicchio. Yes, I knew what some of these things were but I didn't know how to use them in the kitchen. Then this book changed my world. For over 25 years Alice W...

HowTo: Make To-Die-For Chinese Dumplings

Who doesn't like dumplings? Yummmy. Here in Los Angeles (the home of WonderHowTo) resides Din Tai Fung, a world renown Chinese dumpling house with locations in Taiwan, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea. Patrons have been known to wait hours for their dumplings, which are in one word, perfect. Soft, juicy, piping hot.

News: foraging for food

Are you hungry? One of the great things about Los Angeles is the abundance of food. I'm not just talking about restaurants. You need to get out of your car, and walk around your neighborhood. You could make a great meal just from what you find out on the streets. It's free, and most of it's organic. Just be sure to wash any dirt off of your treasure before you bite.