Hands on Search Results

News: New Magic Leap Gesture Documentation Offers Insight into How Hands Will Make Its Digital World Come Alive

As the week of the Game Developer's Conference hits the mid-point, we've already had some major announcements hit the AR space. The specific timing of these announcements are thanks in part to a conference within a conference called VRDC, aimed at VR, AR, and MR developers. And while the week is hardly over, the announcement that is still having a big effect on the developer population is the reveal of the Creator Portal for the long-awaited Magic Leap One device.

How To: Wrap Your Hands for Muay Boran (Ancient Thai Boxing)

Muay Boran Muay Boran (Ancient Boxing) is an all-inclusive term for the ancient boxing arts of Thailand, from which modern Muay Thai was born. In the old days, fighters would wrap their hands with strips of twisted hemp cloth or hemp rope. Although it is commonly thought that fighters would dip their wrapped hands in broken glass, this is largely a myth. They did, however, dip their hands in water in order to harden the rope.

How To: Perform a back flip without using your hands

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a back flip. Viewers will be learn how to flip backwards without using their hands. This is not a back handspring. Users will need to wear athletic clothes and use a mattress. Tie up your hair so it doesn't get in the way and don't wear any shoes. Users will need to be able to perform a back handspring before attempting this technique. This video is very descriptive and explains the technique well. This video will benefit those viewers who are i...

How To: Perform Namaste hands

Sadienardini shows you how to perform "namaste" hands. In yoga, hands are brought to the "namaste" position often. In this position you are pressing your fingers together similar to pressing go the ground. Your knuckles create space and begin to press away from each other. This helps to support the breath and body better, allowing you to take in to your own self. "Namaste" is connecting the center to the core strength of the body. It reminds the body to move in alignment.

News: The Buddha With 1,000 Hands

Incredible dance production, Thousand-Hand Guan Yin, performed by China's Disabled People's Performance Art Troupe. All of the performers are deaf, which makes the choreography quite an amazing accomplishment. 

News: The Lost Art of Building With Your Hands

This is more of an op-ed piece that is only loosely tied to this world in the sense that what he built involved PVC. What I like about it is it sheds light on what I call the New Poverty. That is, the fact that the plastic and fully automatic world of developed nations impoverishes our creative spirit. It impoverishes the human spirit in a way that you find the New Wealth in places like drought starved Africa.

Master the Power: How to Make Fluorescent Tubes Glow with Your Bare Hands

I'm sure most everyone has some kind of fluorescent light source in their home; those long white tubes that emit a bright white light when turned on, or maybe a few of the CFL power-saver bulbs. These bulbs actually require very little "power" (i.e. a high voltage:almost no current ratio) to emit light. In fact, static electricity is enough to make them flicker. Inside these tubes is a gas, and when electricity flows through that gas, it gets "excited" and produces light.

Yummy: Mutilated Hands...Edible

Ew. If you can stomach it, if you can even imagine yourself eating it, Not Martha (they really live up to their name with this one... this is definitely not a Martha Stewart project) has posted a tutorial on making a "Meat Hand".

How To: Pickpocket-Proof Yourself from Thieving Hands

When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do... avoid carrying your wallet in the back pocket of your jeans. But no matter what city or country you are in, there are several easy precautions you can take to keep yourself as pickpocket-proof as possible so that your amazing travel memories won't be sullied by the experience of having your camera or passport stolen.

How To: Sculpt hands in polymer clay

Sculpting hands in polymer clay can be difficult. Clays like Prosculpt and Sculpey can be brittle when used to make hands without armatures. A mix of Puppen Fimo, Cernit and Fimo Mix Quick has proved to be strong thus far. Watch this video sculpting tutorial and learn how to make hands out of polymer clay.

How To: Set up hands-free calling in a 2010 Lincoln MKZ

In most states, it's illegal to drive while talking on your mobile phone, but that is easily remedied with hands-free calling. If your cell phone comes equipped with Bluetooth, you can sync it right to your 2010 Lincoln MKZ using Ford SYNC. This video shows you the steps to connecting your phone up in your vehicle. Now you'll have more hands for coffee and cigarettes and donuts.

News: Since Retirement, We've Had Lots of Time on Our Hands. Lots.

Kudos to Fred Keller and Judy Foster, of Anchorage, Alaska, for undertaking quite possibly the DIY project of the year. The retired couple spent 11 months converting a 1976 Mazda pickup truck into a gigantic radio flyer wagon car. "'I think the words I hear the most often is 'awesome' or 'cool' or people go by and give us a 'hi' sign,' says Foster. 'The wheels are made from hub caps and detergent bottles, and the steering wheel is the actual wheel from a wagon. The handle rises eight feet hig...

News: Brazil keeps getting away with more than two hands.

If you happened to be watching Brazil vs. Portugal, you might have noticed something weird in keeper Julio Cesar's back after he and Meirelles collided. It was some kind of steel rod support for his injured back. According to FIFA article 4, it's illegal for players to wear any kind of equipment that can be dangerous to the player wearing it or to others. This is the reason players can't wear chains around their necks, or rings in their fingers, since these things can get caught with other pl...

How To: "Find & Replace" Text Directly in Your Web Browser

I'm sure you've been there—halfway through typing something out, you realize that one word you've been using more than any other has been misspelled. Perhaps it's a single word, acronym, or line of code that you find yourself typing quite often at work, but this one requires complicated hand gymnastics that you'd simply rather not perform over and over again.

How To: Devastate your attacker during a hand gun attack

Learn how to strike your attacker when facing a hand gun attack. This is step three in surviving a hand gun attack, following how not to get shot, and how to gain control of the weapon. Learn how to get inside the gun's danger circle using different strikes and stay in there. Also learn what to do against a two handed gun grip.

How To: Turn and solve Rubik's Cubes one-handed faster

Okay, solving a Rubik's Cube one-handed in 15 seconds is pretty impressive. If you find solving a Rubik's Cube with two hands to be lacking in challenge and flair, try doing solves using only one hand. There is a technique to it, and this video will teach it to you. Basically, you just turn R and U a lot and rotate the cube.

How To: Write left handed

Left handed writing style is not as common as right handed so many people are not sure how to do it neatly. Check out this tutorial for advice on how to improve your grip and posture to make your handwriting perfect. Left handers face many challenges. First of all, most teachers will teach children writing skills more suitable for their right handed classmates, also there are not many left hand specific products on the market, and left handers often have posture problems as they are pushing t...