Happen Including Search Results

News: To much shit

My prank is that you go to your buddies house Because you are going to make him/her something to eat. While your cooking the food you grab one of the bottles of laxcitives in your pures or a bag of "special ingretiences" that you brought with you, and with that bottle of lax. you poor it on the food while its cooking and then you grab your buddies drink and you grab another bottle of lax.(if you finished the first bottle) and poor it in his/her drink and put a little sugar in there just to ma...

News: Greatest Prank

Ok wait till one of you guy's are asleep an put a narly tattoo on him, than take a bunch of animals like they would have at a zoo an put him with the animals. Before he wakes up make sure he is laying in a pile of shit or next to it. Than when he wakes up of course he will be pissed but it'll be funny as fuck make him put on an animal suit an play with the animals while food is hanging from all over him especialy his balls. Have him sit down an have an animal walk over an eat the food off of ...

News: movie star prank

get ryan dunn or any of the other jackass crew to beleave they have a spot for another up comeing movie of urs and get em all sicked about it and take em to a fake filming sight and and this ones a good part for some famus actors u usally put in ur movies to help u out get em to where this fucked up costum and start fake filming and when his guards down bam hit with like a falling sand bag to the nuts or body and watch him fly back or u could always do some thing like some thing goes wrong an...

News: Ice Cream Truck Abduction

Child abduction is not funny, but this will be. I've seen some sketchy ice cream truck drivers in the Cincinnati area and have always wondered which are for real and which are secretly out to steal unsuspecting children and their $2 in quarters. Heres what you do: Get a crappy looking ice cream truck. Get one of the creepier looking guys to drive it. Plant a child on a street corner/ busy area (similar to the child in the bad grandpa sketch). Truck pulls up innocently. Kid goes to get ice cre...

News: Target launch

Pretty much all you do is stick someone on the seat, drive a car off the ramp and try to hit the target. This will launch whoever is on it onto a trampoline and then they will bounce into a pool filled with crap.

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