Happen Including Search Results

How To: Scratch records

DJ Fooders teaches you some advanced record scratches for intermediate and advanced DJs. Techniques covered included scribbles, the transform, flares, the orbit, the tweak, the crab, and record control techniques.

How To: Use VLC free media player

Learn the basics of VLC player - a free media player that plays almost all video formats (including Flash .flv) as well as DVDs. Learn how to use VLC player to play videos and DVDs as well as how to adjust the aspect ratio, filter videos, or adjust audio quality.

How To: Create clouds in Photoshop

This Photoshop tutorial gives you some great tips on how to use the cloud filter correctly to add clouds to your image. One great tip included, is using the bounding box to add perspective to the clouds.

How To: Cook broccoli

Yes, we know cooking broccoli is a pretty basic skill and you probably know one way to do it already, but let us ask you: Do you actually ENJOY eating that broccoli? If not, then it's prime time to give some new cooking methods a try. Mentioned in this food tutorial are several methods for heating up this cruciferous vegetable, including adding water to it (steaming), putting it on the stovetop, and even throwing it in the microwave.

How To: Talk like a pirate

Impress your friends and neighbors by learning how to speak with an authentic pirate accent. Also included are pirate grammar and vocabulary. Practice hard enough and you should be ready for September 19th (International Talk Like a Pirate Day)!

How To: Cast magic spells

Magic. Does it really exist? Can you really put a hex on somebody… or a love spell? Can you really cast supernatural spells? Believing is up to you, but anyone can be bewitching with the help of a little black — and white — magic.

How To: There's an Easy Way to Stop Random Popup Ads on Android

"Why do I keep getting popups on my phone when I'm not even doing anything?" I see this question asked all the time. The answer? You have a shady app on your phone and it started showing full screen ads. But people either don't know this (so they don't know they just need to find and uninstall the problematic app), or if they do know it's a bad app, they don't know which app is causing it.