Harry's Survival Search Results

How To: Prepare a survival kit

This video shows you how to make a survival kit: i.e. which things to gather together to make a survival kit. This one fits in the palm of your hand. For this kit, you will need the following: a small cloth bag. It can be used to filter sediment out of water. It can also be used to make a patch in clothing.

How To: Make a snare for trapping in the wild

Whether you are venturing on a rugged camping trip, or simply want to brush on your outdoor survival skills, this video will come in handy. Learn how to make a snare for trapping animals when out in the wild. While this trap is illegal in some states, the skill can be useful to know in any desperate survival situation.

How To: Make a mini survival kit in an Altoid's tin

WeaponCollector teaches viewers how to make a mini survival kit using an Altoid's tin. You can get an S.A.S. guide for exact instructions and further information on what you will need in an survival kit. First, you should make sure you have rubber bands around your tin to hold it shut. It is easier to get into it and it keeps it closed. You can also wrap the tin with a power cord. Elastic bands work better if you plan on using this everyday. Simply wrap 3 bands around the width and one around...

How To: Develop a perfect pull-up so you can save yourself

Many, many Americans cannot do a single pull-up. That is just the state of our society. And it means that these people, if faced with a survival situation where they are dangling for a ledge or need to scale a building, are less likely to survive than they could be. This video will teach you how to develop your pull-up motion and techniques to improve your strength and survival ability.

How To: Make a neck knife survival kit

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a neck knife survival kit. This is good to have so you can use it for eating and making shelter as well as protect against wild animals. The neck knife should be a small kit and able to hide underneath a shirt. It should be adjustable with a paracord knot so you can make sure it doesn't snag against something. The knife should be a simple one that has a decent point on it. Make sure the pouch that the knife is in is thick enough not to let the knife poin...

How To: Do useful survival knots

In this tutorial, we learn how to do useful survival knots. To make the sheet bend knot, you will join two different ropes together. First, make two loops, one on each end of the separate ropes. Next, take one of the ends and insert it into the other. After this, take the loose end and push it through the loops. After this, pull it tight and you have your sheet bend knot! The next knot is the bowline knot, which is a secure loop knot. First, make a loop in the rope, then take the smaller end ...

How To: Make a primitive wilderness loom

Staying warm is important to making sure that you survive. Whether it be the end of the world or you find yourself lost in the wilderness, keeping dry and warm is key to survival. In this two part tutorial find out how to make a primitive wilderness loom and a mat to sleep on.

How To: Store food to prepare for a disaster

This short three-part video tutorial series shows how to store food in buckets for long term storage. From peak oil to survival and basic disaster preparation, this is the way to do it. Watch these survival training videos and learn how to store up and save a food reserve for an emergency or disaster situation.

How To: Make char cloth to start emergency fires

Jason shows you in this video tutorial, how to make char cloth to start emergency fires. Making your own emergency fire-starting material could someday save your life! Making char cloth is an easy way to make an emergency fire starter with materials you already have lying around the house, for use in camping, backpacking, hiking, and survival in the wilderness.

How To: Make a fork and spoon in the bush

In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to make utensils in the wilderness. You'll see how to make a wooden fork, spoon, pot hanger and support when out in the woods. Also, learn how to clean your knife using moss. A nice piece of hazel wood is what you'll want for this survival bushcraft technique.

How To: Trap animals

In this how-to video, Andrew Price of Dryad Bushcraft teaches methods of trapping animals in a survival situation. Learn methods of tracking animals as well as the West County trap and wire snare method. Watch this video hunting tutorial and learn how to trap animals like a real Bushman.

How To: Ignite a piece of charcloth with a knife and flint

Building a fire in the wild is key to survival. A simple way to get the job done is with a piece of charcloth (carbonized cotton fiber). Charcloth makes for a highly effective piece of tinder to ensure you'll have a warm fire tonight. You'll need your hardened steel, your sparking stone, dry leaves or sticks and of course your piece of charcloth. Get cooking!

How To: Survive in the woods

If you were lost in the woods tomorrow, would you know how to survive? In this video, Reggie Bennett from the Mountain Shepherd Survival School teaches us the skills for surviving in the wild. From how to start a fire to knowing which kinds of berries are safe to eat, this is the sort of info that it's vital to know in case of emergencies.

How To: Tie the tautline hitch knot

If you never were a scout, or you've forgotten all your skills, this how-to video is for you. If the loop is under weight, the knot will not slip, but you will still be able to adjust the size of the loop by pulling down on the knot by hand. Perfect for all of our tarp tying needs. Watch this video survival training tutorial and learn how to tie the tautline hitch knot.