Harvard Students Search Results

News: This Levitating Light Bulb Defies Gravity (And Ditches Unsightly Power Cords)

Helping to prove that science is way awesome, an 18-year old electrical engineering student has successfully made a light bulb float. His name is Chris Rieger, and he's been working on his "LevLight" project for about six months now, with pretty amazing results. This feat of ingenuity was accomplished by using magnetic levitation, although that over-simplification masks how considerably difficult this undertaking was.

How To: Do a one finger exercise for piano

If you are looking to improve your piano technique then this how to video is the place to start. You will learn how to strengthen individual fingers with these easy piano exercise. This is a great exercise for intermediate to advanced students. With this tutorial you will be able to gain strength in your fingers with this piano exercise. Play stronger, faster and with more confidence with these exercises.

How To: Teach cello vibrato to beginning cellists

In this instructional clip, you'll learn how to most effectively teach the vibrato playing technique to novice cello players through use of the "robot wave" method. This tutorial will also be of use to students of the cello are themselves looking to master the vibrato technique.

How To: Get a Bear on Mybrute.com, a RPG Game (05/15/09)

Click the more info tab to see the instruction on how to get a bear on Mybrute.com. This is a tutorial on how to get a Bear on Mybrute.com, An Online RPG Game, It's a very popular game that a lot of people plays everyday, You don't need to do much action with your hands just sit back and enjoy the show. Getting a bear is hard, because it's a extremely hard pet to get on mybrute.com, some sample pets are Dog,Wolf/Panther,Bear. If you can't read what I typed or did on to get a bear here's a lis...

How To: Fix Defective Pixels & Improve Image Quality on LCD & LED Monitors

I have owned quite the plethora of electronics in my life. A commonality between most of these devices' screens is frozen or dead pixels. This is probably the most annoying thing about buying new hardware—your LCD, or worse, LED display has one or more pixels that continues to stay lit. Most of the time, this will appear in the form of a brightly colored pixel that never changes, or a pixel that never displays the right color. Once you notice it's there, you just can't stop staring at it. It ...

News: Why Facebook Co-Founder's Call for a Breakup Is Focused on the Wrong Target — AR Is Zuckerberg's Next Big Data Bonanza

Next to Apple, Snap is currently one of the most important companies on the planet in terms of delivering products that are moving augmented reality into the mainstream. That's why it's no surprise that Facebook, which is also focused on AR and tried to acquire the company for $3 billion several years ago, duplicates many of the smaller company's features.

NR50: The People to Watch in Mobile Augmented Reality

While the world is only recently becoming aware of its existence, augmented reality has been around in some form or another since the '90s. In the last decade, with the advancement and miniaturization of computer technology — specifically smartphones and tablets — AR has become far more viable as a usable tool and even more so as a form of entertainment. And these are the people behind mobile AR to keep an eye on.

How To: If Cooking Stresses You Out, Mise en Place Can Help

My daughter moved into her first apartment last year, a huge rite of passage in any young person's life. With a mother and two grandmothers who are good cooks (to say the least, in the case of the latter), it's not surprising that she turned to us for some advice about how to improve her own skills in the kitchen. Without question, the single best piece of advice we have given her is to employ mise en place each and every time she prepares a meal.

How To: Get Along with Coworkers Without Saying a Word

Sooner or later, you're going to come across a person at work that you don't like—or someone that doesn't like you. This can result in uncomfortable tension, insulting gossip, and a disrespectful attitude, to name just a few of the negatives. But it doesn't have to be that way. The next time you're having a workplace conflict with a particularly challenging coworker, the best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut, and here's how to do it.

How To: 5 Reasons You Should Stop Sleeping In

Are you someone who always struggles to wake up in the morning, no matter how much you've slept? For most, the thought of getting out of bed any earlier sounds horrific. Yet dragging yourself out of bed and towards the coffee maker a few hours earlier each day can have benefits you've never realized. Here are six reasons that make a compelling case for ending our bad habit of sleeping a little too long.