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How To: Force motion blur on objects in After Effects

In this After Effects tutorial Creative Cow leader Aharon rabinowitz shows you how to add a motion blur to effects that don't support this feature. Motion blur is key for any fast moving objects or effects and it can often cover up imperfections, so it's an important skill to learn. Also covered is adding blur to video footage that has been sped up, and an introduction to CyCore's updated Effects: CyCore FX HD. Force motion blur on objects in After Effects.

News: News Clips - June 6

Collapse At Hand Ever since the beginning of the financial crisis and quantitative easing, the question has been before us: How can the Federal Reserve maintain zero interest rates for banks and negative real interest rates for savers and bond holders when the US government is adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt every year via its budget deficits? Not long ago the Fed announced that it was going to continue this policy for another 2 or 3 years. Indeed, the Fed is locked into the policy.

Coming Soon: World's Biggest Digital Camera and Its 3.2 Billion Pixel View of the Skies

You're probably already impressed at some of the photos amateur astrophotographers can capture with their 16-megapixel digital cameras. I know I am. That's why I'm beefing up my camera skills, so I can also take some amazing pictures of our skies above. But if you can take photos this good with a 16-megapixel camera, imagine what you could do with something a little bigger, say, 3.2 billion pixels! That's a whopping 200 times more pixels!

News: Google+ to Support Pseudonyms, Google Apps & More

Since its inception, Google+ users have been a loud, vocal bunch, and they've made their displeasure known about many issues, especially on the lack of support for pseudonyms, Google Apps, and brand pages. It's been especially galling for many Google loyalists, who found their Google+ profiles suspended, when they ended up violating the Google+ "common name" policy.

News: FOX News Outraged Over Liberal Eco-Minded Kids Games

We've all seen FOX News commentators get worked up about silly non-issues. It occurs more than we'd like, but what happened last week on popular morning show FOX and Friends was not only a misleading and pointless attack on video games, it was an unintelligible attack on a mediocre and forgotten game from 2007, along with a handful of recent indies that no FOX and Friends viewers, or any of their close family members, had ever heard of before this broadcast.

News: Handheld Gene-Z System Detects Cancer with the Help of iPhones and Android Devices

Mobile devices can do just about anything these days, thanks to third-party developers. iPhones and Android devices have been known to do some pretty wild things. Need a dupe key made? Scan and order one with your iPhone. Want to know if you're hotter than Justin Bieber? Compare your facial features. Are you a policeman who needs to ID a suspect? Scan their fingerprints and irides. Want to control your Canon DSLR remotely? Use your Android phone.

How To: Replicate Colonel Sanders' Kentucky Fried Chicken Secret Recipe

Kentucky Fried Chicken is one of those things that nearly everybody loves. But if your craving is strong and you want to make it yourself, think again – the Colonel’s not keen on parting with his top secret recipe. According to KFC’s official site, “one company blends a formulation that represents part of the recipe while another spice company blends the remainder. As a final safeguard, a computer processing system is used to standardize the blending of the products to ensure neither company ...

News: The Revolution of the Hacked Kinect, Part 3: Gaming Gets Artsy

Video games and art have somewhat of a sticky relationship. Many video games have large teams of talented artists doing amazingly creative work, and yet the art community is only just beginning to utilize video games as art (sometimes). Perhaps if video games were shown not just as a medium of expression, but as a means of creating great art as well, the art community would be forced to consider it differently. The third part in the Hacked Kinect series will focus on the artistic possibilitie...

An App for Stalkers: "Creepy" Geo-Locates Based on Social Networking Activity

With the globally rampant use of such social networking platforms as Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, the issue of privacy has become a prevalent concern for many. And for good reason—there's the violation of Facebook employing user names in ads, the Etsy slip-up, and of course, the everyman act of recklessly sharing too much information via common social media outlets: a night of drinking results in morning after embarrassment, or worst case scenario, sloppy Facebook posts and tweets resul...

Old Magic: A Rant

Running this World has prompted me to think about MTG on a deeper level than I ever have before. In attempts to contextualize it, explain it, research it, and understand the parts of it that I don't yet understand, I have come to an unexpected conclusion: I'm old.

News: new Lite Panels announced at NAB

I think this is a fun new product from lite panels.   There are clearly some important specs still being left off this announcement, such as FC readings at different distances, initial lumens, and a better sense of the nature of this light.  Can it spot and flood like a fresnel or is this just another soft source in a round housing?  Hopefully this will be a nice step forward for LEDs and the slow but steady death of tungsten lighting.  

News: XBox 360 Remake-O-Rama!

The aging and maturity of video games as a medium has lead to some unfortunate consequences. One of these, perhaps drawn from the film industry, is the spate of remakes that has overtaken the game market over the last few years. It hasn't been as bad as the remakeorama trend in cinema, but developers have recognized the value in releasing the same thing they already made and making more money off it. Below, a roundup of some remakes of classic games released for XBLA recently, some fantastic,...

Breakfast Interrupted: Tangled Food Captured Midair at 1,000 FPS

They're not the fastest in the world, but Vision Research's line of Phantom high-speed cameras produce some of the best slow motion effects on the web. They can turn violent punches into a chaotic scene of distorted skin and repulsive sweat, or make a night's stay in a hotel room more exciting. Now breakfast gets the Phantom treatment in Breakfast Interrupted, where America's favorite meal gets captured in midair at 1,000 frames per second.

News: New Release of AR-media 2.0 for 3ds Max

AR-media has made some great Augmented Reality software. You can check out their new AR-media™ Plugin for Autodesk® 3ds Max® OR their AR-media™ Plugin for Google™ SketchUp™. They use a marker based technology that allows you to create models in either 3ds Max or SketchUp, then export them as a ARmedia file type to be played by anyone who has the free ARmedia player.

How To: Natural and Flawless Make up Tutorial

Hey guys, I did my favorite look wear. It's quick, easy and most importantly natural look which you can wear every day; wether you are getting ready for a busy day in the office, class or just running errands, this looks fits all occasions. Not to forget natural looks are ALWAYS in, so you will not go wrong applying these steps for just about anything.

News: Hackintosh = Ghetto Mac-in-a-Box

Sometimes going ghetto is the best route, especially when you can save about $1200 big ones. Just ask the guys over at 1 Block Off the Grid. When they needed a fancy Mac to run Adobe After Effects, they decided to Hackintosh it. Meaning they built a Mac in a box -literally (a cardboard Amazon box acts as the "case").

News: 2 New LEGO Great Ball Contraptions (GBC)

The concept stems from aRube-Goldberg style contraption, only it is done with Legos. Each module of the the contraption is built so it can connect another. Below is an example of one module and then several connected together. How complicated a way can you transfer Lego soccer balls from basket to another? Can you do it with or without an RCX controller? Its known in LEGO circles as the GBC . The homepage for this HD version.

News: Vincent LaForet's "The Cabbie" - Shot on 7D

There's an old joke that shooting with available light meant using every light available on the truck.  Fortunately, with Canon's new generation of HD capable DSLR's, the term "available light" means what it ought to.  Vince LaForet's work with HDDSLR cameras is a great example of using both ambient and specular light present at locations in order to not only expose an image but effectively telling a very visually compelling story. Check out "The Cabbie", the first in the installment of Canon...

News: HD Tour of the Brand New International Space Station

Take a tour of the ISS (International Space Station), just posted on YouTube this week. The ISS is an international project, including the five participant space stations: American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Russian Federal Space Agency (RKA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and the European Space Agency (ESA).

News: Zelda's Link Comes to Google Maps

An HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess arrived today for Nintendo's Wii U, and Google is celebrating the occasion by swapping in Link—the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series—for the regular yellow Pegman on Google Maps.