Health Enhancing Search Results

News: The Chemistry of a Perfect Bloody Mary

A perfect Bloody Mary on a Sunday morning could be the best thing that ever happened to the human race. It's tangy, it's sweet, it's spicy...and there's alcohol. Need I say more? Flavor chemist Neil C. Da Costa's latest project is to investigate the taste sensations created by Bloody Mary ingredients and create tips for making the best Bloody Mary humanly possible.

How To: Measure Radiation in Japan, Plus Other Sources of Common, Everyday Intake

In the wake of the recent tragedy in Japan, Southern Californians have been hyper alert to any news regarding dangerous levels of nuclear radiation drifting over from Fukushima. At this time, official statements from the California Department of Public Health and the EPA are assuaging the population that there is nothing to fear. While there has been some detection of radiation in the air, the current levels recorded are "thousands of times below any conservative level of concern". But despit...

How To: Select Home Exterior Paints

Find out if there are local restrictions on color Before you fall in love with “Brilliant Blue”, “Gauche Green”, or any other paint color, check to see if any local authority restricts the colors you can use. This is especially important if you live in an historic area, newer subdivision, or townhouse community. It’s not uncommon to find a list of “approved” colors in these types of neighborhoods.

How To: Keep Fit While On Vacation

It’s that time of the year when everyone feels like taking a long vacation from the hustles of life and bend most of the rules. This is especially with regards to eating habits. Most people tend to forget the importance of eating a healthy diet. However, there are the few of us who still want to keep fit even while on vacation. These are the few fitness fanatics.

News: Culver City Seido's Approach to Improving Your Fitness

The point of any workout is to stress your body and initiate an adaptive training response. Period. What are appropriate levels of stress necessary to achieve the adaptive response? In terms of the cardiovascular system, studies have shown that it usually takes about two minutes to get the heart rate into the training zone. Once there, the heart shows an adaptive response after five more minutes of training in the zone. Total minutes needed to get an adaptive response from your heart? Seven.

News: 6 Meaningless Claims on Food Labels

Hi OLers read the following article to gain some great insight into the mischevious advertising ways of food labels. Thanks to the New York Times for this great article below. Happy Eating6 Meaningless Claims on Food LabelsAlthough food labels are supposed to tell us exactly what’s in the food we’re buying, marketers have created a language all their own to make foods sound more healthful than they really are.Today’s “Consumer Ally” column on AOL’s WalletPop site explores misleading food-labe...

How To: Handle and restrain a mouse for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a mouse.

How To: Make a Tasty Walnut Spread

I would like to encourage you all to try something new in the kitchen area. Do you like the taste of sweet or sour? Or the delicious combination of both? You can make your own healthy walnut spread in just a few minutes and with the usage of only three ingredients. The spread can be used on a few slices of bread for a tasty sandwich.

How To: Effectively Play Hooky from Work

On average, about thirty percent of working Americans have called in sick at least once just to take a day off from work. If you are in the other goody-two-shoes seventy percent of the work force who've only called in sick for actual physical illness or have never actually used a sick day, consider giving yourself a mental health day if you ever feel like you really need it.

How To: Relax Your Shoulders, Back and Neck

The following is a quick and easy way to relieve yourself of strain in the upper region, a common place of tension. This is going to be accomplished through the art of meditation. The technique literally “relaxes your mind” away from your area of discomfort and puts your attention on moving and breathing slowly. The combination of the slow movement and breathing will relax the region and open you to higher healing energy. You will have effectively raised your vibration and allowed healing (wh...

How To: quit a battle without fleeing

Isn't it so annoying when you're happily walking along the border of an area, and suddenly a monster drags you into battle? Then you would have to waste your time fighting someone not on your quest list, and then you would end up losing a lot of your health and maybe even fleeing.Well, here we have a solution! The secret is this: press the Esc key while in battle. That should be self-explanatory.Accidently get into battleSo you accidently walk into a battle and want to leave. Pretty easy step...

News: The Importance of Xavier Becerra

Born in Sacramento, CA on January 1, 1958 and raised by two Mexican immigrant parents, Xavier Becerra was the only Hispanic on the House Ways and Means Committee. He was elected vice chair of the Democratic Caucus for 111th Congress and was a reprensentative from California's 31st district. From 1987-90, he was the California Deputy Attorney General. Xavier Becerra was part of the California State Assembly (1990-92) and has been a member of the U.S. State House since 1993.Xavier Becerra is a ...

News: $26 Buys a Mouthful of Her Breast Milk!

So, apparently in our modernistic approach for child rearing "authenticity", it turns out there is a market for human breast milk. However, for a mother seeking the best for her child, it is impossible to know whether artificial milk or unidentified breast milk is healthier. The FDA certainly does not have the time or funds to step in.

News: MIT Student Invents $3 Blood Sucking Plunger That Could Speed Up Healing for Millions

The medical field has known for some time now that negative pressure (re: suction) can drastically speed up wound recovery time. However, the machines that are currently available are quite expensive, and not an option for third world countries. Enter MIT student Danielle Zurovcik. The doctoral student has created a hand-powered suction-healing system that could completely revolutionize first aid in developing nations. Her device goes for only 3 bucks a pop.

News: Concept App HoloTwin Uses Holograms to Control Real World Objects

Spending time in a holographic environment brings the virtual world to life, but it doesn't actually create much interaction with your physical environment. So Daenet created a concept app called HoloTwin to demonstrate how holograms and real-world devices can interact with one another. While very simple, HoloTwin uses a holographic light bulb as a virtual switch for an actual, physical LED light. While you wouldn't want to strap on the HoloLens every time you wanted to adjust the lighting in...

How To: Pop Delicious Popcorn on the Stove

Remember the oh so delicious buttery popcorn you could only get at the movie theater? You can actually make popcorn that tastes this good right in your own home. All you need are the right ingredients and a little practice. Once you try this delectable snack, you will never eat microwave popcorn again.