Health Fears Search Results

How To: Pass arrays into methods for Java programming

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBostonian will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to pass an array into a method when writing code in the Java programming language. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Write a "Hello, World" program using Java

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBostonian will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to build and compile a simple "Hello, World" program writing code in the Java programming language. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Use instance variables and multiple methods for Java

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBostonian will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to multiple methods and also instance variables inside a class when writing in Java. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Get file info with the file class in Java programming

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBostonian will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to utilize Java's file class to retrieve information about an external file. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Sum the elements of an array for Java programming

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBostonian will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to how to sum all of the elements contained in a given array. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Create a GUI using JFrame when programming in Java

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBostonian will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to create graphical user interfaces (or GUIs) for your apps using Java's JFrame. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Use EnumSet to get a range of constants in Java

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBostonian will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this intermediate-level lesson will discusses how to get a range of constants with Java's EnumSet tool. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Use event handlers for Java programming

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to work with event handlers when coding in Java. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Create a GUI Jbutton for Java game development

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to create simple GUI JButtons when coding in Java. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Use polymorphic methods when Java programming

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to work with polymorphism when coding in Java. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Create a basic JList when programming in Java

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to create and work with simple JLists when coding in Java. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Make checkboxes when programming in Java

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to create and work with GUI check boxes (checkboxes). For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Create a multi-dimensional array in Java programming

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to create a multi-dimensional array when coding in Java. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Create a LinkedList for Java programming

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to work with linked lists when writing code. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Create mouse events for Java programming

Want to write Java applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to create mouse events. For detailed instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Create a GUI with JRadioButtons when Java programming

Want to write Java applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to work with JRadioButtons when developing a graphical user interface (or GUI). For detailed instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Program a mouselook scroll for Java game development

Want to write Java applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to work with the MouseLook class for a free look effect in Java game development. For detailed instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Work with sprites in Java game development

Want to write Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will help you on your merry way to accomplishing just that. Specifically, this lesson will demonstrate how to work with sprites when doing game development. For detailed instructions, watch this programmer's guide.

How To: Use a focus group for new brand name candidates

Focus groups strike fear into the hearts of even the most season marketer, and with good reason. In a world where everything is subject to change based on public opinion, from movie endings, to popcorn flavors, to logo colors, focus groups can make or break a new idea, but it doesn't have to be that way. A focus group is just a way to gather opinions in a vigorous way and can be very useful. Watch this video tutorial to use a focus group to develop and test a new brand name or corporate ident...

How To: Lower blood pressure with a hot pepper chicken recipe

Maintaining a health blood pressure level is a good health strategy. One way to do this is by eating healthy foods. Research has shown that foods with hot spices can reduce blood pressure levels. This video will take you through a recipe to prepare hot pepper chicken. The ingredients are boneless chicken, hot cayenne pepper, ground ginger, ground garlic, black pepper, liquid smoke, 10 cherry tomatoes, fresh garlic, habaneras peppers, jalapeños peppers, and fresh ginger it. To sweeten the reci...

How To: Solve a line integral over a closed path

Line integrals will no longer be the feared terrorist of the math world thanks to this helpful guide from the Khan Academy. Marvel at the ease in which the integral is taken over a closed path and solved definitively. Then take out a sheet of paper and see if you can do the same.

How To: Make coconut milk kefir

In this video, you'll be learning how to make coconut milk kefir, which is a fermented beverage that's thought to be great for your health. Although using fresh, young coconuts is optimal, you can also use storebought coconut to prepare your kefir.

How To: Trim your beard from 3" to 1/2"

November is officially Movember, a month that brings light to men's health issues, especially prostate cancer. "Mo" is the Australian slang for mustache, which is appropriate because during November the quest of Movember is to have guys lay off the shaving for a month and grow mustaches to spread awareness.

How To: Make raw & spicy Jicama fries

In this video, learn a new recipe for Spicy Jicama Fries, which is a fun way to serve jicama, which is a watery, sweet root vegetable. Give this new veggie a try with this quality recipe from the Renegade Health Show. This dish is healthy and tastes great, so why not give it a try? Everyone who tastes it will be asking for seconds for sure!

How To: Juice wheatgrass with the Hurricane Manual Juicer

This Hurricane Stainless Steel Manual Wheatgrass Juicer video demonstration and review from Health Banquet will show you the different parts of this best manual juicer, how to assemble the Wheatgrass Juicer and how simply it juices wheatgrass and barley grass. With this durable, tiny, and easy to clean Hurricane Manual Juice Extractor, you will easily be pulling in this nutritious wheatgrass juice into your diet.

How To: Do pull-ups

Find a fun environment and get ready to work out the chest, back and arms with pull-ups. Learn how to do pull-ups to improve overall health in this fitness tutorial. To practice pull-ups you should grip shoulder-width, contract arms, and pull shoulder blades together. With this how to video you can learn to do pull-ups more effectively.

How To: Troubleshoot plant problems

There are a lot of things that can cause decline in plants. Some are caused by insects or diseases and some are caused by environmental conditions, known as abiotic factors. Consequently, it can be hard to diagnose which, or what combination, of the above factors are resposnible for the poor health of your plant. In this green video tutorial, you'll learn how to troubleshoot plant problems. To learn what it takes, take a look.

How To: Store breast milk after pumping

Breastfeeding is beneficial both for the mother and child. Properly storing your breast milk can make all the difference in how nutritious and health-boosting it is for your child. This maternity how-to video explains the best ways to pump and store breast milk.

How To: Detect estrus in female beef cattle

Dr. Allen Bridges details methods for detection of estrus in beef cattle, part of an efficient breeding program. Poor estrus detection results in poor pregnancy rates. Learn how to maximize pregnancy rates and increase the health of female beef cattle by watching this video tutorial.

How To: Keep seniors from falling at home

As our parents and grandparents age, they begins to loose balance and coordination. Recognizing when seniors might fall is important to their health and safety. This how to video gives you seven great tips to keep your elderly loved ones from falling. Remember to have adequate lighting, space, handles, and walking aids for your seniors.