Health Fears Search Results

News: Intro to TV Writing

As a Screenwriting Student, I can never get enough basic tips on how to do something. Even something as simple as TV writing, which is what I learned first can be so tedious and difficult. I found this while surfin the web.

News: Brazil keeps getting away with more than two hands.

If you happened to be watching Brazil vs. Portugal, you might have noticed something weird in keeper Julio Cesar's back after he and Meirelles collided. It was some kind of steel rod support for his injured back. According to FIFA article 4, it's illegal for players to wear any kind of equipment that can be dangerous to the player wearing it or to others. This is the reason players can't wear chains around their necks, or rings in their fingers, since these things can get caught with other pl...

News: 6 Meaningless Claims on Food Labels

Hi OLers read the following article to gain some great insight into the mischevious advertising ways of food labels. Thanks to the New York Times for this great article below. Happy Eating6 Meaningless Claims on Food LabelsAlthough food labels are supposed to tell us exactly what’s in the food we’re buying, marketers have created a language all their own to make foods sound more healthful than they really are.Today’s “Consumer Ally” column on AOL’s WalletPop site explores misleading food-labe...

News: Heart Beet Gardening!

Be Still My Beating Heart, it's Heart Beet Gardening! So we all know that eating organic can be a challenge sometime to our pocket books. With tomatoes being $3 a pound some places, I often get asked how can I eat organic without breaking my bank account. One solution, grow your own! Not sure how to do that? Heart Beet Gardening is here to show you how!

News: Signal, Snowden's Favorite Secure-Messenger App, Is Now on Your Desktop

Encryption is on everyone's mind these days, from the FBI's battles in court with Apple to WhatsApp's recent announcement of end-to-end encryption for their one billion users. Now you can add Signal, whistleblower Edward Snowden's favorite messaging app, back to that whirlwind discussion. Created by Open Whisper Systems, Signal is an encrypted messenger app that allows you to send text, images, video, and audio messages without the fear of prying eyes. They already have an Android and iOS app...

How To: Celebrate National Boss's Day to Get What You Want by "Managing Your Boss"

Boss's Day is on October 16th, and this year it falls on a Saturday— what better of a day to celebrate Boss's Day? More than likely, you won't be working in the office this weekend, and if you are, you probably don't feel like celebrating and thanking your boss for being so kind and fair. So, forget the cake and ice cream and instead, take the chance to develop a good relationship with your boss, because hating or kissing up to your boss just isn't the way to go.

How To: Effectively Play Hooky from Work

On average, about thirty percent of working Americans have called in sick at least once just to take a day off from work. If you are in the other goody-two-shoes seventy percent of the work force who've only called in sick for actual physical illness or have never actually used a sick day, consider giving yourself a mental health day if you ever feel like you really need it.

How To: Relax Your Shoulders, Back and Neck

The following is a quick and easy way to relieve yourself of strain in the upper region, a common place of tension. This is going to be accomplished through the art of meditation. The technique literally “relaxes your mind” away from your area of discomfort and puts your attention on moving and breathing slowly. The combination of the slow movement and breathing will relax the region and open you to higher healing energy. You will have effectively raised your vibration and allowed healing (wh...

How To: quit a battle without fleeing

Isn't it so annoying when you're happily walking along the border of an area, and suddenly a monster drags you into battle? Then you would have to waste your time fighting someone not on your quest list, and then you would end up losing a lot of your health and maybe even fleeing.Well, here we have a solution! The secret is this: press the Esc key while in battle. That should be self-explanatory.Accidently get into battleSo you accidently walk into a battle and want to leave. Pretty easy step...

News: The Importance of Xavier Becerra

Born in Sacramento, CA on January 1, 1958 and raised by two Mexican immigrant parents, Xavier Becerra was the only Hispanic on the House Ways and Means Committee. He was elected vice chair of the Democratic Caucus for 111th Congress and was a reprensentative from California's 31st district. From 1987-90, he was the California Deputy Attorney General. Xavier Becerra was part of the California State Assembly (1990-92) and has been a member of the U.S. State House since 1993.Xavier Becerra is a ...

News: $26 Buys a Mouthful of Her Breast Milk!

So, apparently in our modernistic approach for child rearing "authenticity", it turns out there is a market for human breast milk. However, for a mother seeking the best for her child, it is impossible to know whether artificial milk or unidentified breast milk is healthier. The FDA certainly does not have the time or funds to step in.

News: MIT Student Invents $3 Blood Sucking Plunger That Could Speed Up Healing for Millions

The medical field has known for some time now that negative pressure (re: suction) can drastically speed up wound recovery time. However, the machines that are currently available are quite expensive, and not an option for third world countries. Enter MIT student Danielle Zurovcik. The doctoral student has created a hand-powered suction-healing system that could completely revolutionize first aid in developing nations. Her device goes for only 3 bucks a pop.

News: Concept App HoloTwin Uses Holograms to Control Real World Objects

Spending time in a holographic environment brings the virtual world to life, but it doesn't actually create much interaction with your physical environment. So Daenet created a concept app called HoloTwin to demonstrate how holograms and real-world devices can interact with one another. While very simple, HoloTwin uses a holographic light bulb as a virtual switch for an actual, physical LED light. While you wouldn't want to strap on the HoloLens every time you wanted to adjust the lighting in...

How To: Make a Tasty Walnut Spread

I would like to encourage you all to try something new in the kitchen area. Do you like the taste of sweet or sour? Or the delicious combination of both? You can make your own healthy walnut spread in just a few minutes and with the usage of only three ingredients. The spread can be used on a few slices of bread for a tasty sandwich.