Healthful Human Search Results

How To: Earn Trust from Your Rabbit

This is about how to make a rabbit become less wary of you and more trustful with you also. I myself have a Dutch that was released by its previous owner, then I rescued it. She never wants to be took out of her cage, but now she doesn't mind as long as I'm gentle and nice.

How To: Find & Eradicate Android Apps Maliciously Tracking You on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

A wave of shock and anger swept across the country after Edward Snowden released private documents recounting the U.S. government's secretive mass surveillance programs. Although some of the fear was unwarranted (they don't read your emails or listen to your calls), many scrambled to find privacy of new heights for protection from the all-watchful eye. While the government may not be tracking you down, there are a myriad of other candidates that fill that Big Brother role—and I'm not talking ...

How To: Watch the Hobbit

Many people that I know who have gone to see the Hobbit have come back unimpressed or annoyed with the film. I LOVED it. When those non-specific people, cough Loziers cough, gave me their reasons for not liking the movie, I was very annoyed... I considered the demands that they were placing on Peter Jackson and his team to be very high and unreasonable. So, as a method of venting my anger, here is how to watch the Hobbit. If you’ve read Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, please, go back, and R...

News: Why Defining Steampunk Is Worthwhile

I've tried my hand in the past at defining Steampunk, but as anyone else who has made a similar attempt will tell you, there's a significant backlash from the community against working to create a real definition of what Steampunk is. That may sound ridiculous to some, but it's a very serious matter to others. With the recent announcement that TeslaCon 4 will be called the Congress of Steam, I think it's appropriate to talk about why all of this stuff is worth it. In this article, I'm going t...

News: 15 Quick Google+ Tips

Are you feeling like you've got the hang of Google+? Or do you, as I do sometimes, feel like there are just a few too many quirks to keep track of? Here, I've given you 15 quick tips you should know about Google+ so you can maximize the way you want to use it.

How To: Are There Bedbugs in Your Library Books? Here's How to Spot and Destroy Those Bloodsuckers!

Of all the places you'd think to check for bed bugs, I doubt that library books would be at the top of your list. As odd as it sounds, though, libraries and library books are some of the most common places for bed bug infestations. Libraries all over the country have reported bed bug problems this summer, and some have even had to temporarily close to take care of the problem. But before you vow to never set foot inside a library again, here's a little primer on how to check your books for be...

How To: Detect and treat ticks on dogs

Ticks on dogs not only cause discomfort to your dog, but may also cause diseases to dogs as well as humans. Ticks appear as tiny, dark insect or a fat skin-colored bump and may be found on their legs and especially on the pads of the feet. If ticks are found, put on latex gloves and use tick spray to get the tick to back out of the skin and grab it with tweezers. Apply disinfectant to your pet's skin afterwards and your dog will soon be healthy and tick-free once again.

How To: A Hacker's Guide to Programming Microcontrollers

While hackers know and love the Raspberry Pi, many don't know of its cheaper cousin, the microcontroller. Unlike a Pi, which can be used more or less like a regular computer, microcontrollers like the Wi-Fi connected ESP8266 require some necessary programming skill to master. In this guide, we'll build an Arduino program from scratch and explain the code structure in a way anyone can understand.

NR50: Next Reality's 50 People to Watch: Tony Parisi

Tony Parisi, the global head of VR/AR at Unity Technologies, has been passionately working with virtual and immersive spaces for a long time. And while the internet world we live in now is very different than when Parisi was co-authoring VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) — an early attempt at creating 3D environments that would work in a web browser — some of the questions that were assumed answered are being asked again.

NR50: The People to Watch in Mobile Augmented Reality

While the world is only recently becoming aware of its existence, augmented reality has been around in some form or another since the '90s. In the last decade, with the advancement and miniaturization of computer technology — specifically smartphones and tablets — AR has become far more viable as a usable tool and even more so as a form of entertainment. And these are the people behind mobile AR to keep an eye on.

SPLOIT: What to Expect in the Journey as Hackers

Greetings my fellow aspiring hackers, It's still Christmas and we have a lot of things and hugs and kisses and ... to share ( you know the things that you do ). I have never done this before but I just felt to encourage you on the quest for knowledge, security and defence, skills and a whole lot more that comes out as a result of pursuing hacking. What we mean by hacking on this forum is White hat Hacking and OTW has great articles on it and I don't need to explain myself on that one.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Crack Passwords, Part 2 (Cracking Strategy)

Welcome back, my hacker apprentices! Last week, I started off my password cracking series with an introduction on the principles and technologies involved in the art of cracking passwords. In past guides, I showed some specific tools and techniques for cracking Windows, online, Wi-Fi, Linux, and even SNMP passwords. This series is intended to help you hone your skills in each of these areas and expand into some, as yet, untouched areas.