Healthy Evening Search Results

How To: Make homemade microwave popcorn

With the carcinogenic additives in today's microwave popcorn, we at have developed a method of microwaving popcorn that is healthier, cheaper and (in the opinions of our test tasters) tastier. A delicious and healthy treat for about $0.10 that just about anyone can make. Great for students!

How To: Make sevia kesari

Sevia kesari, an Indian vermicelli dessert (aka Sukhi Sevia or Eid ki Sevia) is just as delicious as it is easy to make. It is a wonderful twist and healthy alternative to Suji ka Halwa, which uses a lot more ghee. Sevia is a traditional sweet dish prepared in celebration of Eid.

How To: Make banana dosai

Banana Dosai is an Indian pancake with banana and is another Indian festival food. It can be used as a dessert or an appetizer (we think it sounds perfect for breakfast!) and is actually very healthy.

How To: Make coconut chutney

Many of us probably associate coconut mostly with dessert or dinner, but rarely breakfast. In this video you will learn how to make coconut chutney from raw coconut which is a must have for Indian breakfast food like dosai and a healthy easy way to start your day.

How To: Style loose to wavy curls

The secret of successful styling is to maintain "Healthy Hair". While in the shower cleanse your hair with the gentle Botanical Shampoo once or twice a week, followed by the Botanical Rinse. Also use Deep Therapy Masque once a week to avoid dryness and frizziness.

How To: Drain yogurt

Yogurt makes a healthy and delicious addition to dips, sauces and soups, but sometimes it can make a recipe taste watery. The solution is to drain the yogurt in a sieve lined with cheesecloth or a clean, lint-free dish towel in the refrigerator overnight until the yogurt becomes thick and creamy-looking.

How To: This Simple Step Will Take Your Quinoa to the Next Level

Nowadays, it feels like you can't talk about eating healthy without bringing up quinoa. Quinoa (KEEN-wah) has been the "superstar" of the health movement for a while; 2013 was declared the International Year of Quinoa by the United Nations, and has only continued to grow in popularity with both health nuts and culinary experts alike through the past few years. The true testament to quinoa's success has been its eventual integration into our everyday lives. Quinoa is now very accessible to fol...

How To: Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this momentum: from those hocking "magic bullet" pills that will increase your energy or reduce your belly fat to the myriad shake- and juice-based diets that put you at a near-starvation calorie input—and will probably have you...

News: Could Cooking White Rice with Coconut Oil Cut Calories?

White rice is cheap, filling, and tasty. No wonder so many countries in the world rely on it as a mealtime staple, including most of East and Southeast Asia. Alas, because of its relative lack of nutrition and its high calorie count, consuming lots of white rice regularly also puts people at risk for diseases like diabetes and obesity.

News: Frustrated by Acne? New Research Shows Skin Microbiome Makes a Difference

The squiggly guys in this article's cover image are Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria live in low-oxygen conditions at the base of hair follicles all over your body. They mind their own business, eating cellular debris and sebum, the oily stuff secreted by sebaceous glands that help keep things moisturized. Everybody has P. acnes bacteria—which are commonly blamed for causing acne—but researchers took a bigger view and discovered P. acnes may also play a part in keeping your skin clear.

How To: Manage second day unwashed hair frizzies

Hairstylists often recommend that you don't wash your hair more than three or four times a week, since the natural hair oils will help maintain hair moisture and keep strands strong and healthy. But any girl who leads an active (read: sweat-inducing) lifestyle knows that second day hair feels greasier than the gulf coast.

How To: Make healthy, gluten-free stuffing for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost near and everyone's scrambling around for turkey and stuffing recipes. But if you're expecting guests with coeliac disease, then you're going to have to play it safe. Use this stuffing recipe that abides to a gluten-free diet, but just because it's gluten-free, doesn't mean it won't taste great! Trust us, you won't even tell the difference!